Alright, so I've been playing Pacific Front for a good while, 2-3 weeks now I think? My synopsis of them is that they're a little bit under-powered, I disagree with the pricing of some units and others are just... Not very useful at all, and more of a detriment than a benefit.
So I guess I will start with the Kappa tank, I'm fairly sure everyone knows that the Kappa just plain sucks, it's useless when there are Zephyrs, with Zephyrs costing only $950, the same as Qilin, and the Kappa costing $800, it's slow, it's weak, it doesn't have very good firepower, I see no point in using it unless to defend against Borillo rushers, which even then, pretty useless (But it doesn't matter since Borillos will be getting nerfed), I think they'd be better as some kind of tick tank, having the ability to deploy to have longer range and a little bit better health, I often find myself needing to dig into a position while playing as Pacific Front since a lot of their units, excluding the Battle Fortress has very weak health, and since they're artillery-centric, they need to be able to actually bombard the opponent safely, and at least then I think the Kappa might actually have some form of use, but the Amphibious thing, I think, makes them a bit overpowered on maps concerning naval warfare, you've got a War Factory producing tanks which are seemingly equal in firepower to the Piranha, and then your naval yard which is producing Destroyers, costing only $200 more than a single Kappa, if you can rush the opponent's naval force at that point then there is a very likely chance you'll control the sea, leaving only Aircraft Carriers left to build.
The Tsurugi, for a unit which is a slow IFV, it seems a little costly, it's AA isn't very useful and neither is it's AT, most people use IFV's as transportation for an engineer to capture Oil Derricks, or to back up other superior AA, and usually to be effective it needs to be garrisoned with another unit like a GI or a GGI, but because of it's weak armor I don't ever garrison a GGI inside the Tsurugi, even flaktroopers will take it down very quickly, so, the Tsurugi in comparison to the Flaktrack seems rather costly, it's slow and weak, and needs to be equipped with a GI to be any good against infantry, whereas the Flaktrack is sort of good against infantry, it's fast, it can hold two passengers, it's fairly good against Aircraft, where the usual Aircraft for Allies are Jets and Rocketeers. I think it could use a price decrease, it's slow speed makes it a bit difficult to be much effective against Air units, and it needs to be garrisoned with a GI to be good against infantry, boosting it's price to $670.
The Blizzard Tank, as a support unit seems way too difficult to use efficiently, and seems to suck against air units and infantry, as a unit that costs $1300, it's just more of a detriment than any kind of assistance, perhaps if it had an AOE shot instead of just singular targeting, then it would be much much more useful, but as it is, I never want to build it, takes up too much time when I could be building Hailstorms, Battle Fortresses or even Tsurugi's which would be more efficient.
Norio. Norio is a little bit too weak, and he has crap range, he can't really be used with my main force because he'll get shot down so quickly by even the most basic AA, yeah I can use him to harass the opponent, maybe take out an important structure or two before they can kill him, but if the opponent builds some AA that can defend each part of the base, then he is useless, I think overall perhaps he needs a buff.
So I think that's that concerning the unique units, Battle Fortress and the Hailstorm are fine I think.
But I have problems with some Allied units and some Soviet units.
So the Rocketeer, not really that helpful I think... He's expensive and doesn't do much damage to anything really, I can build them in hordes, but that would require a decent economy and I require GGI's & SEALs to defend my little group of units containing Zephyrs & Tsurugi's, a single Rocketeer will get killed by 2 Flaktroopers, $300 versus my $550, but Flaktroopers, not only are effective against Air units, but they have their ability to be very effective against vehicles, they're a lot cheaper and can be massed much easier, so I guess this is the part where I'm having an issue with a Soviet unit, the Flaktrooper is pretty cheap and can be amassed very easily, and I think perhaps it does a bit too much damage to armored units, there, I said it. You can get about 3 Flaktroopers for nearly the same cost as 1 GGI, and although GGI's cannot be crushed when deployed, a large number of Flaktroopers backed up with a few other units would quite likely do severe damage to anybody who attempts to run them over. But perhaps I'm only having this problem because the Allies appear to lack decent anti-infantry units, or at least Pacific Front in particular, at this point in the game anyways. Oh, and he is only slightly cheaper than even the Gyrocopter.
The Navy SEAL doesn't really seem to be as good as it used to be, it's pretty much the only Infantry that I can rely on to deal with my opponent's Infantry, it costs $700 and seems to be around the same as a Pyro when it comes to dealing damage, a Pyro, a Soviet anti-infantry & anti-structure unit that costs only $400, and then there are Infantry like the Brute, Tesla Trooper & Desolater/Eradicator which are really tough to kill, the Desolater will just destroy my Infantry, and has the bonus of being effective against vehicles as well, the Brute is a tough unit that will pretty much wreck anything that it gets close to, Pacific Front being the slow pokes that they are, are very vulnerable to the Brute, SEALs simply don't seem to kill them fast enough, nor do Hailstorms, and then my units simply aren't fast enough to retreat. I've lost SEALs even to damn Conscripts.
Time and time again, I've had matches where I've had a low economy, and a vastly superior economy and still face these issues continuously and have used different strategies. Well I'm giving up on Mental Omega, I've played the crap out of Pacific Front and I don't have the patience to just pick up another Faction and start playing again, it's tiring and tedious, I'll come back when the patch is brought out (whenever that is), but I hope the MO Staff will consider what I've written and at least test it out for themselves.
Edited by Protozoan, 12 January 2014 - 11:49 PM.