This may sound a bit nit-picky, but a number of missions have a tech tree issue when capturing enemy structures (particularly WF). For instance, cavalier is buildable in place of bulldog in Bleed Red, rhino tank buildable alongside qilin in Think Different. I don't really want to play through every mision to do a check, and since you guys have the mission ini files, it would be a lot easier to look at the codes on your end. Those are the only two missions I know of bat with that issue.
Beta Revision 2: Proposed Changelog
Posted 25 May 2014 - 04:28 AM
Posted 25 May 2014 - 04:38 AM
Siege Cadre's are also impromptu Anti-Infantry. Not as lethal as SEALs though... but they're there.
Because Cavalier uses the Grizzly Tank. Rhino Tanks are ... Rhino Tanks.
Probably just needs a thorough checking per Mission Ini File though.
~ Getting cringe reactions when you see a RAINBOW means you have issues. ~
"This World is an Illussion,Exile" -High Templar Dominus
Posted 25 May 2014 - 05:18 AM
I know they're the default mbt availbale when another faction captures their WF. I also know that it's pretty easy to change. Just seems odd for what's "supposed" to be a mind controlled Chinese force to have access to rhinos, and an American home defense force to have euro tanks.
Posted 25 May 2014 - 07:19 AM
Why do you compare Dunerider to the Siege Cadre? Siege Cadre is anti-structure and anti-infantry to a degree, while Dunerider is the Epsilon counterpart of the SEAL or Ivan, so it is anti-infantry and anti-structure. While both of them are good, they are totally different. Siege Cadre is rather good for spec ops tactics using the Stallion. You can destroy Battle Labs with them in the blink of the eye without worrying about dogs. Problem is that many ppl underestimate the Siege Cadre and I guess none of them used Siege Cadres with Stallion.
Posted 25 May 2014 - 07:35 AM
That's too obscure though, slightly outranging garrisons, T1 defenses and aiding SEALs in spec ops is probably not the purpose it was made for. It's a simple T2 siege unit. I thought it was more like the Dunerider and Pyro (they're both go-to anti-structure Infantry), because the Ivan is like the SEAL and Epsilon is just plain weird. Siege Cadre is a shitty anti-Infantry unit, that's like saying GGI's are an anti-Infantry unit to a degree, but you don't use them for that purpose, lol
The Allies didn't sit down and go "You know what would be good? If we made an expensive Infantry unit using ground-breaking Prism technology, so that he can help out SEALs with blowing shit up." Tbh, considering that the Siege Cadre's damage is only slightly more powerful than the GGI's dealt to buildings, you might as well just use GGI's in the little spec ops thing, most of the time the building is only left on 1 block of health anyway after an explosion.
He just needs a buff, more range, a slight increase to damage (but not much). A $50 price decrease will most likely not see his return on the battlefield by the common player, it doesn't fix his terrible performance issues.
Edited by Protozoan, 25 May 2014 - 07:35 AM.
Posted 25 May 2014 - 08:28 AM
Why do you compare Dunerider to the Siege Cadre? Siege Cadre is anti-structure and anti-infantry to a degree, while Dunerider is the Epsilon counterpart of the SEAL or Ivan, so it is anti-infantry and anti-structure. While both of them are good, they are totally different. Siege Cadre is rather good for spec ops tactics using the Stallion. You can destroy Battle Labs with them in the blink of the eye without worrying about dogs. Problem is that many ppl underestimate the Siege Cadre and I guess none of them used Siege Cadres with Stallion.
I do use siege cadres, but really not much. I use them mostly when my opponents surround his bases with lots of T3 defenses.
As for using them for the anti-infantry purpose, well...
Are dune riders the counterpart of the SEALs and Ivan?
Usually a player may amass more than 5 or 6 dune riders while SEALs and Ivan are not treated in the same way.
I often compare them with pyros and siege cadres.
Siege cadres: long-range anti-structure purpose
Pyros: anti-structure and anti-infantry purposes
Dune riders, long-range anti-structure and anti-infantry purposes
Both siege cadres and dune riders outrange T1 defenses and most of the T1 and T2 infantry units but dune riders are more efficient in dealing with infantries. Dune riders have a range of 7.5, which is only 0.5 shorter than siege cadres', while their weapon does more damage to infantries per shot than siege cadres' does and has area effect. Even SEALs get eliminated by them easily.
