Posted 06 April 2008 - 01:58 PM
Posted 07 April 2008 - 04:33 AM
to : Creator
Only suggestion how if the photo of Ironside [USA robot generals] in Contra 006 replaced with mine [column 7, line 2 of the picture above]. Coz i think it more "Cybernatic". Thx for your attention.
Posted 07 April 2008 - 04:58 AM
Posted 07 April 2008 - 05:26 AM
wow, those generals all look cool as
did you make them? or find them somewhere?
half YES, half i made it
detail : 12 pics from Contra / Remix mod, 1 pic from SW mod, and 15 pics of them i made it
Good sugestion! That generals looks more apropriate!
Edited by gam3_link, 07 April 2008 - 05:29 AM.
Posted 07 April 2008 - 03:14 PM
Posted 07 April 2008 - 06:48 PM
Posted 08 April 2008 - 08:31 AM
#2249 Guest_Kossumies6_*
Posted 08 April 2008 - 08:48 AM
Couldn't the airforce general be able to build KC-135 stratotankers from the special airfield? They would repair other nearby aircraft and be pretty durable. They would make new type of airassaults possible.
And couldn't the large energy shot from Fafnir, annhilator, omega tank and the charging blast (the aurora for example) also have an emp-effect? It wouldn't be very special, but it would make it a bit more realistic in my opinion.
Posted 08 April 2008 - 03:25 PM
Two suggestions this time (the second one's nearly just a cosmetic thing)
Couldn't the airforce general be able to build KC-135 stratotankers from the special airfield? They would repair other nearby aircraft and be pretty durable. They would make new type of airassaults possible.
A good idea... maybe if they repaired, and rearmed other aircraft in its AoE... it would act as a mobile forward operating base...
But a build limit of 1/2 would be needed. It would be like a refueling aircraft, which allows the planes to be operational for longer, but in generals this isn't possible.
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#2251 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 11 April 2008 - 05:58 PM
Robot/Laser/Flame General:
Power Trooper : experienced special troopers in a big power armor that protects them from radiactive, chemical and flame attacks plus normal anti infantry weapons. its legguard is equiped with a powerful artificial muscle that allows the trooper to run as fast as a tank. Power trooper uses a fusion battery to move the muscle, so uppon death he might explode and damage other units around him.
in addition he is equiped with a jet pack that allows him to switch between hovering or moving mode. if he enters hover mode he can bypass train obstacles (but still can be attacked by anti ground weps.) and attack enemies while moving, it also increases his speed to match the speed of a humvee... but he becomes quite vulnerable to attacks. (a missle defender can three shot him.)
his weapon? mmm a powerful laser weapon or a flame thrower.
and also, he might be unvulnerable to anti infantry weapons...but he can be destroyed by dedicated anti armor units. he is also invulnerable to sniper attacks.
#2252 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 14 April 2008 - 02:12 AM
#2253 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 14 April 2008 - 03:24 PM
SAGE limitations means that any jetpack troops are nigh impossible or satisfactory. It sounds rather OP, having cut off much of flame, toxin and nuke's many weapons or additional damage.
I didnt say "jetpacking" i said "switching to hover mode" which means the infantry takes off from the ground and flies in the air (quite lower than the attitude of normal air units so it'll make sense to be hit by anti ground units.) you can move the unit whenever you want and once you feel that your unit is not safe in the air anymore you can switch it to normal moving mode.(if SAGE doesnt support this kind of ability toom, then im sorry.)
and i never said this unit to be an overpowered thing... as i said, a dedicated anti tank unit can easily destroy it. the trooper himself should be some kind of "anti base" or "anti armor" unit, with a high cooldown rate so his powerful weapon will be useless against clustered-up enemy infantries (dedicated ATs like missle defender.)
#2254 Guest_Kossumies6_*
Posted 18 April 2008 - 08:41 AM
When they would land, they would be safe from just air targeting units and could be repaired by vehicle repairing units. Also in the case of the helix and the two chinooks, couldn't their loading and unloading possibilities only be able to be done while landed and the helixes could only be upgraded while on the ground. Also while they would be on the ground, their crew would be able to be killed or the copters could be hijaked.
When they would land, their engines would lower their power in about 2-4 seconds (the rotorblades would spin slower) and they could regain enough power to lift-off in 3-6 seconds lift-off (commanche and hellspawn in about 3 seconds, chinooks in 5 seconds and the helix in 6 seconds)
Posted 18 April 2008 - 01:39 PM
Posted 23 April 2008 - 08:39 AM
Mobile Barracks : A huge truck that can train infantry once it expands itself (like a the command centers in CNC3.)
Mobile WarFactory : A mobile base that once expandid it can call uppon GLA cargoplanes and drop assault vehicles near it.
Mobile Base Defenses : mobile vehicles that can be "planted" and attack enemy units. weaker than normal base defenses but...hey! they are mobile!
MRC (mobile research center) : replaces Palace. can move and expand, once expanded, various of upgrades will be available to research.
Black Truck OR MBM (Mobile Black Market) : Replaces the Black Market. can move and expand, once expanded it gives you resource over time and allows you to upgrade.
Mobile Factory : Replaces the factory and for training vehicles it uses the same style Mobile WarFactory uses.
But this brings a problem too :
Mobile AirField!? : which is not possible (not at least for GLA)
this turns assault general into "full assault"
and turns it into a real pain in the a** ... takes time i know... but it
'll make assault cool.
Posted 24 April 2008 - 02:12 PM
Posted 25 April 2008 - 05:35 AM
creator, can u change kwai's gatt tank to this which i created?
Posted 27 April 2008 - 11:29 AM
i also want to suggest to add this unit
if its ok?
i suggest it on USA ROBOTS or GLA stealth or what so ever. . .
by the way
its just a suggestions...
Edited by kerrigan, 27 April 2008 - 11:31 AM.
#2260 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 28 April 2008 - 01:27 AM
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