Faction Name: Rakbi
Faction Location: Gamma Quadrant
Faction Technology Special: Meteorology (The Rakbis are almost omniscient about the weather and climate of their own home planet, and other similar rock-and-water planets. They are also erudite in the ways of most other weather systems. On the planet of Rakbi, forecasting is so sophisticated that weather forecasts are given years in advance. The Rakbis always calculate the effects of the weather in terrestrial skirmishes.) and Projectile Physics (The Rakbis are known for launching preemptive strikes by establishing small colonies on planetoids in enemy solar systems. They use these to fire large numbers of Inter-Planetary ballistic missiles, which use the gravity of the system's sun to slingshot the missiles towards the enemy planet. When the missiles arrive a month [I'm using Earth time because I am unsure what this RPG uses] later, the Rakbi settlement has already packed up and gone, leaving their enemies with no targets to engage.)
Faction Technology: The Rakbis' space travel is basic; their largest ships have warp capabilities, but no others. Ergo, they have only settled two star systems in close proximity, plus their home planet of Rakbi. Their existing colonies have extensive weather forecasting systems in place. They have the ability to create a stable isotope of the element Francium (well, it isn't radioactive, but as far as chemical reactions go it certainly is
not stable), which they use to outfit their fleets of IPBMs (Interplanetary Ballistic Missiles). The Rakbis have a large Navy, on and below the water. All colonies have systems which harvest the mechanical energy of the tides and convert it to electrical energy. They use extremely low frequency EM waves to communicate between settlements and vessels, making it difficult for other civilizations to access their private communications because other races simply never bothered getting that technology.
Faction Style: Aristocracy--The Nin family is currently in control.
Other Information: The Rakbis are a bipedal amphibious race. Their "feet" and "hands" are large (an average hand is about a foot wide and a foot and a half long) and webbed. Rakbis communicate to each other using infrasound--the pitch of a Rakbi voice varies from 60 Hz to 0.02 Hz (in comparison, the human ear can hear from 20,000 Hz to 20 hz). To communicate with other higher pitched races they have technology to sense their vocal chord vibrations and emit new vibrations a thousand hertz higher. Rakbis have excellent eyesight; they can see as clearly in the low-light deeps of oceans to the intense light of their white dwarf sun. They are also carnivorous.
Edited by Ravnin IV, 14 June 2008 - 09:03 PM.