Best Answer Speeder, 05 April 2024 - 11:38 AM
Best Answer Speeder, 05 April 2024 - 11:38 AM
Posted 29 December 2017 - 02:22 AM
No I already updated the client and it had the same error before i changed the Ares.
I can't find anything online about it so you guys are my last hope.
BTW I no longer need the XP to work but only the Vista, We threw the xp away because we got a new pc but i have the error still on my Vista.
Posted 31 December 2017 - 03:00 PM
Vista is more screwed then Xp if you make upgrade go install windows 7 if you want to avoid problems.
Posted 08 January 2018 - 12:36 PM
Hey everyone, I'm having an issue with playing online via CnCNet.
I am able to load into a game but none of the other players load at all and are instantly defeated when the game starts.
This occurs when either hosting my own lobby or joining someone else's.
Posted 08 January 2018 - 12:59 PM
I like gnomes
Visit us in Totem Arts site
(Firestorm is still SoonTM)
Posted 08 January 2018 - 01:18 PM
Yeah I'm using Windows 10.
Is it just a case of waiting for a fix ?
Posted 08 January 2018 - 02:38 PM
Yeah I'm using Windows 10.
Is it just a case of waiting for a fix
try to change your renderer in the options (it works for me with TS-DDRAW)
and check your connection
Posted 08 January 2018 - 03:53 PM
Yeah I'm using Windows 10.
Is it just a case of waiting for a fixtry to change your renderer in the options (it works for me with TS-DDRAW)
and check your connection
Thanks for the suggestion but it didn't have any effect.
I'm unable to rollback that Windows 10 update so I'll have to wait for a fix.
Posted 18 January 2018 - 05:24 AM
Posted 18 January 2018 - 05:34 AM
Try rebooting again is my only advice. StolenTech had to reboot few times back in the days
I like gnomes
Visit us in Totem Arts site
(Firestorm is still SoonTM)
Posted 18 January 2018 - 06:05 AM
Will this problem ever be fixed or is this just some flaw in the system?
Posted 18 January 2018 - 03:39 PM
I already rebooted but still no use :(
Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:50 PM
Posted 21 January 2018 - 12:34 AM
Okay guys I found the problem. Apparently my antivirus listed cncnet5.dll as a virus and blacklisted it. So just set the folder or program as trusted and the game will work normally. I hope the admin can see this and update their solution list.
Edited by Unit3012, 21 January 2018 - 12:36 AM.
Posted 21 January 2018 - 08:50 PM
im pretty convinced that the latest windows 10 update have messed up multiplayer. again. nobody loads once again, besides myself, but THIS time, being the host or join a game is indifferent. the game doesnt in the loading screen load no matter what. single player is unchanged.
Posted 23 January 2018 - 10:17 PM
kindly help me.. when ever i launched mental omega i m having this error... :( :( :(
Has anyone figured out this problem? I currently have the same issue? Log is below:
[16:09:21] Syringe
[16:09:21] ===============
[16:09:21] WinMain: arguments = ""gamemd.exe" -SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN"
[16:09:21] WinMain: Trying to load executable file "gamemd.exe"...
[16:09:21] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Retrieving info from the executable file...
[16:09:21] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Executable information successfully retrieved.
[16:09:21] exe = gamemd.exe
[16:09:21] pImLoadLibrary = 0x007E1220
[16:09:21] pImGetProcAddress = 0x007E1250
[16:09:21] pcEntryPoint = 0x007CD80F
[16:09:21] dwExeSize = 0x00497FE0
[16:09:21] dwExeCRC = 0x1B499086
[16:09:21] dwTimestamp = 0x3BDF544E
[16:09:21] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Opening gamemd.exe to determine imports.
[16:09:21] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs();
[16:09:21] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "Ares.dll"
[16:09:21] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Calling "Ares.dll" ...
[16:09:21] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Answers "Found Yuri's Revenge 1.001 (UC). Applying Ares 0.Dp1." (0)
[16:09:21] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "cncnet5.dll"
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Done (1266 hooks added).
[16:09:23] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run("-SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN");
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::Run: Running process to debug. cmd = "gamemd.exe -SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN"
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::Run: Allocating 0x1000 bytes ...
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::Run: pAlloc = 0x001C0000
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::Run: Filling allocated space with zero...
