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MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

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#3321 StolenTech


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Posted 22 April 2018 - 12:07 PM


The sniper, much like the rocketeer, just need a stat boost instead of price decreases or drastic changes.

+3 damage and minus 25rof would make the rockteer capable of doing great dps

Sniper should be something like this, 900 credits price, range deployed increase to 13, damage against all infantry increased . Make it instead of taking 3-4 shots to kill a Knightsframe than would take 2 with the first shot capable of bribing the Knightframe down to red health. The Rof needs to be either reduced or stay to same to keep the Dps from not becoming completely bonkers. This way, Snipers can actually be a counter to heavy infantry instead of, idk, BEING CHEAPERS THAN SEALS FOR SOME REASON.

In MO3.3 seals cost $650.


And you can't expect Snipers to kill Knights in 2 shots, It even takes 2 shots from Fin to do so, and in less range.


Snipers can't even kill regular infantry in 1 shot though.

#3322 NorthFireZ


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Posted 22 April 2018 - 04:45 PM

That’s the point of increasing damage to all infantry types, so it can one shot things like Initates. We don’t want the sniper to be just a G.I except with really long range. I mean the Rocketeer is a G.I that flies anyways so let’s not repeat that mistake. And I was referring to the leaked 3.3.4 proposals where it’s like: Sniper price decreased to 600. Which is........ oh god please no.

As for 2 shot Knightframes don’t Eradicators take 2 or 3 shots to kill them? Don’t riot troopers melt through a blob of them with just two flashbangs? Don’t viruses make their lives a living hell? The list goes on but the point is, they totally should be able to kill Plated infantry in a Jiffy espically if the new sniper price matches their new performance.

I mean hell the Rof, movement speed, and health is staying the same. So it’s not like they would be tearing through everything at the speed of light without any counters. They’ll still be really squishy and slow, just able to do their god damn jobs now.

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#3323 TeslaCruiser


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Posted 23 April 2018 - 04:29 AM

does EA lacks anti infantry damage? No
snipers aren`t great but they are a good defensive unit + looong range wich means free shots, they are supposed to be used in shockpoints, behind other stuff and so
also why you guys haven`t realise by now that rocketeers are just scouts? and, why is that bad?
My guess: we have run out of important balance issues and people start now to create balance issues due to inercy and community habits


I've said this many times: the community will not stop until we get another 3.3 virus because "it is a sniper and snipers should 1 shot because they are snipers" :popcorn:



#3324 OfficialLolicon


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Posted 23 April 2018 - 06:30 AM

Rocketeers aren't really limited to just scouting tho...
Snipers, in terms of being an Anti-Inf infantry, should at least be able to 1 shot tier 1 Infantry (GIs, Cons and Inits, exception to knights), even at least when just deployed.
Buffing them against all infantries sounds too much. 2 well place snipers can already severely damage an infantry battalion if not detected even. Just buff them against GIs, Conscripts and Initiates and that would be enough..
I don't want EA players to spam them in every cliff at everytime in every game, oh wait...

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#3325 GuardianGI

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Posted 23 April 2018 - 08:06 AM

2 well-placed snipers can do a lot of damage?
Did you even know what happened in Lizard Brain, because that happens a lot on a very regular basis.

And yes, snipers are supposed to be deterrents, but when you have to mass so much that they become horribly obvious? So much for placement issues.

Because apparently people will just mass enough troops (don't even get me started on Foehn yet) and straight up run them over.
Do you know how the Soviet T2 infantry rush works? Because apparently snipers can stop that easily if what you said is true.
Like seriously, even dudes with heavy riot gears, shotguns and flashbangs have way higher efficiency than supposedly *specialised-and-elite* snipers.

