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Nazgûls "Special Extended Edition"

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#61 IthronAiwendil


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Posted 02 January 2007 - 08:45 AM

3 - I mean the dark floating "cloud" that surrounds their bodys from level 2. I guess it's connected to the Dread Visage special power that activates at level 2, but perhaps I could move the FX to level 10 despite that?

You can get rid of the FX by deleting this line in blackrider.ini (not sure of the filename):
ParticleSysBone	 = None BlackRiderFlare FXTrigger:NONE Persist:SPAWN PersistID:100
I think it's in the USER_3 modelconditionstate block.

#62 Nazgûl


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Posted 02 January 2007 - 11:35 AM

Hehe ok, well I'm one of those more inexperienced guys that does NOT use the -mod command. This mod is the kind where you move your ini.big elsewhere, and insert this ini as a map into data-folder... ;)

*still working on 1-3* :S

Do u know it it would be possible to just move it to level 10? It's a cool effect but it would be more suitable at level 10 - kind of as a "finished" nazgul :)

Edited by Nazgûl, 02 January 2007 - 11:43 AM.

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#63 zimoo


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Posted 02 January 2007 - 11:47 AM

You could grant them an upgrade at level 10, which triggers a certain model condition state.

*Is feeling helpful, so loads INI*

Behavior = ModelConditionUpgrade ModuleTag_DreadVisageModelCondition
		TriggeredBy			= Upgrade_BlackRiderDreadVisage
		AddConditionFlags	= USER_3

That's the current code. Just replace the upgrade with something the riders get at level 10.

-Where do you set them (their power/damage)? I can only find a few of them in Gamedata... not Flood and Earthquake for instance. I need to look them all over since my structures are so tough, and adjust the spells accordingly for that WOW effect, but can't find them?

Try weapon.ini

2 - Could it be so sad, that all CaH, regardless of type, uses this damage (found in weapon.ini.)
CREATE_A_HERO_DAMAGE? That would be really lame... huh.gif

That sounds right, although I think they apply attributemodifiers based on the attribute points you get, so trolls will probably do higher damage than elves.
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#64 Nazgûl


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Posted 02 January 2007 - 01:22 PM

Zimoo my friend, it worked like a charm! ;)
They now get the cool look at level 10, which seems much more appropriate ^_^ THANKS!

1-2 to go... :)

1 - can't find them in weapon.ini no :p but I won't give up. They must be somewhere (but probably hidden in weird codes like the blackrider shadow, which I never would have found myself).
2 - This seems to be it yes, and I must find a way to set the damage without increasing the damage of the others. But a troll with a club the size of a car should do more damage than this... The enemy units fly all over the place, but to rise 3-4 times wont do :p I want the CaH troll to be somewhere around 1,5 times the damage of an attack troll...

New #3: My blackrider spawn on foot and respawn on horse. I know how to set respawn template, but how do you set the initial spawn?

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#65 zimoo


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Posted 02 January 2007 - 02:32 PM

*Loads up INI*

1) The flood horse is FloodHorseRadiusWeapon, in weapon.ini. In future, you should note that the mass destruction powers are normally defined in system.ini, after the initial spells. It then just takes a bit of understanding to link the pieces together.

2) If the troll CAH has knockback, then what's the problem? Knockback is defined in the same place as damage. Anyway, here is a way you could do it:

Weapon CreateAHeroBasicMeleeWeapon
	LeechRangeWeapon	  = Yes
	MeleeWeapon		   = Yes
	FireFX				= FX_GondorSwordHit
	DelayBetweenShots	 = FARAMIR_DELAYBETWEENSHOTS 			// time between shots, msec
	PreAttackDelay		= FARAMIR_PREATTACKDELAY 	// 400 is sword swing delay time before contact with target.
	PreAttackType		 = PER_SHOT // Do the delay each time we attack a new target
	FiringDuration		= FARAMIR_FIRINGDURATION 	// Duration of the sword swing
	UseInnateAttributes	  = Yes

