#2261 Guest_Guesthffhgjg_*
Posted 28 April 2008 - 06:36 AM
#2262 Guest_Kossumies6_*
Posted 29 April 2008 - 07:33 AM
As durable as the Fafnir and with the same size but a bit slower and completely defenceless before deploying. When deployed it would work as a detector unit with the range of the listening outpost and it would launch small homing missiles from three rocketpads on nearby land and air targets with a fast rate of fireing.
An enhanced version of the spidertank. Moves faster, passes impassable terrain like the mountains, can carry 6 units and utilize powerful gattling weapons on both air and ground targets. Much weaker than the Fafnir and also a bit smaller.
Faster but weaker than the Fafnir. Utilizes two powerful flametrowers and a cannon that launches thermaborical mixture filled shells like an artillery unit. It would be defenceless against aircraft and cause a huge firestorm if destroyed.
#2263 Guest_Kossumies6_*
Posted 02 May 2008 - 08:49 AM
Couldn't the scorpion tank, cockroach and the maraduer tank have an ability to construct tank-camonets? They could come standard with the stealth generals scorpions and with the other generals they could be built individually to the tanks. They would cost around 100 and they would make the tank cloaked while stationary and not shooting.
Also, couldn't all the units and defence buildings have an ability to cease fireing just like the camonetted tunnelnetworks. That way they could be used to create powerful ambushes with GLA and also stop shooting when a "gray ally" comes by in free-for-all MP games.
And for last: Couldn't all builders have an ability to deconstruct buildings? The deconstructing would be rather slow, give only 10% back from the money used to build the building and also it would require the builder deconstructing it the whole time (just like when building). Also couldn't this ability be able to be used to all buildings, friend of foe alike (exept the neutral tech-buildings and so one, of course). That way you could make offences in which you push your enemy away from his buildings and then bring in your builders to gain more money from the assault by deconstructing your enemys buildings.
What do you guys think?
#2264 Guest_Me_*
Posted 05 May 2008 - 12:08 PM
so it will near from the release date too isn't it?
i hope i can get it as soon as possible.
Posted 13 May 2008 - 05:35 AM
How about giving all the sides an early rushing unit (milita) that could be built from the command centre or the command vehicle? (all of cource would be relatively balanced at startup)
All the GLA generals could build milita from their command vehicles, but with toxin general the milita would be armed with a toxin pump, with explovsives general they could set the TNT charges at startup and later have the same ability to be blown up, with stealth general they would be camoflaged from startup and with assault general they would have nothing special at startup.
Chinas "milita" would be guerilla voluntair.
They would have the same abilities as the GLA milita (only armed with the chinese mg), but with the infantry general they could later remove minefields, with nuke general use the nucreal bullets, with tank general use the automated rifles and with flame general place flame boodytraps on buildings.
USAs "milita" would be local sympatiser.
They again would have the same abilities (only a bit more expensive and stronger) as the GLA milita (only armed with M-16 or something), but with superweapon they could later place small EMP bombs, with airforce designate units and buildings with a laser, with laser they would later have an ability to place charger bombs (the aurora charge) and with cyber the milita would be called bionic voluntair that would be affected by the same upgrades as the cyborg.
What do you think?
Edit: Oh yeah. Forgot to say that the Chinese and USA milita would also have an ability to plant TNT charges.
Edit2: Another idea popped to my crazy head this day( )
Assault general has no aviation now, but perhaps he could have special airforce units like the airforce generals special airfields units. A special airfield from where he could build two diffrent old german large aeroplanes: The Ju-52 as a paradrop plane that would drop three rebels, two rpg troopers and one stinger trooper to the designated site (just like the airforce generals plane) and Ju-86 that would drop 8 small bombs in a zig-zag formation over a relatively small area. Their damage and effect would be the same as the katjusha missile explosions.
Both of them would be pretty weak, slow to move and reload but they wouldn't cost very much and they would be both availiable at third rank and at fift rank perhaps an upgrade could be built at the airfield that they both would have gunner positions to defend themselves against other aircaft.
