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Pre-release Subfaction Design Ideas Thread

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#361 Aasgier


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 03:38 PM

This thread would be horribly boring to read for strangers if everybody was always serious.

#362 IconOfEvi

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Posted 24 January 2012 - 02:14 AM

IconofEvi, are you mucking around again? :p

Nope, because my descs would be many many paragraphs long ;)

#363 sindex

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Posted 27 January 2012 - 11:34 PM

Are you guys taking suggestions for LC, because I have some ideas based off Jargalhurts infantry hero unit: Flegias. Since I have only seen a couple of interesting ideas for the LC like the Hotwire Drone that Zenothist came up with awhile back ago.

Sorry I am late to the game, because I kind of procrastinated on this mod when my original Yuri’s Revenge CD got screwed up. Basically I had to buy the First Decade to actually play it again.

Edited by sindex, 27 January 2012 - 11:36 PM.

#364 Graion Dilach

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Posted 27 January 2012 - 11:54 PM

A name doesn't worth us a lot without descriptions. And all suggestions are welcome.


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#365 Zenothist


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Posted 28 January 2012 - 01:12 AM

Hello Sindex, welcome to the forums.

We're undergoing what will hopefully be the last faction design overhaul as of now, so of course suggestions are always welcome. Hope you stick around for 3.0! ;)

#366 sindex

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 08:17 AM

All LC units and it’s pretty cut and dry; same premise as their counterpart nations (includes tier tech level). I tried to come up with unique ideas, even though I know EMP and duplication thing has been done to death. However I tried to make those unique abilities in themselves, offering a bit different game play feel. I would like apologies for being too generic in my writing at the moment (it’s shoddy).

Lt. Cortez [hero unit]
Cost: $1500
Prerequisite: Soviet Barracks, Soviet Battle Lab
Weapon: Midas Gauss Rifle Mk. II
Armor: Flak
Purpose: Assault, Conversion

Weak against infantry and useless against air units. He is strong against vehicle units and buildings by shutting down all mechanical functionality. Once destroyed the leftover material will be broke down into pure ore, which then can be harvested from the soil (via harvester).

Wealth is an interesting thing it shows greed and treason, but for the Confederacy it’s just another tool. Lt. Cortez was once just a standard officer in the liberation of Cuba from it’s puppet regime. Now he fights on after loosing his entire family to an attempted C.I.A. staged coup against Castro brother’s regime. He was given first charge to deliver his revenge when a corrupt Columbia government official leaked the whereabouts of a prototype conversion device the U.S. was developing in Peru. What he found was astonishing. It seems they had developed a way to actually convert recycled scrap metal into the purest of ore. However it was not perfected and the ore would eventually convert back into it’s original form.

The man responsible for this technology was Dr. Francis S. Drake; originally to be hanged for conspiracy and murder. However he was too high valued of a person to be executed, since he helped develop the ore purification process that became successful to the Allies. Lt. Cortez then staged a heroic rescue and destroy mission which led to the good doctor to work for Cuba’s republic. As a reward the doctor finally developed not a tool, but a high powered Gauss Rifle that perfected his conversion tech for the lieutenant.

“It’s a shame that men are willing to die over such petty luxuries only not being able to take it with them in the end.” Lt. Cortez on the matter of life and death against the Allied threat.

Iron Will or Paradox Inversion
Cost: $2500
Prerequisite: Soviet Battle Lab
Power: -250
Countdown: 6:00
Purpose: Replication

It has the ability to replicate vehicle units. The duplicates are veteran tiers units of the originals. However it has a limited range and cannot copy certain vehicles (like the MCV & Centurion). It still kills infantry.

I imagine instead of having one spherical area you could have two that are parallel to each other (basically a figure eight). You would have one side that would copy while the other would duplicate those selected vehicles.

