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MO3.3 SUPPORT // Game or Client Crashes & Launch Issues Megathread

Best Answer Speeder, 05 April 2024 - 11:38 AM

This is a list of the most common technical issues that users might encounter trying to play Mental Omega, including using it with Steam/EA App.
The Steam/EA App test fix can be downloaded from our Discord's #support_solutions section for now.
Solutions to these problems on:
- Website: https://mentalomega.com/issues
- Discord: https://mentalomega.com/discord
(support_solutions & support channels)
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#1121 DarkFallout2281

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Posted 11 October 2018 - 08:07 PM

Hello Everyone!


Im having trouble starting on campaign missions or even multiplayer. When ever I try starting it, it says, Log file failed to open. Error code = D. C:\Users\flowe\OneDrive\Desktop\MentalOmega\debug\debug.log


Could someone help me with this please?


Thank You.

#1122 goldenguard95

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Posted 13 October 2018 - 11:51 PM

Well thats just great... i restarted the PC once... and now even the game wont launch. When i want to play a campaign for example... it just throw me out, and it will give me the error with that syringe crap again (Syringe cannot be launched just like that).

Edited by goldenguard95, 13 October 2018 - 11:51 PM.

#1123 Solais


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Posted 14 October 2018 - 01:03 AM

For DarkFallout:


Are you using a clean install of RA2 and YR? (No other mods, just Mental Omega.) Also, Mental Omega files must be put inside the RA2 folder, not separately.


For goldenguard:


Do you have compatibility mode set to WinXP, and also, 16-bit color on the main exe files of the game?

Edited by Solais, 14 October 2018 - 01:04 AM.

#1124 Firza Gerivaldi

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Posted 15 October 2018 - 02:20 PM

Eyoo guys, I'm back, and recently bought c&c ultimate collection where it means, I have a high chance playing it. However, same thing, force close, fatal error.


I'm windows 10..yes i have followed all the instructions carefully, set all to administrator, compatibility to XP SP3 to all 3 files, 16 bit color, experimenting renderer in MO client and in-game resolution, making sure not blocked, restarting PC, updating drivers to the latest..

here's the log







#1125 Firza Gerivaldi

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Posted 15 October 2018 - 11:32 PM

I've encountered new error. Instead of showing fatal error and crashed. This time, the game didn't launch and return to the client..however its still record a syringe log..


#1126 Handepsilon


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Posted 18 October 2018 - 11:39 AM

You made sure your antivirus (including windows defender) doesn't interfere with your MO?

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#1127 Firza Gerivaldi

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Posted 18 October 2018 - 12:48 PM

You made sure your antivirus (including windows defender) doesn't interfere with your MO?


I only have windows defender... so, 100%. Allowing gamemd.exe, MOClient.exe, and syringe.exe in controlled folder access, allowing those 3 important apps in firewall. Also, I have tried turning off windows defender real time protection. Same thing, sometimes got pop up that said cncnet blocked (not always, I don't know how to reproduce it, It just popin out of nowhere), make sure bla and bla and try to run in administrator mode... but i have set the compatibility to run in administrator.One more thing, I have installed the game in DATA D....but I have to uninstall the game for now, I don't know what to do... 

Edited by Firza Gerivaldi, 18 October 2018 - 01:16 PM.

#1128 Meyerm



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Posted 18 October 2018 - 03:51 PM

No fix for the game blacking out and crashing if you minimize from fullscreen? I thought it first it might be an inherent issue with Ares itself, but other mods using the same version of Ares seem to not have that problem. 

#1129 Firza Gerivaldi

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Posted 19 October 2018 - 10:17 AM

I forgot to tell, every time i click launch, I also check the .exe in the task manager, seeing if there is any strange thing happening, yes the main executable / gamemd.exe disk utilization will go high. Is it normal?? . I got a flash of loading screen, but that's only in a blink of an eye, after that, fatal error shows up. I just assuming i can play the mod, but i don't know what makes the .exe got high disk usage. that's probably what makes the gamemd.exe got crashed and fatal error-ed.

