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Hero Characters

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#141 GSE_Devastation

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Posted 15 August 2006 - 09:37 PM

Forgot the remix tech tree, sorry.
It takes loads of time too complete that.
Well if u place him ad the end it wouldn't be overpowerd because everytings is overpowerd in that area. :rolleyes:
Tobad i don't think he is going to get used to much because you will be to bussy to keep alive when fighting the AI!

Edited by GSE_Devastation, 15 August 2006 - 09:41 PM.

#142 Madin


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Posted 15 August 2006 - 10:46 PM


Toxin general Hero unit
Attack class
Toxic prescence: In a radius (to be decided) around the unit any enemy infantry vunerable to toxins will die. This works while moving and has such the unit has no ability to target infantry, has it has no need. Standard resistance rules apply, so insure that your units are resistant to toxins if they are going to be close to this unit!
Has this is some kind of nerve gas, no visible weapon or toxic cloud/puddle or spray effect is seen. The enemy just dies and that is it. This attack has no effect on vehicles or aircraft. Maybe a circle around this unit will indiacte the radius of effect to assist player.

Deployed toxic prescence: Sacrifice your mobility and deploy your unit so you have a much larger radius of effect.
While deploying, your unit needs to set equipment up and has such is visible while doing such, but after set up is complete than unit is stealthed. Set up time to be decided. Your unit will also be visible while undeploying.

Death storm beacon: Must be researched before use. A throwable beacon that calls a super weapon class storm (range of beacon to be decided) Storm clouds appear above target and acid rain begins to pour down. The rain damages buildings and vehicles, the clouds themselves are toxic, so infantry die and no plane can pass through the cloud undamaged. Lighting optional (maybe a further upgrade). Wether the cloud moves around or not is to be decided. Has the effect is super weapon class, so is the charge time.
Too high tech? Just view it has the toxin generals bio warfare scientists coming up with a way to pump pollutents into storm clouds, that allow for an exaggerated acid rain and toxic effect. No weather control device needed.

Support class
Dust cloud generator: Build a device that generates a dust cloud, making enemies think twice before attacking with aircraft. Effect is mantained for has long has device exists, in other words, it must be destroyed to stop the effect. Possible build limit to force tactical deployment. Possibly stealthed or can be upgraded to be stealthed (would that make it too strong?)

Acid vehicle trap: Lay a single stealthed mine that upon detonation, disables a vehicle and a small explosions sprays acid at the vehicle/s which then settles on the ground. The vehicles are disabled (an effect similar to emp) long enough, so that the acid effect can reach the flammable acid effect (if upgrade has been purchased). Good for small groups of tanks. Small build time required.

Toxic bunker: This unit can build the toxic bunker when in support class mode, it has the advantage of building the bunker while remaiming invisible.

Silent death beacon: Poison food, air and water supply of enemy. Must be placed on an enemy structure. Kills all infantry in a wide radius instantly. Super weapon class ability, must be purchased before use.
Super weapon length recharge time. Effects are very brief, it does not linger for ages like other toxin attacks
No visible effect other than infantry dying.

Unit is always stealthed unless otherwise stated.

#143 Madin


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Posted 17 August 2006 - 03:34 PM

Damn, I take it that its too late for ideas. Hmmm what topic should I kill next... :shiftee:

#144 GSE_Devastation

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Posted 17 August 2006 - 03:57 PM

nobody ever looked into teh idea of a nuclaur mine ;'(

#145 Madin


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Posted 17 August 2006 - 04:12 PM

nobody ever looked into teh idea of a nuclaur mine ;'(

In contra 3 the Nuke generals hackers (I think) were able to plant nuclear briefcase bombs. They took about 1 second to plant and exploded with a 'proper' Nuke explosion. I think they were removed in a patch for a more tame version.

