I would like to share thoughts about maps, mostly about 2v2 and 3v3 maps + standard game mode and rules
Some maps are 'overplayed' and others are rarely used. This kind of behavior happens in every -video-Game. There is nothing weird in it. But it can help to improve the way new maps are created. -If there is going to be any
The most played maps share some things:
Distances between positions aren't extremely large
Terrain is quite simple and open. Positions have multiple routes to approach
Tech buildings: Tech Oil Derrick, Tech Airfield, Tech Missile Bunker, Tech Machine Shop, Tech (Field) Hospital
Most prevalent maps
Barren valley
Caverns of siberia
Coldest Peak
Cool party - mid heavy
Divide and Conquer - mid heavy
Double Malice - mid heavy
Fiorland - tend to crash
Frozen Badlands - mid heavy
Golden State Freeway
Walk of Egypt - mid heavy
Yin Yang
Bad Weather - mid heavy
Battle Tendency
Dead Six
Defcon Six - mid heavy
Malibu Cliffs
Misery Malice - mid heavy
Revenous - mid heavy
In my eyes, we choose this maps because they allow -relatively- fast games and open fights were maneuvers can be done and different playstyles can be practiced.
Some tech buildings add frustration to the game -like Tech Maintenance Center, Tech secret lab.
Tech Academy, Tech Heavy Machinery, Tech Aeronautics, Tech Defense Bureau and Tech Military Docks can also add frustration. Don't get me wrong, one or two is fine but some maps have a superabundance.
It is also the case of tech defenses: none= good. A few= good/ok. Many=bad. Map plagued with defenses= unplayable
Tech Reinforcement Pad is my personal favorite and I would love to see more maps with this thing.
Warhead Junction is a nice map. While the starting positions are 'campy' the players need to move and fight for the tech expansions, derricks and map control in general. Map size is fine.
That is it. As always this is about my PvP experience. Thanks