The Confederacy wanted to develop their own technologies after the war was over with the Allies. They called upon Dr. Drake whose experiments proved useful before to acquire something new. However Francis knew that it was time to develop something that would combine the technologies of the Soviets and the Allies to get the desired results. He looked over the Iron Curtain project files, and then went to Germany to evaluate the Chronoshpere technology they acquired. Figuring Einstein was a “dead end,” for help he went back to Cuba where he had his breakthrough.

By combining the techs he found a way to transport future versions of the original (time locked) vehicle units a few feet away from each other. The odd side effect was that the units came back different as if they had been gone for months on end. Some of the duplicate vehicle operators would say they were stuck in some type of limbo for years; when it would only be a minute past from the initial test.

“Why have a small invincible army that only lasts for a few seconds, when you can have elite army double its original size?” – Dr. Francis S. Drake explaining his method of madness.

Cost: $5000
Prerequisite: Soviet Battle Lab
Power: -500
Countdown: 10:00
Purpose: Electric Magnetic Pulse Permanent Distortion device.

It’s not your typical EMP device since it only takes on a small radius almost the same size as the Psychic Dominator. It does little damage and when it hits a construction yard it’s full effect won’t be used. However if it hits a productive building like a war factory then the power is off permanently for that building. Unless the building that is affected is sold for scrap and rebuilt then your production line will slow to a crawl. Also if it targets another Super Weapon in which it we halt their countdown until it’s rebuilt. All other vehicles will also be shut down and go neutral until taken over by an engineer. Infantry is unaffected.

Dr. Drake put the final touches on his new super weapon. Once again he reverse engineered some technologies from both the Allies and the Soviets. The EMP that he originally developed was not potent enough to create an everlasting fix against buildings. Since every base would have some sort of EMP resistant device that would naturally back up systems, and turn the power back on. Using the nuclear missile and reassembling the warhead to use allied Chrono tech he figured it out.

His success was short lived when he found out that Fidel and his brother Raúl were both assassinated. It was the social gathering he was supposed to attend with them, but he decided to continue to be the workaholic and finish what he started. The world was growing smaller with the realization someone wanted him dead. If dictators and fools he thought could live forever were not untouchable as he contemplated, then his time was growing short. Launching the first successful test prototype at the former CIA HQ in Virginia, to announce to the world that the LC is real threat to its counterparts standards.

“We are the Confederacy, and we will blacken your skies.” – Ministry of LC Allegiance

Edited by sindex, 28 January 2012 - 08:34 AM.

#367 Zenothist


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Posted 28 January 2012 - 11:38 AM

Well, I like the duplicate idea, maybe we could do something with that.

As for the Confed hero, we pretty much already have an idea how he's going to shape up.

Edited by Zenothist, 28 January 2012 - 11:39 AM.

#368 sindex

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 10:14 PM

Thanks for the approval on the replicate machine I really do appreciate it. Is the idea of what I described in my hero unit is a useable idea at all? I mean to the sense of not have to be use for mental omega, but to the point where it’s not OP or UP.

I tried to come up with a solution to the idea of getting rid of the palace, by allowing an ability to be rewarded for tearing down building or vehicles. I thought the conversion to ore would be a good idea. Is it hard coded in the game to leave ore deposits when you destroy a harvester though? Also hopefully it would encourage people to leave their base and expanding after destroying a massive base by have that huge ore deposits left over.

On the flip note the unit could not pick up the ore itself (be vulnerable to attack dogs or infantry in general). If they were just sitting a destroying vehicles then they would still need their harvester to pick it up. Which would still encourage the opposition to kill that unit to get some of it’s resources back. Moreover a gauss rifle would be perfect to the soviet tech, because it would be a little longer to kill something with it then the rail gun tech (so a little less effective then Rahn).

If it’s a good idea it could be tossed around to another sub-faction or unit (probably a high tier vehicle).

#369 Zenothist


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Posted 28 January 2012 - 11:45 PM

Well, it's a nice idea, but I don't think it's really possible. We're working on late-game economy in a different way now.