#1130 shinmarwan

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Posted 23 October 2018 - 05:27 PM

hi everyone


when i try to lunch a skirmish game the game try to load and then bring me back to skirmish screen with no error massages or anything .... i dont know why ??


the game was working perfect some days ago


can any one help ?? thanks

#1131 prezaxel

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Posted 26 October 2018 - 04:26 AM

I've been having problems with the game's FPS, regardless of the number of players or settings, and I've tried all the renderers and the problem continues, my FPS are below 15 and the problem gets worse and worse, at the beginning, the FPS were normal, from 30 to more, but now, they do not exceed 15, even starting the game.


My Pc is not powerful:


4GB of Ram

Intel HD 520 (Mobile)


But the problem get worse between I play it, and at the beggining this didn't happen.

I've been having problems with the game's FPS, regardless of the number of players or settings, and I've tried all the renderers and the problem continues, my FPS is below 15 and the problem gets worse and worse, at the beginning, the FPS were normal, from 30 to more, but now, they do not exceed 15, even starting the game.

#1132 Christofer Sjöström

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Posted 30 October 2018 - 02:03 AM



I dont see timer countdown in campaign Epsilon mission 07 Think diffrent When i play on laptop inbuilt screen but when im on external tv i can see the countdown timer. I tried many things but i cant see the countdown timer in 1920x1080p on laptop screen.

The graphick is intel 620. Anyone have any help to give me?


Thanks in advance.


#1133 Handepsilon


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Posted 30 October 2018 - 08:33 AM

Don't use 1080p. RA2 engine does not handle large resolution that well.

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#1134 OfficialLolicon


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Posted 04 November 2018 - 05:01 AM

The mission "Insomnia" crashes when the mission shifts to the ending scene (where Norio will stop the soviet reinforcements). In 3.3.3, this previously works fine to me.

Will upload the debug and except files when it crashes again. (I deleted it)

Currently playing the Touhou Series


You can use mission units in MO here




#1135 maniakpt

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Posted 07 November 2018 - 12:32 PM



I'm able to launch the Mental Omega client, but the game won't launch.

[12:20:24] Syringe
[12:20:24] ===============

[12:20:24] WinMain: arguments = ""gamemd.exe" -SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN"
[12:20:24] WinMain: Trying to load executable file "gamemd.exe"...

[12:20:24] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Retrieving info from the executable file...
[12:20:24] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Executable information successfully retrieved.
[12:20:24] 	exe = gamemd.exe
[12:20:24] 	pImLoadLibrary = 0x007E1220
[12:20:24] 	pImGetProcAddress = 0x007E1250
[12:20:24] 	pcEntryPoint = 0x007CD80F
[12:20:24] 	dwExeSize = 0x00497FE0
[12:20:24] 	dwExeCRC = 0x1B499086
[12:20:24] 	dwTimestamp = 0x3BDF544E

[12:20:24] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Opening gamemd.exe to determine imports.
[12:20:24] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs();

[12:20:24] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "Ares.dll"
[12:20:24] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Calling "Ares.dll" ...
[12:20:24] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Answers "Found Yuri's Revenge 1.001 (UC). Applying Ares 2.0." (0)
[12:20:24] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "cncnet5.dll"
[12:20:25] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Done (1354 hooks added).

[12:20:25] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run("-SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN");

[12:20:25] SyringeDebugger::Run: Running process to debug. cmd = "gamemd.exe -SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN"
[12:20:25] SyringeDebugger::Run: Allocating 0x584 bytes...
[12:20:25] SyringeDebugger::Run: pAlloc = 0x001F0000
[12:20:25] SyringeDebugger::Run: Writing DLL loader & caller code...
[12:20:25] SyringeDebugger::Run: pcLoadLibrary = 0x001F0000
[12:20:25] SyringeDebugger::Run: Entering debug loop...
[12:20:25] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x95A8A090)!
[12:20:25] 	The process tried to execute 0x95A8A090.