	DamageNugget						// A basic Nugget that just does damage
		Radius		= 0.0
		DelayTime	 = 0
		DamageType	= HERO
		DamageFXType  = SWORD_SLASH
		DeathType	 = NORMAL
				ForbiddenUpgradeNames = Upgrade_TrollClass

	DamageNugget						// A basic Nugget that just does damage
		Damage		= 500
		Radius		= 0.0
		DelayTime	 = 0
		DamageType	= HERO
		DamageFXType  = SWORD_SLASH
		DeathType	 = NORMAL
		RequiredUpgradeNames	= Upgrade_TrollClass
		ForbiddenUpgradeNames	= Upgrade_MOTWClass Upgrade_ElfClass;etc

I believe that each subclass has an upgrade associated to it, so it could be done like this. Obviously, in the above examples I just completely made up the upgrade names.

3)Hmm there was some code to do this floating around a while back. I believe it triggered a commandbutton when created, which would mount the hero.
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#66 Nazgûl


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Posted 02 January 2007 - 06:20 PM

1 - great, I think (hope!) that I found all the types of Flood damage I need to set now... :)
Damage from floodgate expansion?
Damage from Arwens spell?
Damage from the "mass destruction" spell?
System.ini: Weapon FloodHorseRadiusWeapon ; Damage = 10000, Radius = 200.0

Problem is EA have their codes in SUCH a terrible state that it takes forever to figure out why things with different names do the same thing (amount & damage for instance) and why the sorting of codes differ so much from one unit to another even if they have the same attributes. Jeez I feel sorry for EA employees :thumbsdownsmiley:

Concerning EarthQuake spell - it's available in 5 different forms:

Any takes on which one is the spell in the spellbook? Or are they all used in some strange manner? :blink: :blink:

2 - I found this code in Createaheromodels.inc under Createahero map... Could this be the "upgrade" (I would rather call it sort or type of cah?) that I should put into the ForbiddenUpgradeNames maybe? I'll try and see what happens...

// TROLL Upgrade_CreateAHero_ClassServantsOfSauron/Upgrade_CreateAHero_SubClass_0	
ModelConditionState	= CREATE_A_HERO_10
	Model				 = CHSS_TL_U_SKN
	Skeleton			 = CHSS_TL_U_SKL
	ModelAnimationPrefix = CHSS_TL
	PortraitImageName	 = CPTroll
	ButtonImageName		 = HICAHTroll
	WeaponLaunchBone	= PRIMARY Bat_HandL
// TROLL Upgrade_CreateAHeroMapMode Upgrade_CreateAHero_ClassServantsOfSauron/Upgrade_CreateAHero_SubClass_0	
ModelConditionState	= CREATE_A_HERO_11
	Model				 = CHSS_TL_C_SKN
	Skeleton			 = CHSS_TL_C_SKL
	ModelAnimationPrefix = CHSS_TL
	PortraitImageName	 = UPMordor_AttackTroll;CPTroll
	ButtonImageName		 = WOR_AttackTroll;HICAHTroll
	WeaponLaunchBone	= PRIMARY Bat_HandL

3 - Ok, I'll look for it... It ought to be a simple code that tells the game in what state the rider should spawn... I have a faint memory of that they actually used to spawn on horse in the original unmodified game (but Im to lazy to "uninstall" my mod... hehe)

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#67 Nazgûl


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Posted 03 January 2007 - 06:03 AM

Allright, here we go... :p

Beeing a night person - this night solved almost everything about the spells...
For those who might want to know (like me) where to find them (they're REALLY hard to find if you don't know what your looking for exactly, and/or if you're inexperienced like me *lol*

But this is what I found out... mostly bacause I got the tip to look in System.ini first...
- Almost all spells are a mixture of codes in WEAPON.INI and GAMEDATA.INI (& SYSTEM.INI to some extent)
- Some set their damage in one of the obove, and some in the other (really confusing)
- FLOOD is the most complicated of them all since it has origin with Arwen, the elven fortress and the spellbook, and they're all different in damage and caracter.