We already have a general idea what Confed hero's weapon will be, but I won't give too much away. :p

#370 sindex

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 10:41 PM

Thank you for the feedback and I have a few more idea that has been swimming around for the Latin Confederacy. There is about 6 here I believe. Warning it’s a long read through:

Geothermal Power Station
Cost: $1500
Prerequisite: Soviet Battle Lab
Power: +1500
Purpose: Advanced Power Source

It’s almost the same thing as the Soviet Nuclear Power Plant (costs the same though). Nevertheless it’s less efficient but it’s less dangerous without giving off any type of fallout; if something goes horribly wrong. The power station has the unique ability of cutting power cost to structure that surround it by 25%. Unfortunately the other issue is that it has less protection brining it down to the same strength as the Telsa reactor.

You know what is wrong with using a nuclear power reactor? No the LC is not worried about the eco-system of its local countries, because of some toxic and cancer causing eyesore. It’s because of the unfortunate accidents it creates on the battlefield when any type of artillery comes in contact with it. It seems some LC commanders have a problem when the reactor goes critical and kills half a platoon (not to mention the paper work it creates).

Well it seems the confederacy finally got smart about it. They went to their prominent geologist Professor Eleno Marquez after he stated “it’s imbecile innovation that creates these types of monstrosities; I could do better.” So after a few years working down in the hellish pit of Mt. Pico de Orizaba he came up with a solution. Geothermal technology had been theorized, but it seems with the help of Marquez it finally erupted… so to speak.

Professor Orizaba came back to the LC headquarters to let them know that the first localized Geothermal Power Station was officially active. He told them while geothermal tech was new, it would keep the same cost as the nuclear reactor. The station would also be less efficient, because it could not gain the same heat source to that of a dormant volcano on the combat field. The good news was he was able to make it where if the reactor did go critical it would lock down the problem causing no repercussion. Furthermore he found away to stabilize the power to structures that surround the station, by cutting their cost by twenty-five percent.

In the end the good professor accidentally died in Mt. Pico de Orizaba; when a fatal explosion destroyed half of the first geothermal facility. The LC found out it was damaged by an allied bombardment that tore through the fragile structure. Yet there was no deadly radiation around site so the professor died a successful man to the LC peoples cause.

“Today we succeed in creating a new source of power that does not create deadly consequences if mismanaged” – LC geothermal research division.

Plasma Totem:
Cost: $1400
Prerequisite: Soviet Radar Tower
Power: -75
Weapon: Plasma Energy Beam.
Purpose: High-Tech Defense

The totem deploys a high end plasma beam that can roughly take out any infantry or vehicles that cross its path. It’s different from other tower defenses because the beam itself will stay on one target (functions like Boris laser pointer), until fully melted down. The plasma totem slightly less powerful then the prism tower but it earns strength through its kills. Once it makes a kill the totem will ramp-ups its strength for the next victim. It can only ramp-up power a total of three times before it reaches its maximum setting. If inactive for long period (10 seconds) of time it will start cooling off to its original damage output.

If terminates a vehicle of any type then it will leave behind a temporary small pool of molten metal. This pool can damage anything that happens to move upon it (about the same area of effect radius as the Virus deadly toxin). The pool also dissipates faster then the toxic cloud.

Everyone laughed when they found out the confederacy had “gone green” by getting rid of the nuclear reactor. What they did not know was the fact it was only the beginning. It seems the LC did not forget about certain technologies that the soviets deemed unsuitable for the battlefield.

Its flame tech being removed altogether during the second war with the allies. So the LC had their scientists combine the flame, telsa, and finally their new geothermal technologies to come up with something better. Plasma weaponry which at the time period seems insanely less then cost productive, was now in its early stages of becoming available exclusively to the confederacy.

The final piece of the puzzle came together when they went to visit an Amazon self proclaimed Witch Doctor who actually was an old R&D partner to Yuri. The fanatic knew one of Yuri’s trade secrets that eventually be deployed against the soviets. The laser tech Yuri used for his floating disk, was actually was in premature development before he went mad with power. Unfortunately the Witch Doctor had gone mad himself (possibly Yuri’s mind games), and only would help the LC combine the technologies on one condition.