[12:20:25] Registers:
[12:20:25] 	EAX = 0x006BC0DC	ECX = 0x00000005	EDX = 0x00E87008
[12:20:25] 	EBX = 0x00000000	ESP = 0x0019F9F8	EBP = 0x0019FB44
[12:20:25] 	ESI = 0x00E80000	EDI = 0x0019FB14	EIP = 0x95A8A090

[12:20:25] 	Stack dump:
[12:20:25] 	0x0019F9F8:	0x00E83854
[12:20:25] 	0x0019F9FC:	0x006BC0DC
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA00:	0x00E87008
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA04:	0x00000005
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA08:	0x0019FB14
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA0C:	0x45000080
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA10:	0x724F5C3A
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA14:	0x6E696769
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA18:	0x6D6F435C
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA1C:	0x646E616D
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA20:	0x646E6120
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA24:	0x6E6F4320
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA28:	0x72657571
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA2C:	0x64655220
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA30:	0x656C4120
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA34:	0x49207472
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA38:	0x61675C49
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA3C:	0x646D656D
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA40:	0x6578652E
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA44:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA48:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA4C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA50:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA54:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA58:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA5C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA60:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA64:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA68:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA6C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA70:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA74:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA78:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA7C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA80:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA84:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA88:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA8C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA90:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA94:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA98:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FA9C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAA0:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAA4:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAA8:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAAC:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAB0:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAB4:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAB8:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FABC:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAC0:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAC4:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAC8:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FACC:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAD0:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAD4:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAD8:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FADC:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAE0:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAE4:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAE8:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAEC:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAF0:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAF4:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAF8:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FAFC:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB00:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB04:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB08:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB0C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB10:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB14:	0x00000020
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB18:	0x00E87008
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB1C:	0x00000005
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB20:	0x006BC0DC
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB24:	0x00E801C8
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB28:	0x00E80080
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB2C:	0x00E80000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB30:	0x00000002
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB34:	0x000007B0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB38:	0x00E87000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB3C:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB40:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB44:	0x0019FB74
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB48:	0x00E81315
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB4C:	0x00E80000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB50:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB54:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB58:	0x00000006
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB5C:	0x00E80000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB60:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB64:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB68:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB6C:	0x0019FBA8
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB70:	0x00E81420
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB74:	0x0019FBB4
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB78:	0x00E81443
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB7C:	0x00E84350
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB80:	0x00E80000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB84:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB88:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB8C:	0x4AA5C768
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB90:	0x00EBE9A0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB94:	0x00E8D020
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB98:	0x7775A226
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FB9C:	0x00E80000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBA0:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBA4:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBA8:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBAC:	0x00E81420
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBB0:	0x00E80000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBB4:	0x0019FC00
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBB8:	0x7772ECA6
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBBC:	0x00E81420
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBC0:	0x00E80000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBC4:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBC8:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBCC:	0x4AA5C0A8
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBD0:	0x0019FC44
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBD4:	0x00EBE9A0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBD8:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBDC:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBE0:	0x00E80000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBE4:	0x00E8D020
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBE8:	0x0019FBCC
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBEC:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBF0:	0x0019FC78
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBF4:	0x77762580
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBF8:	0x3DC2C918
