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MO3.0 Feedback // MISSIONS/CO-OP

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#21 Zenothist


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 09:36 AM

I agree. Having to wait for units to heal back up breaks the flow of the mission. "Burned Alive" has this issue as well, though it is alleviated by the health crates that are available.

#22 Eternity 6

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 11:16 AM

1 Does anyone have some tips for the allies mission 3 single player ?

2 Does all crates have an area of effect like the vetrancy crate if the do could you make them flash if they got the power up?

3 For the first allied co-op map the AI builds / replaces their structures and even builds defences

4 How do you take a photo in the game?

5 What happened to the attack move feature from version 2.0?


#23 Zenothist


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 11:21 AM

1. Make good use of the Abrams you get in the mission. They'll really help you out! The Stormchildren are good for taking out the heavier units the Confederation send to you.


2. The buff crates have an area of affect. Highlighting the affected units in a way is a nice idea. We'll see if that's possible.


3. Depending on where those structures are, it might be intentional. Could you provide more details on this?


4. The game does have a hotkey for taking screenshots, but you need to bind the key in the options menu. Otherwise, using Prt Scr and pasting the result in an image editor should work fine as well.


5. That feature is still in game! Use Ctrl + Shift + Left Mouse Button.

#24 Martinoz


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 12:16 PM

1 Does anyone have some tips for the allies mission 3 single player ?


#25 Eternity 6

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 12:17 PM

1. Make good use of the Abrams you get in the mission. They'll really help you out! The Stormchildren are good for taking out the heavier units the Confederation send to you.

What when do you get them ?
3 at the red soviet base the build power plants , tesla coils and a warfactory .At the yellow base they build power plants .The red also build a barraks neer the center of the map near the old one in the mine field , I'll try to get pictures.

1 . O F*** I'm ment mission 4 sorry :(
2. At the red soviets base : power plants , warfactory , tesla coils .At the Yellow base power and the reds build a barraks near the old one in the middle of the map near the mine feild . I'll try to get photos if it happens again.

Edited by Zenothist, 02 December 2013 - 12:22 PM.

#26 mevitar



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Posted 02 December 2013 - 01:02 PM

Is there any other way then destroying almost everything beside the critical targets before I have to move Morales to his position, or can you make it so when Morales is in position, he switches teams, and is ignored by the AI?

Yes, there is.

But to be honest, when i first completed this mission (when he was still targetable by Warhawks and Rocketeers) i didn't use any paradrops. I just kept my eyes constantly on Morales after i got him to the spot, because i already knew that Speeder is a bastard. :p I managed to kill all infantry that got there before it got to him, because due to little room to move they have to move in a line.

Edited by mevitar, 02 December 2013 - 05:25 PM.

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#27 delulytric

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 01:09 PM

I played through the whole Allied mission on Easy (casual player) except for Allied 4 and 7. (4 crashed on me when I was almost done; treated as mission completed, 7 died halfway, reset too many times w/o save). The learning curve was okay, but Allied 4 really is an anomaly... 


Allied 4: There isn't any anti-tank weaponry from SEALs and Rocketeers - and bam too much Tsivil, Flaks and sentry guns. It doesn't even seem to be a mission to me since it's basically tank tsivil, get rocketeer to heal and repeat cycle till you get to the Port Authority Building, then it's just SEALs C4-ing submarines and then killing of all units.


The later missions are more interesting, such as Allied 10 where you have to rely on your GGI and Tsurugi prototype to win, Allied 11 where it really sparked my interest because of its nature of its mission and finally Allied 12 where things get a little surprising with Latin Confederation popped out with massive paradroppers in my main base.

Edited by delulytric, 02 December 2013 - 01:14 PM.

#28 Solais


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 05:03 PM

Road Tripping was a fun mission, easiest MO mission so far, but still very fun.


I'll attempt A04 again sometimes later. I did notice that sentries can't shoot through walls, but sometimes they still kinda did, so I just a little afraid.


E02 is also a mission that keeps kicking my ass, but I'm not yet given up upon that.


As for taking a screenshot in game, I read it another thread that it's shift+s by default. That's how I took my screenshot as well.

Edited by Solais, 02 December 2013 - 05:03 PM.

#29 Dutchygamer

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 06:10 PM

@All: thanks for the warnings. I find it funny to see everyone says they have to redo missions multiple times. I admit I've only done the Sov campaign so far, and I may be doing them a bit slow but surely, but only Sov 3 has taken me more then a single try. Also, I approve of the Yuri imitator you guys found :)


#30 Solais


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 07:13 PM

What if instead of two seals, A04 would have Tanya instead. It might be doable that way.