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::Run: Setting addresses...
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::Run: Writing DLL loader & caller code...
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::Run: pcLoadLibrary = 0x001C0001
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::Run: Entering debug loop...
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] The process tried to read from 0x00000000.
[16:09:23] Registers:
[16:09:23] EAX = 0x00000000 ECX = 0x00000000 EDX = 0x00000000
[16:09:23] EBX = 0x00000000 ESP = 0x0019F9D8 EBP = 0x0019F9FC
[16:09:23] ESI = 0x6BBC0000 EDI = 0x0019FB1C EIP = 0x7775EC8C
[16:09:23] Stack dump:
[16:09:23] 0x0019F9D8: 0x7672426A
[16:09:23] 0x0019F9DC: 0xFFFFFFFF
[16:09:23] 0x0019F9E0: 0x0019F9F4
[16:09:23] 0x0019F9E4: 0x0019F9F8
[16:09:23] 0x0019F9E8: 0x00000020
[16:09:23] 0x0019F9EC: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019F9F0: 0x6BBC0000
[16:09:23] 0x0019F9F4: 0x006BC0DC
[16:09:23] 0x0019F9F8: 0x00000005
[16:09:23] 0x0019F9FC: 0x0019FB4C
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA00: 0x6BBC36FB
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA04: 0x006BC0DC
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA08: 0x00000005
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA0C: 0x00000020
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA10: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA14: 0x43D371A0
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA18: 0x72505C3A
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA1C: 0x6172676F
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA20: 0x6946206D
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA24: 0x2073656C
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA28: 0x36387828
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA2C: 0x65525C29
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA30: 0x6C412064
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA34: 0x20747265
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA38: 0x746E654D
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA3C: 0x4F206C61
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA40: 0x6167656D
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA44: 0x6D61675C
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA48: 0x2E646D65
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA4C: 0x00657865
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA50: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA54: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA58: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA5C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA60: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA64: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA68: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA6C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA70: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA74: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA78: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA7C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA80: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA84: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA88: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA8C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA90: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA94: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA98: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FA9C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAA0: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAA4: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAA8: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAAC: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAB0: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAB4: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAB8: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FABC: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAC0: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAC4: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAC8: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FACC: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAD0: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAD4: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAD8: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FADC: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAE0: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAE4: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAE8: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAEC: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAF0: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAF4: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAF8: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FAFC: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB00: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB04: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB08: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB0C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB10: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB14: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB18: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB1C: 0x00000020
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB20: 0x6BBC6008
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB24: 0x00000005
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB28: 0x006BC0DC
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB2C: 0x6BBC01C8
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB30: 0x6BBC0080
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB34: 0x6BBC0000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB38: 0x00000002
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB3C: 0x00000378
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB40: 0x6BBC6000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB44: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB48: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB4C: 0x0019FB7C
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB50: 0x6BBC1315
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB54: 0x6BBC0000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB58: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB5C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB60: 0x00000004
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB64: 0x6BBC0000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB68: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB6C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB70: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB74: 0x0019FBB0
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB78: 0x6BBC0000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB7C: 0x0019FBBC
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB80: 0x6BBC1443
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB84: 0x6BBC3A50
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB88: 0x6BBC0000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB8C: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB90: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB94: 0x8147BB47
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB98: 0x02E0E4B0
[16:09:23] 0x0019FB9C: 0x6BBCC020
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBA0: 0x7775E746
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBA4: 0x6BBC0000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBA8: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBAC: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBB0: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBB4: 0x6BBC0000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBB8: 0x6BBC1420
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBBC: 0x0019FC08
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBC0: 0x7772CBEF
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBC4: 0x6BBC1420
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBC8: 0x6BBC0000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBCC: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBD0: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBD4: 0x8147BC87
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBD8: 0x0019FC4C
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBDC: 0x02E0E4B0
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBE0: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBE4: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBE8: 0x6BBC0000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBEC: 0x00BCC020
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBF0: 0x6BBC3A50
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBF4: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBF8: 0x0019FC78
[16:09:23] 0x0019FBFC: 0x77766A50
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC00: 0xF620B36F