My list of findings

-Unit spells-
Galadriel's tornado / gamedata.ini
Elrond's tornado / gamedata.ini
"ArwenPersonalFlood" / weapon.ini with settings in gamedata.ini

-Fortress expansions-
"ElvenFloodgateWeapon" / weapon.ini with settings in gamedata.ini
"FloodGateHorseRadiusWeapon" / weapon.ini with settings in gamedata.ini

-Spell Book-
Earthquake / weapon.ini
"FloodHorseRadiusWeapon" / weapon.ini
Sunflare / gamedata.ini
Barrage / weapon.ini
Citadel / gamedata.ini


-Unit spells-
Sauron Fireball (MarksMod) / gamedata.ini

-Spell Book-
Rain of Fire / weapon.ini
Dragon Strike / weapon.ini
Summon Dragon / gamedata.ini
Barrage / weapon.ini (same as Good)

1) I do NOT know what's the difference between
"ElvenFloodgateWeapon" & "FloodGateHorseRadiusWeapon"

But I'm guessing it has something to do with the waves coming out of the fortress, one going straight and two going sideways - perhaps they should differ in strenght that way? Anyone know???

2) I've also adjusted the range of all seeing spells such as:
- Eye of Sauron (gamedata.ini)
- Palantir / Farsight (system.ini)
- but the *censored language by myself* friggin CREBAIN!!! Where if gods name do you set the range of those little suc-ers??? HEEELP? :( They WAY to far seeing as it is now...

3) I haven't managed to alter the spawn for BlackRider from foot to horse, but this I'm still looking into...

4) And lastly: CaH TROLL is impossible to fix, at least for me. This is something that I must ask for external help before I release this mod. Somehow someone can probably do it, but not me... :(

Better have some sleep now before work in the afternoon. :D Then back to this... :lol:
Night night friends :cool:

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#68 Bart


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 03:28 PM

but the *censored language by myself* friggin CREBAIN!!! Where if gods name do you set the range of those little suc-ers???

probably in their ini (in data\ini\object\somewhere)
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#69 Nazgûl


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 04:36 PM

Found them... the little... *mumbles*!!!! :grin:
They were in neutralunits.ini! BUT - and this is confusing - there are three objects:
- Object Crebain
- ObjectReskin WildCaveBats Crebain
- Object IsengardMurderOfCrows

And what 's REALLY strange is that the only one giving result in game is the first. None of these affect the vision range of Crebain and Bats as fortress upgrade, and the first one affect BOTH Crebain and Bats as "spy spell" from the spell book. This leaving the second and third with no affext whatsoever on the actual game???

What a weird mess! I hate EA *lol* But at least I got to adjust the darn spells, which was WAY to powerful for 5 SP...

Next topic: Could someone explain the aspects of all the different ARMOR settings? I just wanna grasp what I'm setting (final adjustment of balance to this mod)...
Armor HeroArmor
  Armor = DEFAULT		 25%   
  Armor = SLASH		   25%   
  Armor = PIERCE		  25%   
  Armor = SPECIALIST	  25%   
  Armor = CRUSH			1%   
  Armor = CAVALRY	  50% 
  Armor = SIEGE		   50%   
  Armor = FLAME		   25%   
  Armor = MAGIC		  100%   
  Armor = HERO			50%   
  Armor = HERO_RANGED	 50%   
  Armor = POISON	  75% 
  Armor = STRUCTURAL	 50%	
;FlankedPenalty 	 = 50%	

Translation please? :p
- Higher percentage is less armor (more damage) right?
- But what are actually all the different SLASH, PIERCE... and so on?

PS - am I the only onw having problems with forum accessability sometimes?

Edited by Nazgûl, 04 January 2007 - 04:45 PM.