The price difference between the 2 units is just 50$ in BR2 and dune riders will receive the following buff:
"Dunerider effectiveness vs infantry increased by 10%, strength increased from 110 to 125"
Dune riders only have flak armor and are vulnerable to dog attacks and siege cadres have plate armor and are immune to dog attacks, but it doesn't really matter. Dune riders have decent speed(9) and are good at dealing with a large number of most of the infantries from a distance. Unless they encounter units like Siegfried, Morales, Mercury(mostly Tanya) IFV, or prism tanks, they won't get eliminated that easily and the units mentioned are T3 units. Dogs get killed before approaching them so it doesn't really matter that dune riders are vulnerable to dog bites.
Pyros can't outrange T1 defenses but they still can take out most of them very quickly unless they encounter a battle bunker garrisoned by a few conscripts and they're also infantry killers.
Siege cadres: 500$ for the range and armor type and being immune to dog bites
Pyros: 400$ for the damage output to infantries and buildings, the weapon with area effect, and more hitpoints(200)
Dune riders: 550$ for the range, damage output to infantries and buildings, the weapon with area effect, and the abilities to detect cloaked units, to be immune to crush and to be amphibious.
Speed: Dune riders > Siege cadres = Pyros
Range: Siege cadres >=(only 0.5) Dune riders > Pyros
Structure damage: Pyros > Dune riders > Siege cadres
ROF: Pyros(45) > Siege cadres(60) > Dune riders(70)
Infantry killing: Dune riders >(Due to its range) Pyros >>> Siege cadres
Survivability: Dune riders > Pyros > Siege cadres
Overall it just seems that dune riders are the most cost-efficient units of all the 3.
Edited by UprisingJC, 25 May 2014 - 01:33 PM.
Posted 25 May 2014 - 09:18 AM
The siege cadre can out range all of your garrisons.
That is a HUUUUGE piss off. If you wanna buff this dude, don't buff his range, please. Me no want to be pissed off long time.
Posted 25 May 2014 - 09:23 AM
The siege cadre can out range all of your garrisons.
That is a HUUUUGE piss off. If you wanna buff this dude, don't buff his range, please. Me no want to be pissed off long time.
What about Jets, Zephyrs & Warhawks? Borillos and Pyros can also deal with Garrisons pretty effectively. Not sure about Duneriders, but they only have .5 less range than the Cadre.
Edited by Protozoan, 25 May 2014 - 09:24 AM.
Posted 25 May 2014 - 09:49 AM
I think our answer liyies between the cadre and the prism tower
Posted 25 May 2014 - 01:33 PM
Why do you compare Dunerider to the Siege Cadre? Siege Cadre is anti-structure and anti-infantry to a degree, while Dunerider is the Epsilon counterpart of the SEAL or Ivan, so it is anti-infantry and anti-structure. While both of them are good, they are totally different. Siege Cadre is rather good for spec ops tactics using the Stallion. You can destroy Battle Labs with them in the blink of the eye without worrying about dogs. Problem is that many ppl underestimate the Siege Cadre and I guess none of them used Siege Cadres with Stallion.
I do use siege cadres, but really not much. I use them mostly when my opponents surround his bases with lots of T3 defenses.
As for using them for the anti-infantry purpose, well...
Are dune riders the counterpart of the SEALs and Ivan?
Usually a player may amass more than 5 or 6 dune riders while SEALs and Ivan are not treated in the same way.
I often compare them with pyros and siege cadres.
Siege cadres: long-range anti-structure purpose
Pyros: anti-structure and anti-infantry purposes
Dune riders, long-range anti-structure and anti-infantry purposes
Both siege cadres and dune riders out-range T1 defenses and most of the T1 and T2 infantry units but dune riders are more efficient in dealing with infantries. Dune riders have a range of 7.5, which is only 0.5 shorter than siege cadres', while their weapon does more damage to infantries per shot than siege cadres' does and has area effect. Even SEALs get eliminated by them easily.
The price difference between the 2 units is just 50$ in BR2 and dune riders will receive the following buff:
"Dunerider effectiveness vs infantry increased by 10%, strength increased from 110 to 125"
Dune riders only have flak armor and are vulnerable to dog attacks and siege cadres have plate armor and are immune to dog attacks, but it doesn't really matter. Dune riders have decent speed(9) and are good at dealing with a large number of most of the infantries from a distance. Unless they encounter units like Siegfried, Morales, Mercury(mostly Tanya) IFV, or prism tanks, they won't get eliminated that easily and the units mentioned are T3 units. Dogs get killed before approaching them so it doesn't really matter that dune riders are vulnerable to dog bites.
Pyros can't out-range T1 defenses but they still can take out most of them very quickly unless they encounter a battle bunker garrisoned by a few conscripts and they're also infantry killers.