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC04: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC08: 0x0019FC88
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC0C: 0x77727BAA
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC10: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC14: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC18: 0x8147BC07
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC1C: 0x02E0E4B0
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC20: 0x02E1CA70
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC24: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC28: 0x00000024
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC2C: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC30: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC34: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC38: 0x00000030
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC3C: 0xFFFFFFFF
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC40: 0xFFFFFFFF
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC44: 0x77727B76
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC48: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC4C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC50: 0x02E1CA70
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC54: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC58: 0x02E1CA70
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC5C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC60: 0x02E0E4B0
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC64: 0x02E0E504
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC68: 0x6BBC1420
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC6C: 0x01000100
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC70: 0x0019FC18
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC74: 0x02E1CA70
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC78: 0x0019FD00
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC7C: 0x77766A50
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC80: 0xF620B2A7
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC84: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC88: 0x0019FCAC
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC8C: 0x77727A44
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC90: 0x02E0E4B0
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC94: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC98: 0x0019FD40
[16:09:23] 0x0019FC9C: 0x0019FCC8
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCA0: 0x00740718
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCA4: 0x0019FD40
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCA8: 0x02E0E4B0
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCAC: 0x0019FCC8
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCB0: 0x7774014D
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCB4: 0x0019FCC7
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCB8: 0x0019FD48
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCBC: 0x0019FD40
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCC0: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCC4: 0x00E0E4B0
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCC8: 0x0019FD10
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCCC: 0x77729012
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCD0: 0x8147BD9F
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCD4: 0x0019FE88
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCD8: 0x0019FF18
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCDC: 0x0019FE80
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCE0: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCE4: 0x0019FD48
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCE8: 0xC0000135
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCEC: 0x0019FE88
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCF0: 0x02E0E4B0
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCF4: 0x0072A0EA
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCF8: 0x0019FCD0
[16:09:23] 0x0019FCFC: 0x0019FD10
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD00: 0x0019FFCC
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD04: 0x77766A50
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD08: 0xF620B23F
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD0C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD10: 0x0019FE5C
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD14: 0x7773B63E
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD18: 0x00000020
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD1C: 0x00000004
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD20: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD24: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD28: 0x0019FE80
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD2C: 0x0019FD40
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD30: 0x00000001
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD34: 0x0019FF18
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD38: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD3C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD40: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD44: 0x00000020
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD48: 0x01000016
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD4C: 0x0019FD50
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD50: 0x006E0063
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD54: 0x006E0063
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD58: 0x00740065
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD5C: 0x002E0035
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD60: 0x006C0064
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD64: 0x0000006C
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD68: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD6C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD70: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD74: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD78: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD7C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD80: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD84: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD88: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD8C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD90: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD94: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD98: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FD9C: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDA0: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDA4: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDA8: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDAC: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDB0: 0x0000002B
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDB4: 0x00000053
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDB8: 0x0000002B
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDBC: 0x0000002B
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDC0: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDC4: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDC8: 0x00217000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDCC: 0x00000000
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDD0: 0x00000018
[16:09:23] 0x0019FDD4: 0x02DF0000
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x6AE65FAD)!
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Could not retrieve ProcAddress for: cncnet5.dll - MZ
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Finished retrieving proc addresses.
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Creating code hooks.
[16:09:23] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x007CA0C3)!
[16:09:25] SyringeDebugger::Run: Done with exit code C0000005 (3221225477).
[16:09:25] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run finished.
[16:09:25] WinMain: Exiting on success.
Posted 24 January 2018 - 12:03 AM
I like gnomes
Visit us in Totem Arts site
(Firestorm is still SoonTM)
Posted 24 January 2018 - 11:42 PM
This happens when starting the game?
Yes, this happens anytime i launch any type of game mode.
Posted 25 January 2018 - 02:21 AM
Try checking antivirus, see if it blocks the game. Also, what OS is this again?
I like gnomes
Visit us in Totem Arts site
(Firestorm is still SoonTM)
Posted 25 January 2018 - 03:52 AM
Try checking antivirus, see if it blocks the game. Also, what OS is this again?
Made an exception on all AV, ive tried on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 x64.
Posted 25 January 2018 - 06:23 AM
Okay, another one
1. Did you try running as admin?
2. Did you download the mod from the site? If so, did you use the manual updater or the auto updater?
I like gnomes
Visit us in Totem Arts site
(Firestorm is still SoonTM)
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