When people see something like a mechanical defense towers, they appear not understand that it’s something to walk away from. However if they see an evil maniacal sacrificial totem, they will run in the opposite direction. The totem could be especially malevolence, when one of its eye’s shoots out a beam that can almost disintegrate any armor tank into hot magma.

The confederacy had the last laugh when people thought they could simply sacrifice themselves, to get it distracted enough so someone else could take it down. However their sacrifices turned out to strengthen its means to their end.

“The scary things you can do when you mix voodoo with fascinating scientific breakthroughs” -The LC director of R&D technologies division.

Plasma Beam Mobile Idol Tank:
Cost: $1700
Prerequisite: Soviet War Factory, Soviet Tech Center
Weapon: Plasma Energy Beam
Armor: Medium
Purpose: Anti-Infantry, Anti-Armor

This is basically the plasma totem defense tower but as a moving entity. It’s slightly slower then the rhino tank but has the same armor. Also its damage is less potent then the totem, but it can increase its strength the longer it stays on an opposing subject (no kill ramp up). It still has the same effect of the tower when it comes to vehicle units, given that it leaves a small harmful molten metal pool that quickly dissipates.

So the Soviets gave up its flame tech and the confederacy was kind of upset. They loved it when they would burn a traitor to a pile of forgotten ashes, or the smell of roasted capitalist pig drones. However it was expensive and could easily backfire in the theatre of war without the right maintenance. The effectiveness of the Allies prism tech had against the flame tech was staggering nonetheless. The prism tank itself could wipe out almost anything. If there were multiple prism tanks on the combat field it would equal total annihilation unless they were dispatched quickly. The confederacy decided to make their own beam tank that could push back those weak allied versions.

The LC tried to compile a mobile version of their plasma defense structure that would be better armored against the allied prism tank. Yet there was a problem with their prototype; it lacked the structural integrity of its totem counterpart. So they went back to its original creator for a solution.

The witch doctor laughed and told them “it’s a fool's errand trying to replicate the same power of the gods by placing it on a mobile heathen structure.” Nonetheless he told them he could create something close to their needs, if he could intervene again. The LC reluctantly agreed since they knew at least he could get it produced. He needed some soviet rhino tanks, so they could be sacrificed for the new spiritual successor.

When the LC came back to overview the completed work, they were flabbergasted at what they witnessed. It was a mobile idol that spat out the plasma beam out of its horrific maw. It was a bit slower then the rhino tank but its ramp-up damage over time was ingenuous. The results were often more devastating then their predecessor first iteration. The confederacy was pleased to find out how effective they were, when it sent out its first brigade of these fiends, against an Allied prism tech stronghold. It literarily melted away its competition.

“The allies think they had the upper hand with their prism tanks, but now one of these devils will take them straight to hell.” – General Celso J. Lattuga on the successful operations against the allied prism technology.

LC Radar/Radio Facility
Cost: 1000$
Prerequisite: Soviet Ore Refinery
Power: -50
Purpose: Radar Uplink

This structure is basically the same thing as its soviets counterpart but come with Broadcasting Beacon support power. It still basically allows the player to a radar view of the battlefield and it allows the next tier in the LC munitions race.

The LC was lacking in getting their radar instillation in working order like their Soviet brethren. On the other hand this did not discourage them, given that they owned every broadcasting facility in South America. They could develop their radar and propaganda machine by combining the two. It would cut costs and the facility would look slightly less conspicuous (more adaptable to a civilian structure).

“We bring you the daily news, so you can give us your location.” - 109X LC reeducation station.

