To be sincere.
I didn't play YR online! But I did play vanilla RA2, not once, not 5 times, but more.
I've played both to a pretty good extent. While I'm no means great, or even "good", just decent, with enough skill to understand economy management, etc.
Rushing is easy, just the ending of it if you don't succeed, is... well, hard. But rushing itself is easy, I said that many times already.
Rushing is not easy. It's quite the opposite and takes quite a lot of precision to be handled correctly. If you're one move off, your opponent can turn the tide and overtake your group, thus stopping the advance. Which leads to...
Rushing does lead to an immediate victory, in some cases you just need to finish off your opponent when he's weakened.
What if the rush fails and your opponent compensates? What then? Right, you lose because you have nothing left with which to defend your base.
As I said, I have real online gaming experience only in AoEII. Played against my friend, very skilled one (and the best locally). He did rush me every time and I've lost every match except two. 1vs1.
Thanks to that, I could rush and counter-rush every single other opponent, b/c he taught me painful lessons. I don't remember failing except some two-five times from all matches (I can bet that the total amount will be about 100-200), against other players... which were experienced and were skilled too (also played with this same skilled friend).
I could even rush a friend, which is one of the best players in C&C: Generals and HoMMIII, who could tackle that friend of mine, he could destroy and win with him, but my forward rushes couldn't endure... even if I'm so sucky n00b when playing with that friend which taught how to defend and rush myself (you wouldn't want to be one of these two poor guys who get rushed by him doing scout rush and me doing castle rush almost simultaneosly when we were both in the same team).
Irrelevant. RA2 does not equal AOE2. They do not play the same. This is like comparing apples and oranges. You can't do it and look smart in the end. Again, you prove that you're still an idiot.
RA2 - I have less experience, yes, but I have played it a few times, rushed, got rushed, played normally a bit.
Yes, "less experience." Judging by how extensively you're raping the gameplay, I'd say you have next to no
real experience.
I did know what rushes are about. And I know that AoEII can't be ended in 10 minutes, except you'd Town Center Rush (which I discovered for myself).
Rushes are possible only after some 12-15 minutes, and they don't give a victory, they're preparing grounds for finishing off your opponent.
More irrelevant bullshit.
So screw you. ASM won't be that easy, as easy as RA2/RA2:YR is.
RA2 isn't that easy against anyone with a modicum of skill, which is very few people anymore. Kinda sad really, they'd put you to shame.
And if somebody's n00b, it's you who doesn't have real knowledge or experience in various strategies. You can be a master in RA2, but you'd a n00b in other games.
You presume I play nothing else. You would be wrong in that assumption. I played a ton of StarCraft back when I was in high school and I was actually really good and it's vastly different from RA2, and C&C in general. In any case, I adapt fairly well to each game I play since I do a little bit of reading and playtesting against the AI to see how the game flows.
Mods and games are for turtles and beginning players, too. All must be fair. And it will be.
No, it won't be fair to someone who has a decent understanding of game mechanics but is a weary of an early for fear of losing his army. You've effectively screwed half of the gaming population. Congratu-fucking-lations, you moron.
Rushing always meant skill. It won't in ASM. In ASM "skill" will be decided by tricks and effort put into whatever strategy one has chosen. No more rushers = great strategists. Only those who can handle rushing or turtling or booming, will prevail. Hail!
No, you've reduced the game to mindless campfests. That's what it always be. No one will want to build an army and attack if the other guy can wall in with defenses out the ass. That has no skill attached to it. Fuck that.