Uhm... is Siege Cadre IFV weapon supposed to be worse than Siege Cadre own weapon? The only advantage it gives is range and speed, while DPS is lower: SC kills stuff faster on its own due to faster rate of fire, while damage seems to be the same. In a world where light vehicles die from a sneeze, j don't think putting a Siege Cadre into a more vulnerable IFV is a good idea if his weapon only becomes worse (aside from range increase). Perhaps Prism IFV should fire faster than Siege Cadre?
I also don't get why in advanced missile mode (AT infantry mode) IFV missiles fly sooooo sloooooow, they have almost the same range as GI while don't deal any extraordinary damage, why would one prefer them over tanks unless for stronger anti-air (somewhat counter-productive when missiles are so damn slow). From all the default (with Allied infantry) IFV modes only GI (deals good damage to everything, useful early), SEAL (mows infantry down), Sniper (compensates for bad mobility), Engineer and Hero (for obvious reasons) modes seem to be worth using. Maybe Chrono IFV too, but it is quite expensive for its paper armor.
Edited by Damfoos, 03 March 2017 - 08:52 AM.