#31 mevitar



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Posted 02 December 2013 - 07:43 PM

I think that would be too much Tanya. She can't be everywhere.
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#32 Martinoz


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 08:11 PM

What if instead of two seals, A04 would have Tanya instead. It might be doable that way.

There was a Tanya in old alpha stages, but we scrapped it because the mission was way too easy.


#33 Solais


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 08:18 PM

Hmm. Then what if at some later point of the mission, you could get an additional seal? I always lose one when I have to get up a ramp with a sentry and a AA gun on top. Maybe it could arrive with the engineer. Along with a few health or armor crates here and there, to make the mission a little more dynamic.

#34 Asylum

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 08:23 PM

In the first Epsilon/PsiCorps mission, where is the agent I'm supposed to use to infiltrate the battle lab after I capture the tech spy sat?  Btw, outstanding work on the missions, and the Epsilon soundtrack fits the mission perfectly!   :thumbsuphappy:

#35 Solais


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 08:49 PM

You can try pressing N to cycle through your units, that way you can find it.

#36 Speeder



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Posted 02 December 2013 - 09:01 PM

In the first Epsilon/PsiCorps mission, where is the agent I'm supposed to use to infiltrate the battle lab after I capture the tech spy sat?  Btw, outstanding work on the missions, and the Epsilon soundtrack fits the mission perfectly!   :thumbsuphappy:

From what I remember a radar event (square on the minimap) shows his location.


#37 D1ngo

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 11:59 PM

Got through most of the Allied and Soviet missions without many problems (Yes, they are quite tough but doable).

1st of all I'd like to point out that I love the variety of mission gameplay, There are not many missions that are alike.

Warning - Lots of spoilers ahead!



All 1 - The mission is just great, flashy, lots of action and overall Fun, but the very ending when you take control and have to sweep up the soviet base can get a bit long.

All 2 - Its a fine mission, although I don't see the point of having tanya locked on the cliff when she would be much more usefull during the capturing of the base, after the base is captured I just keep her safe because the main soviet base is way to well defended to risk it.

All 3 - It's ok, although if you can micromanage your jets and get enough rocketeers it gets easy.

All 4 - I think we all agree, it's bloody tough, possibly a bit too much.

All 5 - The aura of mystery, oh its great. The only problem I've found with it is the timer that conviniently appears when you enter the land, you have to find the engineer and you don't even know where he is, and the fact that soviets have occupied 50% of the buildings doesnt help much. Moreover the timer can be abused, if you spam inf and keep them in transports filling the river, you can spam your way through the city, but that isn't the point of the mission is it? Scrapping the timer and adding some additional victory condition would make the mission easier while still keeping it challanging and fun. Also, it could use some aircraft for map scouting.

All 6 - Great remake of the original RA2 mission, I like one or two of them around, just remember not to have too many of them or it will just get unoriginal.

All 7 - It's an ok, quick and easy mission (maybe, dare I say, too easy, an additional victory condition on the sides of the map would make it interesting), kinda reminded me of the RA2 one when Tanya has to infiltrate Nuke silos on border of Poland.

All 8 - Seals can get really clumsy under the bridge, but once additional troops arrive i's ok

All 9 - Haven't done it yet but seems quite straightforward, I like the gameplay element of forced gaining ground, you need to capture all the radar domes and destroy the Nuke which is ticking...

All 10 - Not yet, but it's interesting

All 11 - Once (if* ;-) ) you get the entire convoy (that means both the transport and the MCV) it's easier (saves would be really useful in this mission).

All 12 - Perfect. Just brilliant - Big Naval battle, lots of credits to spend, add to that that you have 3 things to protect - Anti nuke system, your island with its utilities (3 oil derricks <3 ) and your base (oh not to mention the naval base, if you loose it it will be much harder to protect the Gladius system.

And it's even fun to loose - Did I mention that you get to see the missle flying and Britain geting obliterated ingame?



Sov 1 - The mission can be very easily be broken - if you capture the barracks in the "birdge outpost" and than proceed to capture the oil derricks, you can basically overrun the allies before being given access to the supply base. If players were given the outpost from the beggining (or after the destruction of Lady Liberty) the problem of lacking troops to destroy the outpost or breaking the mission would both be gone.

Sov 2 - The AI has infinite number of ships which though, prevents from dreadnought "Spray and Pray" into the AA, it really makes decision process (where to go, which spot to attack) a bit harded (could use some map scouting just like All 5)

Sov 3 - Great mission, here it's good and logical that Morales has to stay on the cliffs, I dont like though that the presidend didnt make a heroic escape when my forces started the assault, he just appeared on the airfield like nothing happened, even though 6 battalions of infantry assaulted the base from all sides (All in all, It would be good if we could just obliterate the president with the main army force.

oh ps: This mission really reminded me of that C&C3 NOD one in Washington when you get the flame tanks, coincidence or a slight homage?

