hey im a big fan of what you are doing nazgul, and im really excited for 4.7, but im thinking that maybe there could be another skin for some of the easterling units (esp the axeman, to make him more unique, and possibly the spearmen, because they are an elite unit as well) i know in the films there was only one armor set, but 3rd age: total war had some cool units in terms of looks , and you could use that "stout axemen" idea ppl were talking about earlier . i have no experience in modding, and this could be difficult, but it could add to the diversity of rhun units (harad units already have lots of diversity).
also, an idea for quick spam units is that many men of rhun and harad were sent to nurn to be slaves on the farms there, so instead of snagas they could have nurn slaves. not sure what their weapons would be... maybe farming tools like shovels and pitchforks
lastly, i think that the variags of khand could have axes instead of those swords, to make them more unique and more book-like (i know it's a movie mod, but theres no reason why we cant have book stuff as well)
i wish all the best for this mod, and i cant wait for 4.7, even tho its been in development so long.
Edited by khamulrulz, 26 September 2009 - 02:28 AM.