Doesn't everyone have railguns? I do, and I know the Caenophar have something very similar.
well segway said hyper sonic railguns, so they just have bullets that go really really fast, about march 5 and over according to wikipeadia
and segway, now that i think of it, fold space would be faster then normal hyper drive or about the same depending on how much you 'fold space', see you fold space to half its size, it would take half as long, and take a certain ammount of power, you add more power, meaning you can fold it more, meaning it is even shorter distance
so a fold space drive could vary in power reqirement and how much fold it creates
(more power=more fold=gethtere faster, like i said)
Advice part: make the 'Gatling' Rail Guns your faction tech special. Nobody else has them, it can be something unique to you. Also, historical note, Gatling guns are named after their inventor, Dr Richard Gatling. He was something of a... how shall I put this... human? He also died in 1903, a fair while before he could have developed an affiliation to Segways. So a) spell it right and b) call them something different, a Rail-Chain Gun or something.
well when you think about it, it does make sense, if a person on earht could invent it, then who's to say an alien would also invent it on their planet?
More advice: flying Segways may overcome the super-high-tech barrier of stairs, but they don't affect the chances of a soldier being shot in the leg and thus falling off his Segway. This is now even more of a problem, seeing as they're flying, so will likely fall to their deaths. Never mind, eh?
well they could be designed differently, maybe having a plate of metal around the legs, and make the people on them wear armour
maybe somthing like this thing in the video, but cooler looking
and as it says in the caption above, seen as that video is so old, you wonder what they have now?
and just imagine a race of aliens making a device like that, but even better? doesnt seem so unrealistic now does it?