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MO3.0 Feedback // SUGGESTIONS

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#2681 CLAlstar


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Posted 11 August 2016 - 02:47 PM

You can repair naval units at naval yards.

#2682 edumm

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Posted 11 August 2016 - 02:50 PM

You can repair naval units at naval yards.

But it would be better to create an aura? Repair units individually is something that does not work well in the case of structures.


(The only problem may be to restrict the repair only for naval units, not to other amphibious units for example).

Edited by edumm, 11 August 2016 - 02:52 PM.

#2683 CLAlstar


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Posted 11 August 2016 - 03:01 PM

Thats why you dont stop on building a single naval yard. 3 at least is good enough to repair multiple units.

#2684 edumm

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Posted 11 August 2016 - 03:11 PM

Thats why you dont stop on building a single naval yard. 3 at least is good enough to repair multiple units.

I thought about 3 navalyards with auras. :p

It would be a major advantage for the player who defends himself to be defending in the coverage of an aura for example, so the attacking player would have more difficulty to the controlling the seas and destroy all shipyards (the problem of Yuri's Revenge is that after you lose control of the seas you almost lose the game depending of the map).

#2685 DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr


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Posted 11 August 2016 - 07:25 PM

He yeah thats a good idea. Make the navy yards like the soviet crane, with a repair aura.


We've already done away with service depots, right?

#2686 Damfoos


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Posted 11 August 2016 - 08:24 PM

Speaking of which, why Allies don't have it anymore? Since 3.0 they have to tinker with IFVs to repair their stuff, which requires more actions and takes more time.

I actually like how it was done in TI: each faction have mobile repair units which repair for free but slowly, and a repair bay where you have to pay but in return you can repair units much faster. Why it is not a thing in MO?

#2687 DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr


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Posted 11 August 2016 - 10:59 PM

Ehrm, might as well ask this suggestion, but I'm not sure if its possible to implement:


Could you make the Drakuv actually tranquilize soldiers so they become immobile and unable to attack, and then the Drakuv can drive over to the soldiers to load them into itself?  Right now, the Drakuv uses a beam weapon to teleport the soldier inside of itself, and thats not cool.


The Drakuv voxel itself has these gunports on it, but they're going to waste right now. This friggin beam weapon is fired from the front only. Instead of the beam weapon, make those gunports shoot non lethal, thick projectiles that stun infantry. ROF still slow, cause, one shot will stun soldier, and the soldier will only lose a little bit of health.


Stunned infantry are like tanks that have been EMP'd. They're only stunned for so long. The Drakuv needs to once again attack the stunned soldier quickly, only soldiers that are stunned get attacked by the Drakuv's next weapon, the abduction weapon. Make the abduction weapon 1 range, so the Drakuv has to be 1 in-game cell adjacent to the target in order to use the "weapon". Thats where the Drakuv scoops up the prisoner! Now THAT is cool.


But yeah, not sure if this is possible. The Drakuv already has two weapons. Maybe you can incorporate the abduction into the grinder weapon. This will give the Drakuv the melee range it needs to make the unit look realistic in that, its driving over to pick up the prisoner like you'd think it would.

Edited by DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr, 11 August 2016 - 11:28 PM.

#2688 BlackAbsence



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Posted 14 August 2016 - 11:27 PM

A crowbar sigil for hijacking units?

Infinitive absence.

#2689 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 15 August 2016 - 01:02 AM

Speaking of which, why Allies don't have it anymore? Since 3.0 they have to tinker with IFVs to repair their stuff, which requires more actions and takes more time.

I actually like how it was done in TI: each faction have mobile repair units which repair for free but slowly, and a repair bay where you have to pay but in return you can repair units much faster. Why it is not a thing in MO?


Service Depots "slowed" the game down so they were scrapped. Soviets have the Repair Crane since they don't readily have Repair Drones (Available only through a Support Power) unlike the Engineer Combos Allies and Epsilon have.

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#2690 DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr


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Posted 16 August 2016 - 11:50 PM

^^ Might as well do the same thing to all Navy Yards. In order to speed up the game, make them auto repair ships just as the Repair Crane does tanks.

#2691 CLAlstar


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Posted 17 August 2016 - 06:24 AM

Players could abuse that to repair their vechicles by placing their naval yards very close to the shore. Repair radius would be also on land. You can connect the dots.

#2692 Damfoos


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Posted 17 August 2016 - 08:12 AM

AFAIK, with Ares you can give ships and other naval units their own special "naval" armors, and the aura's healing will be only affect units which have these types of armor. This way the healing effect will not affect ground vehicles.

Though I'm afraid adding this to Yuri's shipyard will result in very strong defence capabilities, when a player can just have a bunch of piranhas near the shipyard and it will be very hard to kill them because of constant AoE healing.

#2693 edumm

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Posted 17 August 2016 - 12:01 PM

One option would be remove the Naval Shipyard repair option and add a second naval structure called "Naval Crane" for each faction, thus each faction have two naval structures to be made (one for the production of naval units and another for repair). It would be interesting in terms of gameplay because the player would need to invest in this structure also in order to repair its naval fleet.

The counter of this would be the extra work to make new structures...

#2694 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 18 August 2016 - 01:15 AM

As for the healing you could have it in longer intervals much like the Drakuv's Healing Ring. As said you can use Ares to add custom armors which could let you make the healing animations only affect naval units or the other way.

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#2695 DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr


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Posted 07 September 2016 - 01:30 AM

Uh, I forgot, are Dogfights still a thing? In flight My Foxtrots can reck your harriers? Or harriers taking out those damn blimps?

#2696 Death_Kitty


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Posted 07 September 2016 - 12:37 PM

No. Caused too many issues of I remember correctly.