Edit3: And another idea came up: How about giving all (but not cyber) USA generals a new infantry unit? A combat demolition engineer who would have a full body kevlar armour (thus giving him much higher resistance to anti-infantry weapons but also slowing his movement a lot [the full body kevlar armour is really bulky and uncomfortable]), have a Jackhammer automatic shotgun as a weapon (pretty low range but devestating against infantry and elevated damage against vehicles), and the ability to place timed demolition charges, remote demolition charges, boody traps and designator beacons on buildings that would work like the avengers targeting laser for some time (for example the building to which the beacon would be placed would pulse in some colour or have smoke coming from it).
Edited by Kossumies6, 18 May 2008 - 06:57 AM.
Posted 17 May 2008 - 07:51 AM
beyond the eternal pleasure of war, when the dead rule and the living die, and the pain of destruction has reigned. when skulls are crushed under the threads of heavy metal. when this time comes i shall arise and rule you all HAIL TO THE KING. praise all forms of xeno for they inherit the future
Posted 23 May 2008 - 07:29 AM
Incase the assault general would get a special airfield of some sort, he could build the Hind from there. With him, the Hind would have the armour and speed similar to the helix, but carry the same weaponary as the commance at startup. The Hind could be upgraded to have a gattling cannon, carry four AA-missiles, carry two heavy AT-missiles (the ones in tank generals helix for example) or a cargobay for six or 8 unitspots. Perhaps it could later be upgraded from the Temple of Jihad to have extra FFAR rocket pods that would shoot rocket barriages just like the commance.
With explosives general the hind would be modified for special suicide attacks. It would have extra fueltanks instead of missiles, it would have more armour and its cargobay would be stuffed with high explovsives and ammunation. It would also cost the same ammount of money as the nucreal bombtruck.
When it attacks a target, it would in case of land targets fly over the target, blow its copterblades away and crash on top of the target with a huge explosion and then it would start a firestorm. In case of aeral targets, it would crash to the target and then detonate in a massive explosion with the radus of the silicon cloud from toxins SAM-site. The explovsion would cause devestating damage to any nearby aircraft friend or foe alike. When exploded in air, it would also drop flaming scrap around the ground under it.
Also, if the explosives generals Hind gets "shot down", it would explode in the air with the same way it would explode when used against aeral targets.
And in addicion, after the dirty bomb upgrade would have been developed, the hind would leave radiaton on the ground when used against ground units and when it would explode in air it would drop flaming and radioactive scrap.
This would also give the explosives general another superunit and a powerful support gunship to the assault general. What do you guys think?
Edited by Kossumies6, 23 May 2008 - 07:31 AM.
#2268 Guest_pwnzorz_*
Posted 15 June 2008 - 03:45 AM
I don't think creator even does anymore since he still has a lot of work to do that's already been considered.
But just to add one really cool unit.. I thought we would really need this for infantry gen to maybe replace the battle fortress.
I just didn't like the thing cuz it was so huge and slow and fat. But anyone who saw Land of the Dead movie, I think you would know what i'm trying to get to.
Yes, I was asking if we could add the truck from Land of the Dead to replace infantry's battle fortress. http://www.moviesonl...pic.php?id=4000
that was one of the screens. http://www.moviesonl...pic.php?id=4009
You can see that the truck has 2 6 barrelled mortars at the front. you can't see it right now, but if you watched the movie, the truck also has dual minigun cannons on the nose as well. Now here is where the idea get's a little twisted. Everybody will now be thinking, "the unit will be too uber if it carries 8 rocket troopers with that thing". That's why the truck will not be garrisoning ANY units. Instead, it will be a mobile barracks. Inside of the truck is an whole armory. So why not? I can be a mobile healing and training facility and a good attack vehicle. We already have troop crawlers, so why have another unit that garrisons rocket troopers? also, since the vehicle will not be letting in any infantry, I also thought we should add a built in speaker tower in the middle of the truck, put 2 weapons on the side that makes it seem like it's garrisoning 2 minigunners.
Rounded up, the truck will have:
2 weapon stations making it seem like there is 2 minigunners garrisoned inside the vehicle. .
Mobile training facility.
Speaker tower
2 6 barreled mortars
2 gattlings at the front
So, if anybody is reading this, what do you think?
If you can see the dot somewhere in teh screen, you do not need glasses.
#2269 Guest_Ronin93_*
Posted 17 June 2008 - 08:54 AM
Here's just a few suggestions with mainly the cybertronics general
1. I think that since he has cyborg soldiers, perhaps you could make an upgrade to make them immune to toxins, rad?
because he dosen't have very good firepower at the start, and often found them being my defence unfortunately toxin tractors own the units.
