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#41 Skywaters


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 12:09 PM

The Southern Feifdoms were no-where near as strong as you make out. The Imrahil Prince and his knights were the main enforcing army of the southern fiefdoms, however, their role was secondary to the main army of Gondor that would journey to their reinforcement. To make a southern fiefdom faction is... well... not unique but honestly stupid. They would be a virtual carbon-copy of Gondor because there was nothing unique about them save the port city Pelargir and it's navies it built established by the 1st Ship-Kings Earnil I. Uniquity is not all about creating a new side or splitting something up and to make new sides for the sake of uniquity is... well stupid.

Same with the evil men. The evil men were actually warring factions in their barren and desolate land and were only "truely" united by Sauron. Gondor repelled them time and again because they were not a unified force and only on rare times did they truely amass a strong power-base. For them to have their own faction is stupid, as they are more a mercanery faction and nothing more.

You seem to have a trend of splitting factions up for some reason. Why exactly? The forces are a combined mixture of what is their best weakenesses and worst strengths. Mordor is a force that would swamp an enemy with ineffecient units, while it's elite infantry are created and amassed, yet now it's all about simple spamming. You've succeded in taking any strategic value out of mordor with this modification... unique indeed. RotWK introduced the black orcs as a good intermediate counter unit, that gave the mordor faction depth and increased strategy that blended incredibly well with the easterlings and men of harad. Except that they are gone from Mordor now.

A Rohan split is in almost every modification at the moment. To be unique would be to keep it in, considering that BFME2 is not BFME1. Infact, that intrigues me. If you like BFME1 so much, why are you modding BFME2? BFME2 is all about the northern kingdoms and wars and yet here I am, posting in a mod that's all about the war of the south. I have that, it's called BFME1 and I play it when I want to play the war of the south. The dev team made the right call in removing Rohan, because rohan isn't a full flegded army as such in the game. They are missing valuable areas of a tech-tree and ultimately are an army that works on speed and movement and advantages that aren't able to be translated into BFME2. Not to mention the vast inaccuries of the Rohan faction in BFME1.

You "left in" the elves solely because the fellowship went to Rivendell. So what? The elves never fought in the war of the ring, because it was not their fight and they were leaving. Everyone knows that the scence in TTT was an addition by Peter Jackson (and.... a foolish one at that). The only real mention of any "fight" is when orcs track the fellowship to Lothlorien and Haldir and his brothers and fellow elves dispatch them. According to your logic, they have as much reason to stay as the dwarves and Angmar, but they are gone.

To jump to another point, Why the HELL was Angmar removed? WTF kind of a decision was that? You effectively just removed the entire expansion pack in one hit? Why on earth would I want to play a mod that just removed what I paid $50 for? The Rise of the Witch-King was a (well crafted) story of the the Witch-King's acension to power and his plans for dominion. The fact is that Angmar survived a long time, that the fortress of Dol Guldor was alive and well into the 3rd age. That you would remove the entire selling point of the expansion is brainless. Keep the mod for BFME2 instead of RotWK, or put Angmar back in if you want it on RotWK.

Wow... the Galadhrim are back. Unique. Galadriel and Celeborn. Unique.

And take this as pure honesty. Whether you all flame me for my views or not, I don't care. I'm being honest, that your views on uniquity suit you only when it does and that is without a doubt, mod wise a stupid idea. I have BFME1, I don't want a clone with BFME2
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#42 Stealthsnake


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 12:32 PM

ok, i was not expecting a lecture. I dotn know anyone so far who shares your views, so i wont take a huge amount of notice.

There is plenty of unique stuff about SF, you clearly have no idea about Sf, if you think they would be a copy of Gondor.

There is plenty of unique stuff in this mod, i dont tell the public everything.

The reason im not modding bfme1, is because it did not have support for more then 4 factions, and there are more people playing bfme2.

This mod is odviously not to your taste, but alot of people are looking foward tot his mod, and have even said they are getting the expansion pack just to play this mod, so i dont feel like im wasting my time, as im doing what people want.