Oh, and mind you, the range doesn't exactly make up for their horrible shots and their slow movement speed.


does EA lacks anti infantry damage? No
snipers aren`t great but they are a good defensive unit + looong range wich means free shots, they are supposed to be used in shockpoints, behind other stuff and so
also why you guys haven`t realise by now that rocketeers are just scouts? and, why is that bad?
My guess: we have run out of important balance issues and people start now to create balance issues due to inercy and community habits


I've said this many times: the community will not stop until we get another 3.3 virus because "it is a sniper and snipers should 1 shot because they are snipers" :popcorn:

3.3 virus? Even the viruses as of now have higher efficiency at clearing mobs of infantry thanks to their ivanbomb-like logics and certainly were used way more than snipers despite their lower range.

Recently, I have made a custom challenge of my own, that involves preplacing tons of snipers behind trees, and guess what?
People just cleared them out with Giants/Godsbanes and basically Foehn stuff even when I had Mirage Tanks and Terror Drones supporting them while restricting the usage of air units. That's how terrifying the snipers are right now, so much so that they can't even inflict much casualties on Foehn infantries in general.


Oh, if we are gonna go around with 3.3 virus balance standards for reference, then why does Tesla Crusiers, Abrams and Catastrophe Tanks with desolators in em can run over just about everything on the ground? I'm not sure about your definition of balance, but when you have those 3 tanks running everything over, why are you even concerned about giving Snipers the damage needed to actually do their job?

Don't mind me, I'm just pretty broke nowadays...


#3326 Handepsilon


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Posted 23 April 2018 - 10:51 AM

To add on GGI's testimony, I used Stalkers to kill 5 snipers. Not really much of a damage inflicted on the former

Edited by Handepsilon, 23 April 2018 - 10:51 AM.

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#3327 Mr_DevilSmile

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Posted 23 April 2018 - 07:39 PM

And if we remove the Sniper and EA gets the Hoplite of 3.0? 
We do it anti-infantry and we give it the ability to confuse enemies, similar to godsbane. That the sniper stays as a campaign unit. It's a weak unit anyway, that if you give it an increase it becomes a hell.
:shiftee: also EA would have an interesting infantry unit.


#3328 Divine


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Posted 23 April 2018 - 07:53 PM

Speaking of the Hoplite. I'm aware of the existence of the Prism Hoplite, which is to my understanding, a WIP secret unit (I'm not telling any secrets here, anyone with the zoo map can see it). I'd love to see secret infantry making a comeback, however, the Prism Hoplite seems to be just a Siege Cadre on steroids, I mean, very, very much steroids, but still, it's hardly an original concept IMHO. For this reason I'd suggest that if such secret infantry ever get officially added to the mod as a buildable unit, you give them different armament, like for example, a cryo weapon, and of corse, rename the unit accordingly.

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#3329 NorthFireZ


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Posted 23 April 2018 - 08:05 PM

If you wanted scouting get a Dog or a Raven to do it. It’s pointles for another unit to fulfill such a role, espically one that’s unlocked behind a tech building.

If we are talking about a better replacement for the sniper for EA, I think Prism tech is the way to go, although the Hoplite is a very powerful unit.

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#3330 Mr_DevilSmile

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Posted 23 April 2018 - 08:20 PM

We can not use prism hoplite, because we already have the siege cadre that basically is the same but with steroids.. you just have to modify the hoplite and make it an anti-ifanteria and support unit. I thought once if you could make a unit with a lot of resistance, that it would attract enemy fire to itself even if it could not do damage on its own or do little damage, although I doubt that is possible. 


Another idea I had was for Cryo Legionnaire, what if you use the same mechanics as the cryocopter, but with the addition that it has a secondary attack, a kind of grenade that does little damage, but when the freezing effect is at maximum it becomes a very lethal weapon.

#3331 TeslaCruiser


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Posted 23 April 2018 - 09:34 PM

If you wanted scouting get a Dog or a Raven to do it. It’s pointles for another unit to fulfill such a role, espically one that’s unlocked behind a tech building.

If we are talking about a better replacement for the sniper for EA, I think Prism tech is the way to go, although the Hoplite is a very powerful unit.