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#70 IthronAiwendil


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 07:02 PM

SLASH - Sword damage
PIERCE - Arrow damage
SPECIALIST - Pikeman damage
CRUSH - Horse crush damage
FLAME - Fire damage
FROST - Ice damage

#71 Nazgûl


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 10:53 PM

Thanks, I found the rest of them too... I think :grin:

This brings me back to my final question in this thread too:

>>>Does anyone know how one could set more damage for the CaH Troll only(like double), without affecting the others CaH's?
I've tried this in Weapon.ini:
Weapon CreateAHeroBasicMeleeWeapon

	DamageNugget		  // Only TROLL hero; DOES NOT WORK?
		Damage		= 99999;test!
		Radius		= 0.0
		DelayTime	 = 0
		DamageType	= HERO
		DamageFXType  = MAGIC
		DeathType	 = NORMAL
		RequiredUpgradeNames	= Upgrade_CreateAHero_ClassServantsOfSauron Upgrade_CreateAHero_SubClass_0
	;ForbiddenUpgradeNames	= 
but no... no effect?

Edited by Nazgûl, 04 January 2007 - 10:57 PM.

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#72 Nazgûl


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Posted 05 January 2007 - 05:31 AM

Hm, I've runned into another problem... :(

I separeted Gwaihir from the other eagles, but now he wont show up upon creating him from the Elven fortress? I get the soundeffect, but no Gwaihir appears, and no icon. Anyone got any ideas what I've missed? What code in what ini is calling the object when you press the button for recruitning the elven fortress eagle? :p

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#73 IthronAiwendil


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Posted 05 January 2007 - 07:57 AM

Take a look at Elvenfortress.ini and Upgrade.ini. They have the codes needed to summon an eagle from the fortress.

#74 Nazgûl


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Posted 05 January 2007 - 08:53 AM

Thanks, that's just what I did... and basically I only added a few new tooltips and such (controlbar u know) and told the game that gwaihir should always be white and all other eagles brown. And he got his own armorset and cost. That's about it, but now he's gone? I don't get it... :(

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#75 zimoo


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Posted 05 January 2007 - 10:54 AM

You could make it so the troll CAH upgrades trigger a brand new weaponset. EA's CAH code is very very messy though, and only one person understands it as far as I know.
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#76 Nazgûl


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Posted 05 January 2007 - 11:36 PM

Who would that be? The CeO of EA? :umad:
1) But what about this file for the CaH Troll...
Take a look... shouldn't that be modifiable in some way? ;)
I'm thinkin about this part:
			GroupName			= CreateAHero_DamageMultAttribute
			MinValueUpgrade		= Upgrade_DamageMultAttribute11
			MaxValueUpgrade		= Upgrade_DamageMultAttribute20
			DefaultValueUpgrade	= Upgrade_DamageMultAttribute18

So if I in Attributemodifier would increase this value - maybe that would work?
Does the code read stuff within ( ) ?
ModifierList DamageMultAttribute20
//	FX							= 
	Duration					= 0
	ReplaceInCategoryIfLongest	= Yes

2) The damn invisible Gwaihir is also buggin me a lot... I'm gonna try to roll back and do it again... slower :blush:
EDIT: Gwaihir fixed 100%... but the CaH... nah - EA just f-ed up with this one :(

Edited by Nazgûl, 08 January 2007 - 10:36 AM.

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#77 Nazgûl


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Posted 09 January 2007 - 12:14 AM

New topic:

Barrage... for player it's blue, for AI it's red. How do I switch? :p

Edited by Nazgûl, 10 January 2007 - 07:15 PM.

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#78 Nazgûl


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Posted 10 January 2007 - 07:20 PM

Never mind that, not so important... but this is though:

I've just managed to ad some Rohan buildings as a min-faction to Gondor, and along with them; Rohirrim, archers, warriors and peasants. Now, the armory builds the upgrades and they're buyable, but neither the Rohirrim, archers, warrioirs or peasants get theit upgrade icons lit, despite that the upgrade is built in the armory?

Where must I look to fix this? :blush:

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#79 Hard_Sander

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 07:36 PM

Their commandbuttons are still the ones from bfme. So change it. You could also change the required upgrade they need for it to MoTW. And the Rohirrim? You mean the standard?

#80 Nazgûl


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Posted 10 January 2007 - 07:55 PM

Yes, the regular Rohirrim from BFME2... they show up from the Rohan stable, but all their upgrades wont light up even though the Rohan armory builds them... I'll have a deeper look at the commandbuttons...

Edited by Nazgûl, 10 January 2007 - 07:55 PM.

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