Support Power: Broadcasting Beacon
Requires: LC Radar/Radio Facility & Soviet Airfield
Recharge Time: 4:00

A small beacon is launched into the air and descends back into the ground where it can easily be dispatched if found. However unlike the soviet spy plane this little marvel does two things at a slow rate. It sends out powerful radio waves that reveals a small area on any map. It’s about the same area of effect next to Epsilon Reveal but at a slower rate. However it also detects cloaked/stealth units and undermines the allied gap generator for a short while.

During the end of the skirmish with the allied menace it became apparent that they were getting more desperate. They started to send out propaganda messages via their own broadcasting stations. It was a really underhand thing to do in the LC eye’s who were closer to the largest source (the U.S.). So the LC came up with a plan to make their signals stronger then the Allies to counter this annoyance.

By accident they quadruple the signal and actually revealed several prominent locations of top secret outposts the allies were graveling in. The signal also seems to detect stealth, and would cut into the allies’ gap generator tech for a small length of time. The only problem now is the fact of deploying one would mean a physical beacon must be placed into the ground. However if no one notices the beacon or kills it then it will reveal all of the surrounding area. The LC could immediately cut their expensive spy plane program.

“Our broadcast can literarily cut through fog of treachery, so we can expose all the lies to the people of the LC.” - Carla Algora LC radio envoy.

Trying one last idea for an alternative LC Super Weapon (conventional destruction like the other high tier super weapons).

Seismic Geothermal Disturbance Device
Cost: $5000
Prerequisite: Soviet Battle Lab
Power: -500
Purpose: Earthquake

Once launched it sends out a seismic shockwave under the ground that destroys only buildings. Vehicle and infantry units are completely unaffected by this (maybe a little shaken up but nothing severe). The area of effect on this weapon is a little less then the weather control device, but it hit’s twice as hard as a nuke can against buildings. You probably could save your construction yard from this weapon, given that earthquake actually affects it less then others (no structural foundation).

The Soviets at one time actually developed a seismic weapon, but it was a last ditch effort to win the first war with the allies. It was their MAD tank that could destroy buildings and vehicles with this method. It was ineffective given that the Allies did win the first war, and so the idea was thrown out before the second war could even begin. At the end of the second war with the Soviets being victorious, it would seem unlikely that they would ever look back at past failures. The confederacy knew this all too well.

Nevertheless a few factors caused the LC to look for other means in dealing with allied threat then using conventional nukes. First there was the problem in securing most of the materials to build one, and the soviet would ship their stockpile to the LC only when the situation was dire for them.

The second problem came from the LC not being able to obliterated top priority structured targets via a simple nuclear strike. They could care less about the last attempts of an enemy’s infantry or vehicle regiment trying desperately to hold their ground. The trouble was those production facilities, super weapons, or impenetrable defense buildings being allowed to stay up and running.

The final dilemma was the fact that nukes would leave too much of a mess. If you wanted to strike at the target after one would detonate, you had to wait till the radiation dissipated. The solution was needed to address these problem and they turned to what the allies’ schemes were. As a result when Einstein gave the Allies the ability to control nature in one unnatural way, the confederacy devised a plan to do the same.

They went back to the old munitions factory where some functional MAD tank were stored, and had their geothermal scientist devise a new weapon. What they came up with was nothing short of beyond belief. They found out that with a certain amount of drastic heat precision on some fault lines; they could cause an artificial earthquake. They had their working prototype running in less then a month.

Artificial as it was it could only destroy structures because the shockwave would simply strike the foundation of a building. It would need some time to charge up, and had to be calibrated to the direct fault lines to create the desired effect. The only other problem was the allied force shield, since it’s capable in stopping the seismic charge before it gets to its destination. Nonetheless the LC got what they wanted, and now could have their enemies tremble at their feet with this new weapon.

“You know what really happened to Elvis? He got rock n’ rolled under that building. It happened when the LC heard his final album on the heartless communist regime. Sad part is that they actually did like some of his music.” Phil Boyer talking to tourists by the now crumbled Las Vegas strip.