#2697 DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr


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Posted 07 September 2016 - 07:26 PM

Fair enough.




BRING BACK THE FUCKING SLAVE MINER! And then enhance it with Mental Omega powers! (too balance it and shit, obviously)

Edited by DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr, 07 September 2016 - 07:27 PM.

#2698 Schottkey 7th Path

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Posted 07 September 2016 - 07:56 PM

But would it still be OP even if it is a late game support power deployed unit (Plugged Pandora or Cloning Vats tier)?


because that is probably the best way to balance it that i can think of.

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#2699 Solais


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Posted 07 September 2016 - 09:27 PM

Bring back Apocalypse tank as a regular unit. :V

#2700 Schottkey 7th Path

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Posted 07 September 2016 - 11:10 PM

Here are some suggestions to bring back some stolen tech infantry. mostly inspired by the Rise of the Reds mods where special infantry can be deployed only by support power, which i think makes for a good balancing mechanic for powerful non-hero infantry.
of course the Cybrog Prototypes are now "Cyborg Paratroopers" for China. 3 Cybrogs are paradropped anywhere on the map via transport plane. 
Cyborg Paratroopers. $2500. 6:00. requires Atomheart and/or Industrial Plant. Requires Power: Yes.
China, hearing the success of the Volkov and Chitzkoi series of cyborgs, have attempted to replicate cyborg technology. though unable to understand the secrets behind these advanced constructs, as well as the technology required to even replicate the portable chain Tesla cannon, have decided to go an alternate route. focusing on making mass production cyborgs using more easily available technology. which is a heavy machine gun and a Grenade Launcher equipped with micro nuke grenades. not as powerful as the legendary cyborg duo, the effectiveness of these caped, Mass Production cyborgs cannot be understated and their power is felt across the battlefield. 
Cryo Commandos. USA. deploy a squad of 3 Cryo Commandos anywhere on the map via Chronoshifting. $2000. 5:00. requires Tech Center. Requires Power: Yes
Before the existence of the temporal displacers used by the Chrono Legion, portable Cryo weapons courtesy of the Pacific Front where the weapon of choice of the old Chrono Legion. But with the invention of the temporal displacers by Steinstech research, many Chrono Commandos have taken a liking to their new weapons for their ability to literally "erase" the enemy from existence, as well as the introduction of the Cryocopter, believed that is is time to retire the old Cryo weapon . the USA however, still feeling believing in the effectiveness of these weapons for their ability to slow down or even immobilize enemy units is a highly effective tool to work in conjunction with their high speed, precision attacks. striking hard before running while the Cryo Commandos slowed down pursuers made the Cryo Commando units a valued part of the USA military, and why the only Allied nation to still maintain a number them. 
Hoplite Reinforcements: Pacific Front. Deploy a squad of 3 Hoplites from the Tech Center. $2350. 5:00. Requires Power. Yes.
The Hoplite program was created by the Pacific Front at creating a next generation of infantry protection. in other words, Power Armor. Intended to work alongside the Tsurugi powersuits for military and police duties. The Hoplites are quipped with powerful weapons capable of disabling enemy vehicles thanks to an EMP effect. believed to be the result of Kanegawa industries weapon research, these weapons are infact derived from Chinese EMP technology that was gifted to the Pacific Front as part of their secret alliance. another weapon are their C4 charges that allows them to destroy enemy buildings with ease, this makes the Hoplites a dangerous threat to enemy units and bases..
Also i feel that it should be deployed at a tech center since an airdroppable unit capable of C4 might be too strong. as well as their EMP attack.
Reaper Reinforcements: Headquarters. Deploy a squad of 3 Reapers anywhere on the battlefield. $2500, 6:00. requires an upgraded Pandora Hub. Requires Power: Yes.
A Special Transport Driller will emerge from the target area, deploy 3 Reapers before retreating.
After the attack on the Soviet Russian capitol of Moscow, Yuri and his army pillaged several examples of Soviet technology to study, understand, and reverse engineer. one such technology that always eluded Yuri's grasp was Russia's cyborg technology used by the infamous Volkov and Chizkoi duo. one of the few things that could effectively resist his Mind Control. However, the pilfered Soviet technology did give Yuri insight on creating a foundation for their own line cyborgs. 
the Reaper, while more crude then the Cybrogs employed by Russian and China, are extremely powerful for the portable Antares cannon mounted on these suits. highly effective against Vehicles, reasonable against infantry but does not reach high enough temperatures to effectively damage enemy structures, makes the Reapers better suited for engaging enemy units on the front line then a well defended base. which should be dealt with by Stalkers.
And Last but not least:
Apocalypse Tank: Russia. $2500, 5:00. Requires: Palace. Power: Yes. Deployed from either the Palace or Industrial Plant.
Since the Introduction of the Tesla Cruiser, the Apocalypse Tank, once regarded as the pinnacle of Soviet mechanized warfare, found itself sidelined by the more cost effective Tesla Tank until Soviet command decided to retire the Apocalypse entirely from the War Factory production protocols. however, with a large number of Apocalypse tanks still exist in reserve. select, decorated commanders are allowed to field these legendary machines for use on the battlefield, bringing their twin heavy cannons and missiles onto the enemy.
Special Ability: Inspire.
The effectiveness of the Apocalypse is not only in its armor and firepower but also the symbolism. seen as the might of Soviet power, all nearby infantry and units will be inspired to fight harder by increasing their rate of fire. thus a boost in firepower.
Not sure what kind of role the Voltmortar would fill. Latin Confederation already has the Mortar Quad, and China's weakness is their lack of artillery besides the Centurion.  

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