To whoever designed the Soviet mission "Unshakeable": FUCK YOU. That goddamn 'mission' is impossible. Let me brake it down:
1: First off - that fucking goddamn dog. When trying to accomplish the first objective of infiltrating the Tech Center, I was continually aggravated by that goddamn Attack Dog guarding the Tech Center - which I couldn't see since there was a fucking Gap Generator in the way! After multiple attempts to get around that fucking dog by using the Hijacker as bait (why the hell do have him anyways? Why not just give me two Saboteurs instead of just one?) - which, by the way, took multiple tries - I finally managed to infiltrate that damn Tech Center.
2: That goddamn sniper on the cliff. Fucking annoying as hell when I realized that sniper was there picking off my advancing landing forces. But, as annoying as it is, I dealt with it. Doesn't make me feel that much better, though.
3: You know what the worst part is? The goddamn objectives changing every five minutes! Before I can even grind my way up to the Allied base, it turns out, the fucking Chinese control the area! So now I have to turn around and grab more reinforcements, and deal with not Japanese, but Chinese forces! Fucking Nuwa Cannons are pain in the ass when you weren't even expecting them there! But, once again, before I could even work my way up to that Allied base again, the objectives change once again, and now I have to deal with a huge-ass "Seismic Stabilizer" piece of crap which is keeping the entire region from erupting into earthquakes! Not even five fucking minutes after completing the first objective, I get three changes in objectives in rapid succession! That's not even enough time to get situated on what the hell is going on! What the fuck!?
4: The bullshit with the Siesmic Stabilizer. Goddamn, what a load of bullshit. Seriously, this huge-ass device is keeping the entire area from undergoing instant rock-massage (which isn't how earthquakes work, goddamnit!), but the Chinese are in control of it and set it off to self-destruct, intending to blow up the entire lab complex and me with it. Question: How the fuck am I supposed to fix it when I am a) barely situated with my meager forces in the Allied base, b) the device is surrounded by the fucking Chinese so I can't touch it, and c) the fucking thing's health is counting down like a time bomb with its clock going fast!? Oh, that's not even half of it: when I get a chance to paradrop an Engineer to repair it (on the second third paradrop attempt, since the first two were killed by either Skyray or Terror Drone), the fucking Chinese decide to say "fuck it, let's just blow it up ourselves!", and start attacking it! I can't do a thing about it since I'm still stuck at the Allied base getting my bearings! This is bullshit of the highest order.
5: That fucking anonymous informant. Yeah, great help you were. So you knew about the Chinese and the Siesmic Stabilizer, but warned me too late before they set it off to self-destruct. Couldn't you have told my intelligence operatives before we started this whole damn operation!? That would've been real fucking nice to know beforehand! Hell, that parking lot full of Future Tanks that you so kindly pointed out? Why couldn't have you told me about those first, asshole!?
Goddamn, this mission was an utter clusterfuck. An agonizingly annoying start-off, three goddamn plot-twists up the wazoo before we even settle in properly, and a giant fucking time bomb which comes out of fucking nowhere which can't be stopped. Who the fuck designed this mission!?