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FBFC:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC00:	0x0019FC88
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC04:	0x77726C81
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC08:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC0C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC10:	0x4AA5C020
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC14:	0x00EBE9A0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC18:	0x00ECCA60
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC1C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC20:	0x00000024
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC24:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC28:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC2C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC30:	0x00000030
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC34:	0xFFFFFFFF
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC38:	0xFFFFFFFF
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC3C:	0x77726C49
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC40:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC44:	0x00ECCA60
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC48:	0x00ECCA60
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC4C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC50:	0x00EBE9A0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC54:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC58:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC5C:	0x00EBE9A0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC60:	0x00EBE9F4
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC64:	0x00E81420
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC68:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC6C:	0x01000100
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC70:	0x0019FC10
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC74:	0x00ECCA60
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC78:	0x0019FD00
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC7C:	0x77762580
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC80:	0x3DC2CFD0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC84:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC88:	0x0019FCAC
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC8C:	0x77726943
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC90:	0x00EBE9A0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC94:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC98:	0x0019FD44
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FC9C:	0x0019FCC8
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCA0:	0x00721CBF
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCA4:	0x0019FD44
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCA8:	0x00EBE9A0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCAC:	0x0019FCC8
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCB0:	0x77724097
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCB4:	0x0019FCC7
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCB8:	0x0019FD48
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCBC:	0x0019FD44
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCC0:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCC4:	0x00EBE9A0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCC8:	0x0019FD10
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCCC:	0x77739AA9
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCD0:	0x4AA5C1B8
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCD4:	0x0019FE88
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCD8:	0x0019FF18
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCDC:	0x0019FE80
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCE0:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCE4:	0x0019FD48
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCE8:	0xC0000135
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCEC:	0x0019FE88
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCF0:	0x00EBE9A0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCF4:	0x00762580
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCF8:	0x0019FCD0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FCFC:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD00:	0x0019FFCC
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD04:	0x77762580
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD08:	0x3DC2CB88
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD0C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD10:	0x0019FE5C
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD14:	0x77729DE3
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD18:	0x00000020
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD1C:	0x00000004
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD20:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD24:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD28:	0x0019FE80
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD2C:	0x0019FD44
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD30:	0x00000001
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD34:	0x0019FF18
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD38:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD3C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD40:	0x00000020
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD44:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD48:	0x01000016
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD4C:	0x0019FD50
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD50:	0x006E0063
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD54:	0x006E0063
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD58:	0x00740065
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD5C:	0x002E0035
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD60:	0x006C0064
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD64:	0x0000006C
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD68:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD6C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD70:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD74:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD78:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD7C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD80:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD84:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD88:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD8C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD90:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD94:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD98:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FD9C:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDA0:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDA4:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDA8:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDAC:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDB0:	0x0000002B
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDB4:	0x00000053
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDB8:	0x0000002B
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDBC:	0x0000002B
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDC0:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDC4:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDC8:	0x00000018
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDCC:	0x00EA0000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDD0:	0x0019FE80
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDD4:	0x007CD80F
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDD8:	0x00000000
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDDC:	0x7775C7C0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDE0:	0x00000023
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDE4:	0x00000202
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDE8:	0x00000020
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDEC:	0x001B07D0
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDF0:	0x0000027F
[12:20:25] 	0x0019FDF4:	0x00000000