2. The stormtroopers are just a tad too slow although, maybe you wanted it that way?? Perhaps you could make a missile version of them
3. If you have played shockwave..the superweapon's railguns fire a blue rail-beam attack. I think that if you could either create/borrow (ask first)
the rail effect for the fafnir mech, instead of just missiles it would be great. You don't have to change the damage, just the effect. Because when i played mech
warrior, it would usually hold 2 heavy gauss rifles, which are like blue spirally attacks...
4. I know that mech units take an age to create, and code, but it would be great too see a more mechish feel to the robot general. Perhaps instead of tanks, you could have like battle mechs, i think more walking battle mechs instead of actual vehicles. It would change the gameplay a bit, making the robot general a brute, with slow mechs. But i think that it would be a good mix with his fast infantry. I know you do have a few, but i think that the overall effect would be better for the general
5. I know this is a hastle, and you don't need to do it, but it would be great if the cyborgs looked a little more robotish...although i love the model of the barraks
6. I think that the drop pod power needs a little more delay, before they come down. Like the time it takes for them to fall from the sky, needs to be a slight bit longer.
7. Just a random suggestion, could you make an elite unit for every team?? like a the fafnir mech for the robot general??
8. Just to expand to my other idea, i think that it would be good, if you made the general have
slow powerful mechs - up the cost a bit, and make the creation of them a little slower
fast light infantry - meaning you have light firepower that can be created fast.
It would make for some serious brute tactics
9. You could let the lighter mechs have light anti-air capabilities, but let the heavier mechs need protection/or maybe make an upgrade for them like an overlord
These are just suggestions, and don't feel forced to use them...(or feel bad about rejecting them) and if any of these have already been solved or rejected, forget about them
great mod, awesome work
keep it up
#2270 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 17 June 2008 - 05:17 PM
1. IMMUNE TO TOXINS??!! ARE OYU FREAKIN KIDDING ME? ppl like me love toxin gen. If robots could just be immune to toxins and rush in with cyborgs that move fast with the upgrades, it's almost invincible. Even gat tanks couldn't stop them because they'll just get killed before they even get to fire. This idea will make robot gen way to uber. It's already got that cyborg thing for rank 5, so it will not need any more improvements.
2. I think the stormtroopers were meant to be slow. They got quite a bit of firepower, so it evens it out.
3. lol. I can't see why everybody keeps bringing in shockwave in the suggestions thread. I don't see any more improvements for the fahnir mech because everything about it is cool. Besides. The rail arty in the shockwave mod is unbalanced. It shoots out one beam and knocks out an overlord making it fly away.
4. ok, one. plz use punctuations. Your running your idea into my head like water. It's getting harder to read this. I don't think i even have to answer this suggestion. I agree that the mechs need a better animation because it seems like it's moonwalking when it moves. But i don't think it's just possible with the generals engine. It is possible in cnc 3, but not in generals. Making most of the units into mechs willl not just change the gameplay a bit. It will change it a lot. The whole point of cnc is to have tanks for ground units. that's why the animations for the mechs are simply impossible. the generals engine was never made for mechs. Besides, having mechs taht jump like real humans and get a particle sword and beat the crap out of everything just seems too childish.
5. True.. but i don't think this really needs to be fixed. Most of the vehicles look great, except the infantry. but i don't think that matters because most people don't really look close up on the infantry..
6. It does not need any more delay. The drop pod comes from space (i think) which falls off in a hypersonic flight and crashes down onto the ground. falling hypersonically into 50km of air shouldnt take so long. If your referring to the HALO drop from shockwave mod, the halo drop is simply people parachuting down from a plane in the stratosphere. Which they don't travel hypersonic.
7. ????? I don't see what your talking about. all the gens have elite units.
Robot : Fahnir
Flame : Iron fist mortar
Air force : B2 bomber
Laser : Omega cannon
Super weapon : Her superweapons -_- and maybe the force field
Nuke : Iron dragon gunship or Bertha
Tank : Shaitan ( KICK ASS! )
Infantry : Battle fortress
and so on and so on.
8. don't need to answer that question.
9. look at question 8.
