Yeah, I'm ok with adding elite soldiers, pikes, and steelbowmen at later-tiered Arnor barracks, except that the basic unit is an archer/soldier toggle unit, just to keep it unique. That way, Arnor would have more human units while still keeping its uniqueness and not creating any changes that would lead to redundancy, and I have no problem with adding more human units if that's the kind of thing you're going for.
But getting rid of either Hobbits, Elves, Dunedain, or Istari would get rid of that distinct style of an alliance faction of many races and groups.
What is a faction that can't permanently summon any nonhuman allies and is primarily made up armored human units? Gondor. How would getting rid of Elves or Dunedain make Arnor unique from Gondor? How would it make Arnor any more complete than it already is?
Keeping them at inns isn't enough btw, since even Gondor or Rohan can get Elves and Dwarves from inns, and what happens for Arnor players on maps that have no inns?
WHOA, that is not what i am saying
Take away Dunedain? Heck no.
Elves, they should be limited greatly, not having 5 or w/e units of elves. elven cavalry isnt necessary either, cool, but not necessary
hobbits........early game pests. I think they should be removed to inns/powers b/c u know.......they only helped out once, and even
though in the right hands they could cause immense dmg in early game, they arent really in the arnor base army.
I forgot about Cirdan sending elves from Mithlond. So elves should stay in with them, and also, I think trebuchets should be replaced for arnor.
Arnor should have something better than trebuchets, an awesome siege weapon. I'm thinking some kind of uber numenorien machine that shoots
out hundreds of arrows at once, something like that. It's just an idea, so save the shouts people.
And remember, dojob, there's always that inn that could produce diff. elves u know....i
What i want to see from arnor is weak, basic pikes( men)
steelbowman(elite archer)
basic archers and swords same
Elite awesome uber-powered UNGONDORIENLIKE swordsmen that can kick ass everywhere thats not a mhh but an elite group.
Call it maybe Numenor Blademasters, the remnants of the great kingdom that fight with intense skill like the men of old.
For elves, i think the units should be all mithlond archers, and spears of the havens should be limited. WOuld be gay to have basic pikes and elite pikes and elite bows and elite swordsmen. IMO, the steelbowmen limited too, but not as strong as a mhh. As for swordsmen, keep them at 3 limited, but uber dmg, stronger than those damn elf mhh's.
I've just thought of a new power for them as well. I suggest a power called "Remnants of Numenor", a 15 or 25 pp power. It summons two battalions of Numenorien Blademasters (elite swords), and two battallions of steelbowmen, and Elendil/isildur/anarion (W/e is there for the LA missions which come up soon i hear!!).
In other words, this sums up what I would like to see. I know I could put more effort and organize it a little but meh, im lazy.