Siege cadres: 500$ for the range and armor type and being immune to dog bites
Pyros: 400$ for the damage output to infantries and buildings, the weapon with area effect, and more hitpoints(200)
Dune riders: 550$ for the range, damage output to infantries and buildings, the weapon with area effect, and the abilities to detect cloaked units, to be immune to crush and to be amphibious.
Speed: Dune riders > Siege cadres > Pyros
Range: Siege cadres >=(only 0.5) Dune riders > Pyros
Structure damage: Pyros > Dune riders > Siege cadres
ROF: Pyros(45) > Siege cadres(60) > Dune riders(70)
Infantry killing: Dune riders >(Due to its range) Pyros >>> Siege cadres
Survivability: Dune riders > Pyros > Siege cadres
Overall it just seems that dune riders are the most cost-efficient units of all the 3.
...And with Cloning Vats the Dune Rider can have more of itself compared to both the Pyro and Siege Cadre so in terms of spam-ability, survivability, infantry killing, speed, the Dune Rider kicks ass. It seems this conversation is going to be about a change in the Dune Rider's cost and range in comparison to its relatives.
Posted 25 May 2014 - 01:53 PM
Is the list what you have done so far or everything that you plan to do before the next release ?
Posted 25 May 2014 - 07:56 PM
Posted 26 May 2014 - 02:28 AM
There are NO confirmations of any new factions. All that's confirmed is that chaos tech will return under someone else's ownership.
Posted 26 May 2014 - 05:51 AM
I sincerly doubt any new subfactions will come any time soon. They are just too much work to put together. You would need 3 new tank gimmicks. 3 new special weapon types, like lasers, tesla, or chemicals. 3 new T3 monster units like the Abrams or Catastrophe. Then, you'd also need all the other variations. All which have to then be created by artists, coded in, and balanced properly. Not to mention there really is no room for a new strategy. Each faction currently has a light-weight subfaction like the Confederation or Scorpion Cell, a heavy hitter like China or Europe, and then a third multifunctional faction like Pacific Front or Psicorps. (At least, that's how I see the subfactions.)
Posted 26 May 2014 - 06:03 AM
If it confirm that has a 4th subfaction soon, I suggest that Tank Destroyer will be replace in Mirage Tank and Mirage Tank will be replace in 4th subfaction. So the new counterpart units are Warhawk, Tank Destroyer, Zephyr Artillery and Mirage Tank so it means laser weapon, advance defense weapon, heavy artillery weapon and mirage weapon.
I suggest that the 4th allied subfaction's specialty is a mirage weapon.
- UprisingJC and Divine like this
Posted 26 May 2014 - 06:05 AM
I think Televsion Lies needs a makeover. The mission itself is okay. It's just the backstory doesn't match up with the appearance. Television lies has the unique trait of taking place years before the war, in a period where they're in a transition. I think there should be more RA1 buildings, and maybe use a few stock images to make some RA1-era vehicles, ore at the very least replace/remove the chrono miners.
Posted 26 May 2014 - 07:13 AM
If it confirm that has a 4th subfaction soon, I suggest that Tank Destroyer will be replace in Mirage Tank and Mirage Tank will be replace in 4th subfaction. So the new counterpart units are Warhawk, Tank Destroyer, Zephyr Artillery and Mirage Tank so it means laser weapon, advance defense weapon, heavy artillery weapon and mirage weapon.
I suggest that the 4th allied subfaction's specialty is a mirage weapon.
Can't you ban him?
Posted 26 May 2014 - 07:23 AM
If it confirm that has a 4th subfaction soon, I suggest that Tank Destroyer will be replace in Mirage Tank and Mirage Tank will be replace in 4th subfaction. So the new counterpart units are Warhawk, Tank Destroyer, Zephyr Artillery and Mirage Tank so it means laser weapon, advance defense weapon, heavy artillery weapon and mirage weapon.
I suggest that the 4th allied subfaction's specialty is a mirage weapon.
Wtf are you talking about?
Posted 26 May 2014 - 09:26 AM
If it confirm that has a 4th subfaction soon, I suggest that Tank Destroyer will be replace in Mirage Tank and Mirage Tank will be replace in 4th subfaction. So the new counterpart units are Warhawk, Tank Destroyer, Zephyr Artillery and Mirage Tank so it means laser weapon, advance defense weapon, heavy artillery weapon and mirage weapon.
I suggest that the 4th allied subfaction's specialty is a mirage weapon.
- switchblade16 likes this
Posted 26 May 2014 - 04:07 PM
Grabe ha!!!
I said "if it confirm"!:<
Which it wont
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