#2271 Guest_Guest_Ronin_*_*
Posted 18 June 2008 - 08:14 AM
although i doubt any of this will be considered, because i think that Version 006 is going to be out sooner or later...
so yeah.....
#2272 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 18 June 2008 - 05:02 PM
Posted 22 June 2008 - 07:07 AM
immune to toxin doesnt mean immune to acid the still burn if you bombard them with acids
beyond the eternal pleasure of war, when the dead rule and the living die, and the pain of destruction has reigned. when skulls are crushed under the threads of heavy metal. when this time comes i shall arise and rule you all HAIL TO THE KING. praise all forms of xeno for they inherit the future
#2274 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 22 June 2008 - 07:38 PM
#2275 Guest_omen_*
Posted 22 June 2008 - 09:28 PM
grant it, understand infantry are rather weak, their health is low, and unless you epic infantry rush the hill, you're bound to fail with them unless you are a micro master. armor units such as tanks and heaver units still crush them. thus, a superior armor rush will total the infantry rush.
so lets look at the balance. tox gen gets acid upgrade quickly for his infantry units. this allows them to actually be useful. the cyber gen also becomes immune (logically so) to standard anti infantry toxins. keep in mind they're immune to rad fields from the get go so it's understandable.
in counter case i already know why the cyber fanboys will yell at me for this. "but that's not fair, or that's not logical" will be the first off, "giving the tox gen a upgrade but nothign for cyber gen?" will probably be second. i do suggest for those people to stop while they're ahead and re read my post. tox gen now stands a chance against the total armor gens, and total armor gens are now imune to standard toxins. and a slight thing, the damage would be increased, but wouldn't be anywhere as near as the damage done by the rocket troops.
#2276 Guest_Guest Guest_*
Posted 23 June 2008 - 11:16 AM
And i doubt contra 006 will be coming out this year. probably in 2009.
With all due respect for the creators' achievements and no offense meant, but that would suck.
It's a mod for an ancient game.
If CnC3 wouldn't suck as much ass as it does, nobody would care a bit about ZH mods at all.
I'd rather have a 98% perfect Contra 6 instead of waiting another 6 months.
Especially considering how great contra 005 was already.
I mean, I'll still play it when it comes out in 2011, but time's running out for ZH really.
As soon as there's a new game that's close to it's gameplay quality and setting
(all the other asapects can be topped quite easily), ZH will be dead.
#2277 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 23 June 2008 - 07:31 PM
The command and conquer generals engine didn't offer much. It had medium graphics, and with less compatibility than the CNC 3 engine. But, the reason why people like generals so much is because how much fun you can have. In generals online, people make their own maps with unlimited money and have battles in a massive scale. You don't really see that in CNC 3. In CNC 3, there are massive unlimited money games, but it's graphics screw everything up and you can't stack units. Look at starcraft. The first one came out in the 1990s!! And you know what? It happens to be the most popular game in Korea, and it's still popular in north america as well. People are waiting for starcraft 2 right now, but i read in the forums that they are not anticipating the game that much. You know why? Exactly the same reason with Generals and CNC 3. Games like Team Fortress 2, Battlefield Heroes, classic games, with originality and fun is what people want. Lots of people like graphics, I do too, But if there simply isn't much destruction or fun, nobody will like the game. Just like CNC 3.
So far, I predict that Zero Hour will not die and last for at least 3 to 4 more years. By then, I bet Creator will not even exist in the gaming forums anymore, and that the Contra mod will be finished. I know that waiting for the mod will suck. But imagine if you were in Creator's position. Would you rather waste your time releasing every bit of work done each time rather than releasing all at once?
It's like building a model. You can't admire an unfinished model every time you assemble a part of it in. You have to finish it and polish it to admire it.
Posted 24 June 2008 - 08:21 AM
#2279 Guest_Pirate_*
Posted 24 June 2008 - 10:51 AM
Time does not mean anything. For example, many people still play Team Fortress. It is mod for 1st Quake. I'm familiar with 5 Team Fortress clans in Moscow. Also many pleople still play Red Alert-2 and Tiberian Sun. They don't need graphics. They need gameplay. Good graphics makes the game attractive for the first time. Good gameplay makes the game immortal.
Posted 25 June 2008 - 11:30 AM
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