It would be cool to mount hobbits on treebeard or other people's horses. It isn't possible right now isnt it?
We can do it, but there are bugs with the horses (namely you can climb on even when the person is walking), and other bugs. I believe it was something that worked in BFME1 but broke in BFME2. Hobbit mounting on Treebeard as far as I know is still possible in RotWK.
-I've noticed that on BFME1 converted campain maps (or at least amon hen and ciruth ungol which are the only two i played so far) that the ai build tons of farms before they start building unit production buildings. on amon hen it took angmar almost 10 minutes to send a horde to attack me and the dwarves in ciruth ungol never attacked at all (maybe they didnt build enough mines).
Yes, this is an issue that I know about. The problem is cause by the limited build places on these maps. The way around this is to create a custom .bse for each map, but it's very time consuming as it's 1 faction per starting place, so 20 .bse files for a 2 player map. While this allows for a better ai for the map, it will be a little while until I get to all of these.
-also are the rohan elves heavy armor supposed to be the BFME1 skins? i like their cloaks but i just dont like the change to the old skins (just my opinion)
Are you saying that you don't like the news skins for the ha (original bfme1 version). Just so I know what don't you like about them?
Robert J.