Sov 4 - A Fantastic remake of the RA2 one, The original was awful, this one however is a gem!

Sov 5 - Really could use an MCV and being able to build defenses around the beacon. Moreover the power being at its limit is a chore (I know the premise of this mission is to capture additional power plants, just saying)

Sov 6 - Quick and easy mission, The Tower could use a custom destruction animation, and a radar lock (Screen lock) durign the satellite strike (I was looking at the destruction and didnt notice it, the tower just dissapeared for me).

Sov 7 - Simple mission, infiltrate, build base, destroy, reminds me of one RA1 mission...

Oh, why green snow? Aurora borealis?

Sov 8 - Brilliant, An epic remake of the pearl harbor missions (Sucks though that you didnt fit in the original base island from the soviet version of the mission), the map is huge, Gigantic! But what steals the show is the second part of the mission, when the AI builds the base and you have to protect it from the sea, the Human assisting the AI is a great gameplay element, please more!

Sov 9 - A great use of the small map, the terrain can be a bit boring but the gameplay is fast paced, and keeps the action going, the last wave can be a bit tricky, and as I saw, most attacks went for the northern Topol, only few actually went for the south one.

Sov 10 - Interesting mission, although it really requires a player to keep moving as the kirov moves quite fast (it already went past the 1st AA line before I got there)

Sov 11 - 1st part (the sabotour one) is a chore, you have to infiltrate the lab which you do not see on the map (Gap generators) which is protected by a guard dog Which, you do not see.

After try 948 when you finally make it, its a great mission, especially when you take the seismic controller, its just beautiful. But unfortunately without saves its almost unplayable

Sov 12 It's ok I guess, I expected something more exciting but It's only the end of the 1st act so the breaking of comintern is something big.


Epsilon I only went through some but I'd like to still post some comments.

Ep1 - Lovely, the atmosphere of war is in the air as the peace slowly melts away, love it, and the homage to the intro <3

Ep4 - It's a bit boring for en Ep mission you get an allied base, you defend it from constant airdrops and go out against allied fleet - build base, defend, destroy.

Ep11 - I see what you did there ;-)


All in all the campaign is great, it's hard, but with coming of saves it will get doable.

The only problem I had with it is that it just keeps you wanting for more of the awesome, When's the Act II coming?! ;-)

Edited by D1ngo, 03 December 2013 - 10:46 AM.

#38 MentalA04

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Posted 03 December 2013 - 04:58 AM

Oh my fucking god, im so pissed, you have no idea, i played whole night, like 4-5 hours on allied mission 4 at mental difficulty, i pretty much perfected it, i even trained each of my rocket man to the highest exp (star), leting one at a time to manualy finish of units/buildings that cant fight back, same with seals, no casualties, after around 3 hours map was pretty much cleared, exept red base and enter to orange base that was alredy demolished, i got base, fortify it, and finaly clear out all the damn map, and what next? Nothing, absolutely nothing, i keep on and destroyed everything on the map, even most of the netural building, i sended dogs all over the place, there was nothing on the map, exept my army and base, everything was left in ruins, i had no smoke, nothing could hide, the last thing i destroyed was big building in the left bottom corner, it was half hiden at the map border, i killed it, then bunch of infantry came out, they were killed, it was last forces, i didnt know where to put this so i post this on mission and bug thread, it either no one tested this map at mental, or either there some bug that prevent game from ending and giving me a victory i deserve, sor for my english.

#39 Speeder



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Posted 03 December 2013 - 08:34 AM

MentalA04, so A04 'Heaven and Hell': so you were unable to finish the mission after all? If so, then it is a confirmed bug and I'll look into it.


#40 MentalA04

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Posted 03 December 2013 - 09:02 AM

Yep, coudnt, searched whole map, nothing at all, fog of war was long gone, i looked in each inch, everything was destroyed, but mission was keep playing, i suggest 2 things, first it have something with spawn at mental difficulty, mb something spawned or stuck off map where i coudnt reach it, in normal it spawn lesser waves, so with big waves something could stuck, or another thing is when i destroyed building that was half hiden beyond map at its border in bottom left, where you need to get up, there 2 turrets guarding, may be when the building were garrisoned they "exit" the other way around? i saw some infantry getting out after i damaged it, but may be part of it got to this side of map, and part to the other, beyond my reach, i sugest if trigger set to "all enemy forces destroyed - victory", then something was left, i even spammed dogs, in cases something invisible is there, i literally covered whole map with them, still got nothing, when you check it out, please inform me here what it was after all. Tnx in advance.

Edited by MentalA04, 03 December 2013 - 09:03 AM.

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