#146 GSE_Devastation

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Posted 17 August 2006 - 11:36 PM

I want a mine! >:O
Yeah in contra 4 we also got a little guy that can plant nucluar bombs,
ut not mines and I mean like a real nuke exploison not that small nuke cannons one...



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Posted 18 August 2006 - 12:05 AM

I want a mine! >:O
Yeah in contra 4 we also got a little guy that can plant nucluar bombs,
ut not mines and I mean like a real nuke exploison not that small nuke cannons one...

so what is it going 2 be like just 1 or a cluster of them?
what is going to depoly them?
the explosion is going 2 be big so u would send the guy planting the mine out there

what is the point of a nuke mine when there is already alot of ways to put alot of powerful and unique mines out there?

#148 GSE_Devastation

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Posted 18 August 2006 - 11:19 AM

I mean like a cluster of mines(a bit smaller then that of the cluster drop)
When an enemy unit stands on 1 of them they all disapear and a nuclear explosion is followed (if codeble)



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Posted 18 August 2006 - 12:56 PM

I mean like a cluster of mines(a bit smaller then that of the cluster drop)
When an enemy unit stands on 1 of them they all disapear and a nuclear explosion is followed (if codeble)

the mine can be droped by a plane like the cluster mine already in game
1 of the mines could have the same power of a mini small nuke and all the mines add together has the same power of a big nuke

is this what u r saying than this mine is going 2 be very powerful so 2 get it u need general promotion like at level 5
and isnt this kind of cheap since if there is a gap or something in the enemy AA defence lines this could just drop alot of nuke mines into their base almost making the enemy lose automaticly

if this is the case i well stick with the big nuke

#150 GSE_Devastation

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Posted 18 August 2006 - 01:19 PM

My idea whas that a hero layed it,
I think that a plane would be to power full...

#151 Septimus

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Posted 18 August 2006 - 01:52 PM

Hmm, I wonder if cyber general could have a robot that could move across the sea ?

#152 Capt.Drake


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Posted 18 August 2006 - 02:23 PM

As a hero or what? Cause if you want a normal unit go to the Suggestion topic!

Edited by Capt.Drake, 18 August 2006 - 02:48 PM.

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#153 Septimus

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Posted 18 August 2006 - 02:39 PM

As a hero or what? Cause if you want a normal unit go to the Suggestion topic!
Pend I haven't been online in the past days can you help me here! Pls I don't know what you do and so on, it's simply too much here

Of course, make a cyber :p hero that could move across the water.. it might give a nice advantage for it..

#154 Pendaelose


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Posted 18 August 2006 - 02:46 PM

Its made me start wondering if I should let the Android units (Hero and Stormtrooper) walk under water :p

It might be cool if it works right.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#155 Septimus

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Posted 18 August 2006 - 03:02 PM

Its made me start wondering if I should let the Android units (Hero and Stormtrooper) walk under water :p

It might be cool if it works right.

I think that might give a lot of advantage to cybernetic general, make a hero can walk under the water is more than enough... :p

#156 Capt.Drake


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Posted 18 August 2006 - 03:09 PM

If sth like that is possible maybe a hero unit for stealth is possible that is used for sapping, or let's better say laying massive explosives by diging under an enemy building!

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#157 Septimus

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Posted 18 August 2006 - 03:13 PM

I like cyber general very much.

I wonder if cyber general could have a hero that have the ability to create "Anti Matter Storm" :p

A ability to create a storm that pull all aircraft into it and damage it badly.. :p

#158 Capt.Drake


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Posted 18 August 2006 - 03:16 PM

Guess that's to much antimatter is far to powerfull, and by the way I don't like it

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Posted 18 August 2006 - 06:03 PM

y not for cyber general's super hero a huge robot like the fanir(or something)

#160 Pendaelose


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Posted 18 August 2006 - 06:10 PM

y not for cyber general's super hero a huge robot like the fanir(or something)

I've already chosen a hero unit for Cybr. A special version of the Stormtrooper android.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

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