At the very least, the Cosmonaut gets a billboard!
Gameplay question here; I've noticed that Coronia can build multiple Harbinger Towers, but it doesn't seem to have any gameplay benefit to do so. No extra Harbingers per attack run (that would quickly get overpowered, so that's not a bad thing), no increased speed on the countdown. Is there something I'm missing here, or is it simply to give a player redundancy (and more vulnerability to infiltrators)? Or... is it an oversight?
Also, Harbinger then (wait for Harbinger to get close) Great Tempest = overpowered combo indeed. Too many enemy base cores utterly annihilated by doing that.
I've finally got a good balance with Foehn income offsetting two construction queues, but now my Minermites keep utterly exhausting ore fields in doing so. You'd think their small ore capacity would fields from depleting too fast, but when three Minermites drop an ore field with two drills down to zilch alarmingly quickly, that's clearly not the case. Best go capture those oil derricks and get the Reprocessor up ASAP!