If you want to play with angmar, simpyl use the original shortcut. Angmar had nothing todo with the war of the ring, which all they are doing is taking anouther faction slot up which i can replace with a faction more tolkien lore to that time scale.

Im not sure what your trying to achieve by posting that, either you have something personal agasint me, which i doubt as i had not heard of you till now. Or you dont like to see a successful mod doing well. Either way, it has lowerd my opinion of t3a staff, who i always thought would support all mods.

Thanks for spamming my topic up :p
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a mod for rotwk, includes Harad, Rhun, Rohan and Southern Fiefdoms Factions, beta released, site/forums for the mod is here.

#43 Phil


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 01:21 PM

Jeez dudes, chill! What is going on here?

Honestly Skywaters, what's the point of that post?
Look at the effect now, it's nothing but anger. I can understand what you think, and it's your good right to have your own opinion, but posting it up and pissing off the person who has put so much effort in it is just unfair. It may be that the things you listed up are true for you, they aren't true for others. Point is that voicing so inconstructive criticism only creates trouble. If you don't like it, don't play it. If you have good suggestions to improve the mod, speak and then Tom/Stealthsnake can decide what to do with them. It's really simple.

Tom, don't make quick conclusions: The T3A Staff does certainly not deserved to be criticised, so look at the member group first before you start to offend them.

And lastly, let me find that very inspiring quote of Kelso:

People need to chill out. Last time I checked, this was a hobby.....

Work on your shit and have some fun.

My Political Compass

Sieben Elefanten hatte Herr Dschin
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#44 Skywaters


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 01:23 PM

DLOTS: Criticism creates the most powerful dunamic change entity. It's how the world is powered sadly. I'm just being honest. Criticism would be "THIS SUCKS SO BAD BECAUSE!" whereas I would post "This mod is really weird because" or "WTfrell is up with removing this because?"

I am in no way affiliated with The 3rd Age, and I need not be. I have no problem with mods that achieve a modicum of popularity, I'm merely being honest with you. The mere fact that you over-react to the slightest criticism is a sign of immaturity. Grow up.

Let's see now:

Lossarnach was mostly a farmer's land and during the WOTR, was a haven for refugees from Osgilitah and Ithilien. While men were sent, you wouldn't exactly call them "soldiers"

Lebennin was chiefly under attack by the Corsairs of Umbar. While they are in their own a powerful fow, especially their port city they are mainly a naval force as established by the Ship-Kings

Belfalas is the main power-broker of the souther fiefdoms. Here lies Dol Amroth and the Princes thereof (Including the current, Imrahil). However, the majority of Dol Amroth was under heavy attack during the WOTR and only the Imrahil Prince and his bodyguards and a small relief force made their way. Historically a powerful force, especially when combined with Lebennin

Lamedon were a flanking force protector. Trained mountain men who were densly populated. It stands to reason they would hold a formation of power

Anfalas... there's not much to say about it really

And how would the Souther Fiefdoms be different? Please tell me, because I desperately (and legimately) want to know. If you can make them different, then well done! You are well on your way to being a good mod maker, but given your current reasons (And the fact that naval combat is so stupid that it isn't used) I don't see it how. (The above post contains no sarcasm, don't take it that way)

http://www.rhovanionalliance.net dispells your "4 factions only" myth by the way...

Also, your not doing what people want. That is in itself a pure contradiction. To do it for people would mean you'd listen to me, then the next person, then the next person and so on and so forth. You have your own ideas that you supplant with other's suggestions. You have in fact a collaboration of ideas. That's how 90% of mods are made, only a very few stay "true" to themselves.

BTW, If you had "Tolkien Lore" in regards to the WOTR situation then it would simply be Isengard, Men of the West and Mordor. Please don't contradict yourself.