#371 Graion Dilach

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 11:26 PM

Hm. I went through on them quickly, and while the ideas are nice, they're really far from our view on Confed. To put it shortly... our Confeds are not that advanced. :wink_new:

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#372 sindex

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Posted 01 February 2012 - 02:59 AM

Thanks for the overview and I can understand that you’re probably going the whole non-advance technology route. It’s probably something more neo-realistic, and with the use of guerilla warfare like the GLA from Generals. I kind of doubt I have anymore ideas considering the fact I did come in late and you guys probably have an outline for every sub-faction. Sorry for taking up your time.

Well thanks anyhow for letting me know, and good luck with the mod.

#373 Zenothist


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Posted 01 February 2012 - 08:20 AM

I like the ideas, a lot of them are pretty good. The Plasma Totem espescially sounds very interesting, and I could actually see it as a neat idea for an Epsilon defense. Something that doesn't need to charge up between shots, but uses a kind of gatling logic to steadily increase damage dealt to a target.

Edited by Zenothist, 01 February 2012 - 01:25 PM.

#374 Graion Dilach

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Posted 01 February 2012 - 10:29 AM

No worries tho, it's always good to see new ideas, especially well-thought ones, even if they're not fitting to our concepts in their desired way. I like the idea of the plasma weaponry too.

Interesting reads never takes up time. At least not our time.


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#375 Aasgier


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Posted 01 February 2012 - 07:08 PM

That Plasma Totem is indeed very nice.

My suggestion about that one is to make it stolen tech instead (Allied + Soviet + Yuri battle labs all infiltrated, while your country does not matter), as we don't have stolen tech defenses yet as far as I know.

Edited by Aasgier, 01 February 2012 - 07:08 PM.

#376 TheQuackSavior


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 06:08 AM

Well, sorry for my inactive, I am back comrade!

Allied Tier 3 rocket launcher

"Lazarus" Rocket Launcher

Due the disadvantage of Prism Tank, Allied technician has frabicated the powerful siege unit, not too similar to the Soviet Scud launcher. Lazarus is the powerful rocket launcher designed to clear out the base defense and structure, armed with powerful "Lazarus" surface-to-surface rocket. The rocket travel fast and harder to destroy. Also deliver a immense damage to structure, the Lazarus is mostly a variant of the Scud launcher with better armament and maneuverability.

Cost: 1250$
Preresquite: Tier 3
Armament: "Lazarus" Nuclear Rocket
Armor: Medium
Speed: 6
HP: 250
Faction: Allied

Edited by Recon-7, 04 February 2012 - 06:11 AM.

Boom! I'm back, babies!

#377 Black/Brunez


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 12:08 PM

OMG, you´re back....

Nuclear Weapons for Allies is a no go. And also don´t want clone units.

#378 Jargalhurts


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Posted 07 February 2012 - 03:26 PM

Epsilon Scorpion Cell Hero Unit:

Cost: 2000$
Prerequisite: Epsilon Research Lab
Weapon: Knife, Drill
Armor: Medium
There is an extremely scarce amount of information about this "thing" in the Allied and Soviet intelligence. Hermit is an assassin, and he's the best at that job. Hermit was formerly an Allied experiment to recreate their own cyborgs, in contrast to the Soviet cyborgs, Volkov and Chitzkoi. The original design for the Allies was a slim titanium figure armed with a prototype Comet Laser Rifle, the current weapon of the Siege Cadres(the Comet Laser Rifle was in prototype stage at that time). Apparently, the technology felt too sophisticated for the Allied scientists, as they didn't have access to the IDMS(Independent Decision Making Software, which is a Russian software that is used to create sophisticated A.Is for robots.). Soon, the project was abandoned and was stored in a Tech Center in Egypt called Binghole. Apparently, a lucky infiltrator managed to infiltrate the Binghole and steal the defunct Hermit. Epsilon scientists have recreated the Hermit, this time using their own A.I software called the ABP(Artificial Brain Programmer). Hermit's appearance is still a silm figure, but the titanium platings were replaced with Epsilon trademark Radon platings. The Hermit is no longer armed with a laser rifle, the bulky firearm was instead replaced with a glaive that is used to assassinate personnel from melee range. Hermit can drill himself into an enemy vehicle, gaining control of it until it is destroyed. The hijacked vehicle slowly take damage until completely destroyed, and when it is destroyed, Hermit can instantly drill into a nearby vehicle and proceed to hijack it. Hermit is incredibly fast for an infantry, it is just slightly slower than the Terror Drone, and most projectiles tend to miss due to his inhuman speed. And whenever he finds himself in danger, he can burrow onto the ground to escape from his oppressors, although he cannot move when burrowed, he is invulnerable and invisible. But be warned, Hermit's engine requires a constant exchange of oxygen to cope up with his speed and staying underground for too long can slowly damage him until he malfunctions.

