THE BUG HUNT - for Beta 4.6!
#201 Guest_Guest_robo_*
Posted 19 January 2008 - 05:39 AM
I really love this mod
some minor bugs:
Map: Grey Havens
Faction: Mordor
Unit: Nazgûl
--> I had all 8 Nazgûls at level 10 but neither of them was able to summon their fellbeasts (ability-button was greyed out)
Faction: Mordor
Unit: Gothmog
--> Maybe he should be scaled down to the original 1.0 - he is larger than a Nazgûl on his horse ;-)
#202 Guest_guest_robo_*
Posted 19 January 2008 - 11:36 AM
Map: Isengard
Faction: Isengard v.s. Elves
Units/objects: Ents and trees
--> the hide-ability of the Ents near trees should be disabled when they are moving and especially (range-)attacking.
//anyway this fortress-map works fine for me: the brutal Elves destroyed Isengard within minutes (for betaV the thick isengard-walls should be a little bit more armored agains Ent-stones and giant eagles )
Posted 19 January 2008 - 05:11 PM
Guest_robo, in beta 4.5 you have get the nazgul on foot in order to switch to the fellbeasts. by the way, how about you register? that way you can be a recognized member of the community , glad you love the mod; so do i!...........Unit: Nazgûl
--> I had all 8 Nazgûls at level 10 but neither of them was able to summon their fellbeasts (ability-button was greyed out).........
Posted 11 February 2008 - 09:48 AM
Posted 11 February 2008 - 11:54 AM
Faction: Isengard (me) vs Mordor (comp)
Issue: Was able to capture the ring twice and build two Saurons
Description: Found Gollum, killed him, brought the ring back and started building Sauron. While he was building, I attacked the Mordor fort and noticed that it was also in possession of the ring. Once the fort was destroyed a second ring was picked up and i brought it back to my fort (the first Sauron was already built) and commenced building the second Sauron, which ended up successfully creating 2 Saurons.
Posted 11 February 2008 - 07:00 PM
Posted 12 February 2008 - 02:05 AM
Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff
".. coding is basically boring. What's fun is finding out how things work, take them apart and then put them together in ways that were not intended nor even conceived."
Posted 17 February 2008 - 11:34 PM
- What map was played? tried every 2 or 8 player map and ends in 3 minuets
- What faction(s) was used? elves. motw, mordor
- What units was involved, if any? just heroes or CAH
- What happened exactly when the bug was discovered? not sure, i build 3 farms first then get a hero, and build up to 7 more farms and send my hero to destroy some caves and then the game just ends
Posted 20 February 2008 - 06:23 AM
#213 Guest_Guest_Mercesa_*_*
Posted 06 March 2008 - 05:33 PM
faction used: i was mordor they were isengard
units: sauren and the ring
what happend: at the first with mordor you only can see 8 nazgul cauze max heroes is like 11 to stand there but i still had no hero recruited so i took the ring did it in minas morgul and the ring was... not there cause there were to much heroes and i thought we're did the ring go and even i recruited al heroes sauron didnt appeared to be recruitable and the ring didnt appeared in my castle and gollem wasn't even on the map anymore
map : minas morgul rivendell, and other maps we're you have a fortress to defend like helmsdeep and other maps that can't make a second fortress
faction: goblins
units: drogoth the dragonlord think that's his name
what happend: i couldn't make a dragon's nest so i couldnt recruit drogoth mayby you could fix that
Posted 08 March 2008 - 07:26 PM
Faction: Mordor
Structure: Battle Tower
What happened: I built a battle tower and upgraded to fire arrows. If I destroy it or the enemy destroys it, it will sometimes show a yellow spot where the tower was. It will continue to fire arrows at the enemy. Enemy units ignore it and do not attempt to attack.
I have also seen this in custom maps.
Here is a link to a screenshot from custom map Islands of Gondor: Battle Tower
Also, sometimes I see blue "tracers" coming from Battle Towers. They are very slow moving and appear to do no damage to enemy units.
See screen shot from Umbar: Tracers
If any of the above has been reported before, I apologize for being redundant. I searched the forums, but found nothing posted.
Edited by Tharnil, 08 March 2008 - 07:44 PM.
Posted 21 March 2008 - 04:20 PM
me, as Isengard bottom left
ally as Elves bottom right Brutal
no team for the others:
Dwarfes top left Brutal
Moria top middle Hard
Man top right Hard
End game, only the dwarfes, and my ally remains,( i have 2 fortress) With wormtounge(Grima, level 10) i make the enemy hero to my side, and before the timer would left, he died at level 5(it's also a custom hero[hp stat 12]). At my fortress i watched the hero revival, and it's name was create custom hero, so i revived him.
At revival it came with the dwarf modell, and my original custom hero portrait,and with the wizard skills(my actually used custom hero was level 9[hp stat 10]).
He came with the level 9 hp (22500), equal to my custom hero, but he is level 5.
My original hero's portrait become a hermit portrait. After my original hero died, and the dwarf-wizard, have it's name, after revival both have the same name.
After it i can't reproduce with normal heroes.
p.s.:I saved it, but can't reopen it somehow.
Against an Isengard A.l. a level 10 Grima stole my custom hero, as the same method as described above, it don't appear at my revive screen.
Edited by Cs_Zoli, 23 March 2008 - 08:04 AM.
Posted 10 April 2008 - 08:43 PM
Posted 13 April 2008 - 01:24 PM
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S.E.E. YOU! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#218 Guest_Arthadan_*
Posted 05 May 2008 - 03:30 PM
Factions: Mordor (AI), Men (player)
Unit: Grond
I was playing with Men faction with my camp outside and the AI played with Mordor with the base inside the tower). The problem is that the AI build Grond, but it couldn't exit the wall which surrounds the tower (in fact it didn't go to the wall door, it tried to pass the wall as it wasn't there).
Keep the good work!
Posted 06 May 2008 - 10:30 AM
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S.E.E. YOU! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#220 Guest_tim1247_*
Posted 07 May 2008 - 06:22 PM
UNIT: Boromir
BUG: After he has reached level 10,he is unkillable.He kept on killing enemies ,chasing them,but the player won't be able to control him nor select him.He can't be recruited either.
I played harlond with my friend,he has several towers with upgrades archers garrisoned around the fortress.when my boromir approaches,they shoot at him until boromir activates his level 8 ability,then
no matter how much damage he takes ,he won't die and is no longer under my control.
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