[12:20:25] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x95A8A090)!
[12:20:27] SyringeDebugger::Run: Done with exit code C0000005 (3221225477).

[12:20:27] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run finished.
[12:20:27] WinMain: Exiting on success.

I've added run as admin permissions on the client, syringe and gamemd exe's. Furthermore, all of them are running with Windows XP Service pack 3 compatibility mode.


Thanks in advance

#1136 maniakpt

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Posted 07 November 2018 - 01:12 PM

Just a follow up. Game was working yesterday. I've uninstalled Windows update https://support.micr...-windows-server and now it is working!

#1137 Leitch Blitz Persimmon

Leitch Blitz Persimmon
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Posted 18 November 2018 - 01:14 PM

Need help. All Soviet mission is playable, except Earthrise.

I can't play Earthrise.

I can't play the newest campaign, all Foehn campaign and all Covert Ops.

I still can play the older one.

That game encountered a wild Fatal Error, level 100.

I have no Pokemon so I put the log down here. Somebody could help me confront with this.

BTW I've been using RA Yuri's Revenge 1.001 (modified) since 2.0psi until 3.3.4.

Everything was quite normal, until this thing came out.

Tell me if any of obligation I've missed.



[20:56:50] Syringe

[20:56:50] ===============
[20:56:50] WinMain: arguments = ""gamemd.exe" -SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN"
[20:56:50] WinMain: Trying to load executable file "gamemd.exe"...
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Retrieving info from the executable file...
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Executable information successfully retrieved.
[20:56:50] exe = gamemd.exe
[20:56:50] pImLoadLibrary = 0x007E1220
[20:56:50] pImGetProcAddress = 0x007E1250
[20:56:50] pcEntryPoint = 0x007CD80F
[20:56:50] dwExeSize = 0x00497110
[20:56:50] dwExeCRC = 0x6F3AC8DC
[20:56:50] dwTimestamp = 0x3BDF544E
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Opening gamemd.exe to determine imports.
[20:56:50] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs();
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "Ares.dll"
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Calling "Ares.dll" ...
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Answers "Found Yuri's Revenge 1.001 (modified). Applying Ares 2.0." (0)
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "cncnet5.dll"
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Done (1354 hooks added).
[20:56:50] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run("-SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN");
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::Run: Running process to debug. cmd = "gamemd.exe -SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN"
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::Run: Allocating 0x584 bytes...
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::Run: pAlloc = 0x001B0000
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::Run: Writing DLL loader & caller code...
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::Run: pcLoadLibrary = 0x001B0000
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::Run: Entering debug loop...
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Could not retrieve ProcAddress for: cncnet5.dll - MZ
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Finished retrieving proc addresses.
[20:56:50] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Creating code hooks.
[20:56:58] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x00689FAA)!
[20:56:58] The process tried to write to 0x095F0000.
[20:56:58] Registers:
[20:56:58] EAX = 0x00000003 ECX = 0x00905A4D EDX = 0x00905A4D
[20:56:58] EBX = 0x095F0000 ESP = 0x0018CDD0 EBP = 0x0018CE14
[20:56:58] ESI = 0x093F1EC0 EDI = 0x0018CFB0 EIP = 0x00689FAA
[20:56:58] Stack dump:
[20:56:58] 0x0018CDD0: 0x0018CFB0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CDD4: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CDD8: 0x00000001
[20:56:58] 0x0018CDDC: 0x0003FA01
[20:56:58] 0x0018CDE0: 0x00905A4D
[20:56:58] 0x0018CDE4: 0x00000003
[20:56:58] 0x0018CDE8: 0x70796157
[20:56:58] 0x0018CDEC: 0x746E696F
[20:56:58] 0x0018CDF0: 0x36303632
[20:56:58] 0x0018CDF4: 0xFF003930
[20:56:58] 0x0018CDF8: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CDFC: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE00: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE04: 0x0018CF00
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE08: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE0C: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE10: 0x73006500
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE14: 0x093F1EC0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE18: 0x00687858
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE1C: 0x0018CFB0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE20: 0x093F3127
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE24: 0x0018D0C3
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE28: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE2C: 0x00000001
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE30: 0x0000549F
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE34: 0x093F1EC0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE38: 0x0018CFB0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE3C: 0x007E1AF4
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE40: 0x093F311C
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE44: 0x1033CAB0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE48: 0x007E1AFC
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE4C: 0x007E1B0C
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE50: 0x103340F0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE54: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE58: 0x007E1B0C
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE5C: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE60: 0x1034D430
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE64: 0x114C11E0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE68: 0x0000005A
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE6C: 0x000000A0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE70: 0x00357401
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE74: 0x114C1330
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE78: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE7C: 0xDF7C4C00