Actually Yngwie of Haus Malmsteen, feefty eenches of pure Svwedish beef.

#379 Darkstorm


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Posted 09 February 2012 - 04:30 AM

Epsilon Scorpion Cell Hero Unit:

Cost: 2000$
Prerequisite: Epsilon Research Lab
Weapon: Knife, Drill
Armor: Medium
There is an extremely scarce amount of information about this "thing" in the Allied and Soviet intelligence. Hermit is an assassin, and he's the best at that job. Hermit was formerly an Allied experiment to recreate their own cyborgs, in contrast to the Soviet cyborgs, Volkov and Chitzkoi. The original design for the Allies was a slim titanium figure armed with a prototype Comet Laser Rifle, the current weapon of the Siege Cadres(the Comet Laser Rifle was in prototype stage at that time). Apparently, the technology felt too sophisticated for the Allied scientists, as they didn't have access to the IDMS(Independent Decision Making Software, which is a Russian software that is used to create sophisticated A.Is for robots.). Soon, the project was abandoned and was stored in a Tech Center in Egypt called Binghole. Apparently, a lucky infiltrator managed to infiltrate the Binghole and steal the defunct Hermit. Epsilon scientists have recreated the Hermit, this time using their own A.I software called the ABP(Artificial Brain Programmer). Hermit's appearance is still a silm figure, but the titanium platings were replaced with Epsilon trademark Radon platings. The Hermit is no longer armed with a laser rifle, the bulky firearm was instead replaced with a glaive that is used to assassinate personnel from melee range. Hermit can drill himself into an enemy vehicle, gaining control of it until it is destroyed. The hijacked vehicle slowly take damage until completely destroyed, and when it is destroyed, Hermit can instantly drill into a nearby vehicle and proceed to hijack it. Hermit is incredibly fast for an infantry, it is just slightly slower than the Terror Drone, and most projectiles tend to miss due to his inhuman speed. And whenever he finds himself in danger, he can burrow onto the ground to escape from his oppressors, although he cannot move when burrowed, he is invulnerable and invisible. But be warned, Hermit's engine requires a constant exchange of oxygen to cope up with his speed and staying underground for too long can slowly damage him until he malfunctions.

While an interesting story, most, if not all, heroes are already planned even if only conceptually, and Scorpion Cell and the rest of Epsilon have their heroes already working in game and finished (graphically).

Edited by Darkstorm, 09 February 2012 - 04:32 AM.

#380 Graion Dilach

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  • Location:Iszkaszentgyörgy, Hungary
  • Projects:Infinty Engine modding, OpenHV, Attacque Supérior (sometimes)
  •  That guy you keep hearing the stories about.

Posted 09 February 2012 - 09:38 AM

You know, Darkstorm... he already knew that. He takes more time on the IRC than half of the staff (including you :p) and since we discuss stuff there, he hears it.

The pros of learning Mibbit/getting a proper client. :p


AS Discord server: https://discord.gg/7aM7Hm2

ComradeCrimson: AS is the product of Hungarian acid
ComradeCrimson: And magical hussars
Dutchygamer: and Weird Al.

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