Q1: What I need to play C&C:Reloaded?
A1: Red Alert 2, Yuri's Revenge and the YR game update v1.001 avalaible here (Westwood FTP)
Q2: Is required Tiberian Sun to C&C:R?
A2: No, C&C:R is a Yuri's Revenge Modification.
Q3: What system requeriments are required to play?
A3: The same system requeriments to play Yuri's Revenge.
Q4: How I can to be a Beta-tester to play C&C:R?
A4: v0.99 of the C&C:R project not need beta-testers because all the people can play & report bugs to improve the mod.
Q5: When will be released C&C:Reloaded?
A5: never... (hide your pistol ). To be exact the v0.99 will be released the 7 of july of 2005 as public beta & the v1.0 will be released in the summer of 2005.
Q6: Can I use my old Tiberian Sun maps to play with C&C:R?
A6: No. Before to use your TS maps you need convert your TS map using a little tutorial & changing the internal units names of TS by the C&C:R internal names (for example Nod buggy is BGGY & in C&C:R is called TSBGGY). Basic tutorials to convert maps can be found here.
Q7: How I install C&C:Reloaded?
A7: You need create a new folder inse RA2 folder & in this new folder unzip the C&C:R files. After thiese steps run "menu.bat" or "Mod Manager.exe". Another method is create the new RA2 sub-folder & unzip the Mod Manager, then execute the program & go to "Search updates" window & download all the mod files.
Then if your RA2 folder is here: C:\westwood\RA2\
your C&C:R files should beplaced here: C:\westwood\RA2\XXXXXXX\ (where "XXXXXXX" is any name for the C&C:R folder)
Q8: C&C:R Mod Manager does an error & can't be used... why?
A8: Could be that you not have installed the .NET framework in your system & is necessary to use .NET programs. You can download the free .NET framework from Windows Update.
Q9: I'm french but I have the english version of C&C:Reloaded, how I can change it?
A9: if you use the Mod Manager you can go to the Options & change the language of the program & the Mod Language. To take the Mod language effects enable the "Force Download" option and go to "Search Updates" windows & download the last update (will be included the french files). To return to the english language you can to do the same steps. Special thanks to CnCBoy to the French traslation
Q10: I see civilian Power Plants to the AI, why?
A10: Is a modified graphic version of these Power Plants & is a AI idea that I had to not to be limited by the RA2 game engine & not to share Allied Powerplants with the GDI & Soviet Powerplants to Nod.
Q11: My side exploded at the start... why?
A11: Because you not readed the text about this in the Skirmish main menu
To play with RA2 sides you must disable the short game mod due to the addition of the 2 TS sides (game engine liimitation).
Q12: Why All sides only have 1 Superweapon? where is the Genetic Mutator, Iron Curtain & Chronosphere?
A12: Due to the Game Engine limitation has been disabled secondary Super Weapons to balance the game. genetic mutator has been used to the GDI Ion Cannon & the rest has been disabled (but can be added on maps).
Q13: How can I enable C&C:R Theme Packs or Assault Map Packs?
A13: Put the packs into the RA2 folder or into the C&C:Reloaded folder, C&C:R Mod Manager or menu.bat will detect them & will to do a copy of them into the Reloaded folder (if not have a copy). In the next mod activations will be enabled those packs.
Q14: Where is the GDI Firestorm building?
A14: Disabled due to the RA2 game limitation.
Q15: Where is the GDI component tower defense?
A15: Disabled to help the RA2 AI. Each component turreet is a independent building.
Q16: Where is the GDI & Nod Gates?
A16: Disabled due to the RA2 game limitation.
Q17: Where is the Nod Cluster missile?
A17: Disabled due to the RA2 game limitation.
Q18: Where is the Hunter Seeker Super Weapon of Tiberian Sun?
A18: Disabled due to the RA2 game limitation.
Q19: Where is the EMP defense of Tiberian Sun?
A19: Disabled due to the RA2 game limitation.
Q19: where is the ... of Tiberian Sun?
A19: Disabled due to the RA2 game limitation (If isn't ported to C&C:R is by a Game limitation or that has a lot of secondary effects).
Q20: Exist a project to brake YR limitations & enable new features, will be used to C&C:Reloaded?
A20: Because I don't want depend of a patch of another person the RockPatck will be used as C&C:R expansion but not as necessary part of the C&C:R core. The promissing development of the patch will help to solve hardcoded problems like the 3 sides limit of Yuri's Revenge etc... I haven't more info about the expansion because I haven't worked on it ;-)
Q21: ??????
A21: ??????
Edited by FS-21, 06 July 2005 - 01:08 PM.