Also, my opinions are my own. I don't have anything against you, I'm just giving you honest critiques. The fact that you take it so personally is a sign that you have not attained a level of maturity to be a mod-leader. That you can't take it when someone says this is superficial, or redunandt or the like shows that. If you want to make a mod that's cool, go ahead I support you, but learn first to take the good with the bad. Not everyone will like your mod, i've seen enough of negative responses on a particular board that I won't mention that says alot worse than I do. Put simply, if you want to mod cool. Just learn to take input from others.

And spam is useless. Thoughts are powerful entities by themselves alone. A thought can change the world, how else would we live how we do now? Don't call my posts spam.

Edited by Skywaters, 21 January 2007 - 01:27 PM.

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#45 Stealthsnake


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 01:37 PM

id rather of this be posted at my sub forum, as all its doing is making this topic a boring read to everyone else, which is tbh anoying me.

SF is a fun faction that has not been done before, whats the problem with doing them? they are unquie, as they have not been done before.

Theres surgestions on inprovements, and then theres surgestions on mods. What yoru saying is that i should not of botherd doing this mod, whcih i hav put hours of back aching coing into every day? You may not want to play this mod, but thats no reason to put me down, this is something i want todo my self, whcih im enjoying making, and others are lookign foward to playing.

i take back my

Either way, it has lowerd my opinion of t3a staff, who i always thought would support all mods.

i saw the staff banner and did not look any further.

and why is there an RA link in my topic? id never consider my self at that level, are you trying to put me down again?

Edited by Stealthsnake, 21 January 2007 - 01:38 PM.

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a mod for rotwk, includes Harad, Rhun, Rohan and Southern Fiefdoms Factions, beta released, site/forums for the mod is here.

#46 Skywaters


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 02:23 PM

You can't take the liberty of choice from people then you become a censor. The fact is, what you see as a "boring" read is valid opinion to me or someone else. I don't consider anyone elses posts here "boring", rather an insight into a point-of-view that I don't have and I like to see why people have that point of view and why they don't have mine.

My question is: What is unique about SF? Tell me and i'll belive you and sway my mind you shall have.

"What yoru saying is that i should not of botherd doing this mod, whcih i hav put hours of back aching coing into every day" "Hours of back aching coding?" If you want my sympathy, don't try. Any modder who mods for the passion they have doesn't care about hours, time or anything. I endure a severe form of insomnia, which gives me an hour or two's sleep (if i'm lucky, usually it's none) a night. In that time I spend modding 5 games at the same time (including RotWK). I don't do it because I want glory and to make a statement concerns me, because I worry what your motivation is? I'm just saying, 90% of the oldies in games modding that I know would say "Pfft, what's your point?"

"i saw the staff banner and did not look any further" I'm curious as to why I am too. I left along time ago.

"and why is there an RA link in my topic? id never consider my self at that level, are you trying to put me down again?"

Look at the entire sentence please. I was dispelling your 4 faction myth, I never even attempted a comparison.

It seems, without undue course that you twist and misinterpret everything I say to you. That's your choice. You can add me to MSN @ skylife[at]3Synegy[dot]net and i'll happily discuss such things in a civil way, and tell you my point of view and you can happily persuade me otherwise. I'm not a stupid person Tom, I happily can admit being wrong and if you wish to show me why BoG is a good mod, then add me to MSN and feel free and i'll believe you. I'm just pointing out my reasons for not believing that point-of-view
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#47 zimoo


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 02:31 PM

You can add more than 4 factions in BFME1, but if you do then you miss out on things such as mixed-army selection portraits and that icon that allows you to select all heroes. As far as I know even RA have not found a way around this.
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Playing games? Ah, you'll never be a good modder if you get involved in actually playing them!

#48 Hard_Sander

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Posted 21 January 2007 - 02:52 PM

StealthSnake, I just want to say I like your mod and you did an kick ass job! :p

I really like the big unit diversity at the Harad Faction. A lot of mods putted it in, but this one is the best.

@ Skywaters: Dude, chill out! Take a beer. Then think about your posts and find the contradictions.