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE80: 0x834E98EA
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE84: 0x62FB110C
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE88: 0x800A0D36
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE8C: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE90: 0x7725F9F2
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE94: 0x7555C455
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE98: 0x00000364
[20:56:58] 0x0018CE9C: 0x00000364
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEA0: 0x0018CEB0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEA4: 0x007E16B0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEA8: 0x00000300
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEAC: 0x00000001
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEB0: 0x0179CACA
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEB4: 0x00007353
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEB8: 0xFFFFFFFF
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEBC: 0x10336030
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEC0: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEC4: 0x00200201
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEC8: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CECC: 0x0D1F0000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CED0: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CED4: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CED8: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEDC: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEE0: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEE4: 0xFFFFFFFF
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEE8: 0xFFFFFFFF
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEEC: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEF0: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEF4: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEF8: 0x0018CF00
[20:56:58] 0x0018CEFC: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF00: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF04: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF08: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF0C: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF10: 0xE034ADDE
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF14: 0x084C7CDF
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF18: 0xEA984E83
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF1C: 0x0C11FB62
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF20: 0x52535355
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF24: 0x756F4820
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF28: 0x33006573
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF2C: 0xC07F418A
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF30: 0xDDECA93E
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF34: 0x0006AE80
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF38: 0x00000003
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF3C: 0x390A0D36
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF40: 0x0D373231
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF44: 0x3538320A
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF48: 0x3030313D
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF4C: 0x0D363331
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF50: 0x3638320A
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF54: 0x3131393D
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF58: 0x0A0D3732
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF5C: 0x3D373832
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF60: 0x37303738
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF64: 0x360A0D30
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF68: 0x313D3934
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF6C: 0x36303434
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF70: 0x3A50414D
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF74: 0x45544954
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF78: 0x48545241
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF7C: 0x00766153
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF80: 0x93A312DE
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF84: 0xE249184E
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF88: 0x7B0EB5C1
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF8C: 0x338C7060
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF90: 0x006867C3
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF94: 0x0068684A
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF98: 0x0D1F70A0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CF9C: 0x00000001
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFA0: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFA4: 0x00000004
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFA8: 0x007E4C30
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFAC: 0x0018CFB8
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFB0: 0x007E1AF4
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFB4: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFB8: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFBC: 0x007E1AFC
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFC0: 0x007E1B0C
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFC4: 0x0D2BD5D0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFC8: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFCC: 0x007E1B0C
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFD0: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFD4: 0x0D15E4C0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFD8: 0x113D5FC8
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFDC: 0x0000013C
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFE0: 0x00000140
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFE4: 0x004A3801
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFE8: 0x113D64F0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFEC: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFF0: 0x9F78BE01
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFF4: 0x34ADDE39
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFF8: 0x4C7CDFE0
[20:56:58] 0x0018CFFC: 0x984E8308
[20:56:58] 0x0018D000: 0x11FB62EA
[20:56:58] 0x0018D004: 0x0000000C
[20:56:58] 0x0018D008: 0x007E16B0
[20:56:58] 0x0018D00C: 0x0AD57000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D010: 0x00000001
[20:56:58] 0x0018D014: 0x0479AB9A
[20:56:58] 0x0018D018: 0x000682D5
[20:56:58] 0x0018D01C: 0xFFFFFFFF
[20:56:58] 0x0018D020: 0x0D2BF820