Ok i will not use rocketeer as scout never again and i will prevent everybody to use them in that way... :thumbsupcool: 

#3332 OfficialLolicon


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Posted 24 April 2018 - 12:24 AM

Another idea I had was for Cryo Legionnaire, what if you use the same mechanics as the cryocopter, but with the addition that it has a secondary attack, a kind of grenade that does little damage, but when the freezing effect is at maximum it becomes a very lethal weapon.

I think Cryo Legionnaire would fit for the Pacific (Since they mostly have ice/cryo tech), but I'm pretty sure it would overkill if we give it to them :p

EDIT: Also, I have agreed that Snipers suck after multiple PvPs as EA.
I honestly never got bothered by their speed or ROF, but the damage against some infantries tilts me a bit, as some can even survive with a slight hp(An IFV Sniper can work to compesate for speed+chasing and hp, but the damage merely changes and an IFV+Seal can do better, but detected of course.)

Edited by OfficialLolicon, 24 April 2018 - 04:48 PM.

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#3333 SPCell

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Posted 24 April 2018 - 08:12 AM

Jets are much better scouts than Rocketeers anyway. The latter need to become an actually decent anti-infantry units. Like North suggested, +3 damage and -25 ROF. This way they will become actually worth to be used because in mid game allies only have SEALs as anti-infantry.

#3334 Kraizer

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Posted 24 April 2018 - 11:07 AM

More base building campaign, there is only few like that at campaign, especially Epsilon.

#3335 mrvecz

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Posted 25 April 2018 - 04:38 AM

More base building campaign, there is only few like that at campaign, especially Epsilon.


That is part of the Epsilon armies theme, covert actions instead of fully fledged assaults.


Although i must agree that more regular missions would be nice, but i dont think there will be more room for them, Eps, Allies and Russians have only 2 missions left per faction and since its finale for them i dont think those will be covert ops.


For that matter, Foehn is the only chance, but due to over abundance of cool features (That no other faction has in such quantity) for their units i believe they will get alot of covert ops.

Hopefully not another Singularity like mission.

#3336 FELITH

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Posted 25 April 2018 - 04:21 PM

what would happen if Bloaticks >

-explosive damage vs tank is decreased by 15%.

-can decreases tank armor by 5% (AOE). each of effect is stackable for 5 sec IRL.  :shiftee:


ps. that's just random numbers.

Edited by FELITH, 26 April 2018 - 02:45 PM.

#3337 PACER


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Posted 26 April 2018 - 04:26 PM

what would happen if Bloaticks >

-explosive damage vs tank is decreased by 15%.

-can decreases tank armor by 5% (AOE). each of effect is stackable for 5 sec IRL.  :shiftee:


ps. that's just random numbers.


Bloaticks are hardly cost-effective against vehicles. 5% is a insignificant scalar too. This is more like a nerf to Bloaticks :p

In-game speed vs real life speed?   
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#3338 FELITH

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Posted 26 April 2018 - 05:15 PM

-explosive damage vs tank is decreased by 15%.

fixed xD. Or not, isn't the 3 bloaticks covered the damage nerf?

 those numbers is just on my head tho, didn't test in game yet.
just an idea to make bloaticks more useful against vehicles.   :p

Edited by FELITH, 26 April 2018 - 05:44 PM.

#3339 StolenTech


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Posted 26 April 2018 - 05:45 PM

-explosive damage vs tank is decreased by 15%.

fixed xD

 those numbers is just on my head tho, didn't test in game yet.
just an idea to make bloaticks more useful against vehicles.   :p

They aren't meant to be good against vehicles, their purpose is to force enemy infantry to fall back or else suffer heavy casualties, you have Brutes, Dybbuk-As and Pandora-hub T2 tank for anti-tank.

An armor debuff would also be overkill with bloatick trap considering Malver already debuffs armor by 50%.

#3340 FELITH

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Posted 26 April 2018 - 06:34 PM

hmm I think they somehow don't worth to use against enemy forces at all.(that why I suggest them to be support instead) I actually see people usually use them on sneaking buildings out.


and definitely forgot about malver debuff. :p but still, one-time use for that 5 sec debuff, that isn't too much I think.


Edited by FELITH, 26 April 2018 - 06:56 PM.

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