#49 Skywaters


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 02:59 PM

I'm not perfect, I'll happily admit I can make mistakes. Trust me, this is very calm for me. If I were angry i'd be more.. direct and less tact?

Mind you, I haven't slept for 36 hours, so that may have something to do with it...
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#50 Stealthsnake


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 03:01 PM

You can add more than 4 factions in BFME1, but if you do then you miss out on things such as mixed-army selection portraits and that icon that allows you to select all heroes. As far as I know even RA have not found a way around this.

thats what i ment by there not being ths support for factions.

I did not know you were a modder as ive never heard of you before now. Which most non modders have no idea how time consuming this is, which is why i put that point accross.

Im not going to add you to msn and tell you why you should like this mod as its a waste of time. Its a matter of opinion, which everyone has the right to. It should be the other way around, if you feel you have surgestions to give to help inprove the mod, feel free to tell me rather then telling me why this mod is not good, and not giving surgestions on inprovement. Then perhaps i can do something about it.

When i started this mod many months back, i was doing it out of my own free will, its something i wanted todo. Thats what is my motivation.

Im not talking to you as if your stupid, if i was i must do it to everyone else. But i would expect the same from you.
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a mod for rotwk, includes Harad, Rhun, Rohan and Southern Fiefdoms Factions, beta released, site/forums for the mod is here.

#51 Skywaters


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 03:08 PM

I don't like people to here of me, hence I carry 10 different aliases at any one time. It creates stigmatas and biases with which people judge you and choose to have no open-mind for.

Anyway, I wish you well on your mod, I hope it releases well. Regardless of my like or dislike, it is an impressive mod and shows you have a degree of skill. Congratulations.
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#52 Stealthsnake


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 03:15 PM

ok thanks. good luck with what ever your doing at the moment :p
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a mod for rotwk, includes Harad, Rhun, Rohan and Southern Fiefdoms Factions, beta released, site/forums for the mod is here.

#53 Solinx



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Posted 21 January 2007 - 03:23 PM

Glad to see how it turned out :p


Edited by Solinx, 21 January 2007 - 03:31 PM.

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"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field." - Niels Bohr

#54 Skywaters


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 05:16 PM

BFME II Dynamics. Doubt it'll ever see the light of day, but it keeps me sane during the long, cold hours of the night. I meant to say btw, that (It may have been removed, I don't know) that Easterling hero was kick-ass! Mounting a mumakil as a special power!

That is frackin unique indeed :p
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#55 Lauri


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 05:48 PM

suddenly, Skywaters seems lika another person :p

but whatever, we mod for ourself, and people might like it or not.... I love WWII games, but people might be sick of them... it's the matter of opinions ;)

but that's all behind you now, so dont' take it up again ;)

And SS, I'll have to wait a few minutes untill I can play :)


The 4th Age version 0.8 has been released: Link

#56 Skywaters


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 07:50 PM

I'm not perfect and I will qualify my opinions. My problem, is that I tend to speak before I think about what i'm saying and it causes me to... come across as very abrupt in rude. I'd never insult Tom, as from one modder to another that's a total lack of respect. However, my tone and form would indeed bely such a facet of thinking...

Indeed, I must yet still master my tongue.
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#57 Phil


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Posted 21 January 2007 - 07:55 PM

And I guess a lack of sleep is not really helpful :p
Good that this problem is out of the way.

My Political Compass

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#58 Stealthsnake


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Posted 24 January 2007 - 05:30 PM

For those that have played the new public beta, this is nothing new. The Minas Tirith units with and without heavy armour.
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Also i reveal a new much needed cavalry hero for Evil Men.
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Thats it for today, more updates to come soon.
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a mod for rotwk, includes Harad, Rhun, Rohan and Southern Fiefdoms Factions, beta released, site/forums for the mod is here.

#59 IthronAiwendil


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Posted 24 January 2007 - 05:44 PM

What's the name of that Evil Men hero?

#60 zimoo


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Posted 24 January 2007 - 05:48 PM

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Playing games? Ah, you'll never be a good modder if you get involved in actually playing them!

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