[20:56:58] 0x0018D024: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D028: 0x00000001
[20:56:58] 0x0018D02C: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D030: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D034: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D038: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D03C: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D040: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D044: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D048: 0xFFFFFFFF
[20:56:58] 0x0018D04C: 0xFFFFFFFF
[20:56:58] 0x0018D050: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D054: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D058: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D05C: 0x00642C00
[20:56:58] 0x0018D060: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D064: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D068: 0x00000200
[20:56:58] 0x0018D06C: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D070: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D074: 0x6BBC3345
[20:56:58] 0x0018D078: 0x00000001
[20:56:58] 0x0018D07C: 0xFFFFFFFF
[20:56:58] 0x0018D080: 0x0018D2C4
[20:56:58] 0x0018D084: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D088: 0x0D1F70A0
[20:56:58] 0x0018D08C: 0x000001BF
[20:56:58] 0x0018D090: 0x0000028B
[20:56:58] 0x0018D094: 0x00000001
[20:56:58] 0x0018D098: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D09C: 0x02B10000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0A0: 0x01DEFA38
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0A4: 0x0018CFEC
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0A8: 0x00050028
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0AC: 0x00000001
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0B0: 0x772B71F5
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0B4: 0x00467263
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0B8: 0x52414553
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0BC: 0x4D2E4854
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0C0: 0x10005041
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0C4: 0x00000004
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0C8: 0x00000010
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0CC: 0x10DEFE22
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0D0: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0D4: 0x10DEFA38
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0D8: 0x10DDEE70
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0DC: 0x10DDEF88
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0E0: 0x10DEF658
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0E4: 0x10DDF268
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0E8: 0x10DEF60A
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0EC: 0x0018D080
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0F0: 0x00001000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0F4: 0x0018FEEC
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0F8: 0x10DEF658
[20:56:58] 0x0018D0FC: 0x77272CC9
[20:56:58] 0x0018D100: 0x10DEF658
[20:56:58] 0x0018D104: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D108: 0x00000010
[20:56:58] 0x0018D10C: 0x02B1157C
[20:56:58] 0x0018D110: 0x00000010
[20:56:58] 0x0018D114: 0x02B11560
[20:56:58] 0x0018D118: 0x6F9A603E
[20:56:58] 0x0018D11C: 0x80000002
[20:56:58] 0x0018D120: 0x6F9A6054
[20:56:58] 0x0018D124: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D128: 0x00020019
[20:56:58] 0x0018D12C: 0x0018D134
[20:56:58] 0x0018D130: 0x00000003
[20:56:58] 0x0018D134: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D138: 0x00000010
[20:56:58] 0x0018D13C: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D140: 0x02B11564
[20:56:58] 0x0018D144: 0x10DEF640
[20:56:58] 0x0018D148: 0x00C79B10
[20:56:58] 0x0018D14C: 0x0000000A
[20:56:58] 0x0018D150: 0x02861F48
[20:56:58] 0x0018D154: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D158: 0x00000001
[20:56:58] 0x0018D15C: 0x0018D174
[20:56:58] 0x0018D160: 0x6F975437
[20:56:58] 0x0018D164: 0x00C79B20
[20:56:58] 0x0018D168: 0x00000002
[20:56:58] 0x0018D16C: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D170: 0x00000018
[20:56:58] 0x0018D174: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D178: 0x02B11560
[20:56:58] 0x0018D17C: 0x10DEF658
[20:56:58] 0x0018D180: 0x00C79B20
[20:56:58] 0x0018D184: 0x0000000B
[20:56:58] 0x0018D188: 0x02861F48
[20:56:58] 0x0018D18C: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D190: 0x00000001
[20:56:58] 0x0018D194: 0x0018D1AC
[20:56:58] 0x0018D198: 0x6F975437
[20:56:58] 0x0018D19C: 0x02B1157C
[20:56:58] 0x0018D1A0: 0x02B11560
[20:56:58] 0x0018D1A4: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D1A8: 0x0018D1C4
[20:56:58] 0x0018D1AC: 0x6F973193
[20:56:58] 0x0018D1B0: 0x02B11580
[20:56:58] 0x0018D1B4: 0x6F975600
[20:56:58] 0x0018D1B8: 0x00001000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D1BC: 0x02B19B68
[20:56:58] 0x0018D1C0: 0x00000000
[20:56:58] 0x0018D1C4: 0x0018D1F0
[20:56:58] 0x0018D1C8: 0x6F975B0F
[20:56:58] 0x0018D1CC: 0x02B1157C
[20:57:00] SyringeDebugger::Run: Done with exit code C0000005 (3221225477).
[20:57:00] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run finished.
[20:57:00] WinMain: Exiting on success.


I don't have any Full Restore left.

Edited by Leitch Blitz Persimmon, 19 November 2018 - 12:48 PM.

#1138 mrvecz

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Posted 20 November 2018 - 07:31 PM

Game crashed during the new WoC challenge, after a long time i managed to slug my way through to their fortress and i managed to destroy one of the bases, everything was fine till the blasticade activated, then game crashed


Dropbox link



#1139 VertigoM2

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Posted 24 November 2018 - 03:26 AM

I recently updated to Windows 10, and while Mental Omega works, Final Omega doesn't seem reading any of the MO mix files.



I haven't moved anything and have reinstalled the mod to see if that would fix it. I have Syringe, finalomega, and moclient running as admin


Fixed by uninstalling, cleaning my registry, then doing a clean install.

Edited by VertigoM2, 30 November 2018 - 11:41 PM.

#1140 Lycanboss1

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Posted 24 November 2018 - 03:26 AM

Hello there,


I would want to address update error which when it was finishing up the update for patch 334, it stopped working. Also the mentalomegaclient failed to start. :(


Is there anything that I can fix?



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