Initialized Ares version: 18.257.1409
Ares requires a CPU with SSE support. Available.
Set Process Affinity: 1l (1)
Optimizing list of CD drives for NoCD mode.
Checking available disk space
Using GetDiskFreeSpaceEx
Free disk space is 132519 Mb
Init Encryption Keys.
Init_Keys - declarations
Init_Keys - Load
Init_Keys - Init fast key
Language: US
Focus_Restore(): _MouseCaptured = false
Focus gained
Prep direct draw.
Prep direct draw.
SetDisplayMode: 1152x648x16
Checking hardware region fill capability...OK
Checking overlapped blit capability...OK
Display mode set
DSurface::AllowStretchBlits = true
DSurface::AllowHWFill = true
DSurface::Create_Primary - Creating surface
CreateSurface OK
DSurface::Create_Primary done
Allocating new surfaces
CompositeSurface (984x648) SYSTEM MEMORY ENABLE_3D
TileSurface (984x648) SYSTEM MEMORY ENABLE_3D
SidebarSurface (168x648) SYSTEM MEMORY
HiddenSurface (1152x648) SYSTEM MEMORY
AlternateSurface (1152x648) SYSTEM MEMORY
Profile: CPU:41 (3894Mhz Pentium 4)
Profile: RAM:10 (1024Mb)
Profile: VRAM:10 (83Mb)
Profile: VRAM speed:5 (0 blits per second)
Overall performance profile = 5
Init Game
event mempool size = 192000
Init Mouse
Calling Force_CD_Available
Init Secondary Mixfiles..... CONQMD.MIX CONQUER.MIX CAMEOMD.MIX CAMEO.MIX mapsmo03.mixMULTIMO.MIX Initializing ThemesMD.MIX
THEME.MIX movmo03.mix ...OK
Init Campaigns
Init Heaps
Init Threads
Reading Game Settings
--------- Loading SUN.INI settings ---------------
GameSpeed = 1
Difficulty = 0
CampDifficulty = 0
ScrollMethod = 0
ScrollRate = 3
AutoScroll is ON
DetailLevel = 2
SideBar on RIGHT
Sidebar Text is ON
ActionLines are ON
ShowHidden is ON
ToolTips are ON
Resolution = 1152 X 648
StretchMovies is OFF
AllowHiRes is OFF
SoundVolume = 1.000000
VoiceVolume = 1.000000
ScoreVolume = 0.800000
ScoreRepeat is OFF
ScoreShuffle is OFF
Emulated sound card latency default = 9
--------- Loading Ares global settings -----------
[Developer error]Unrecognized UI action value: show
[Developer error]Unrecognized UI action value: show
QuickExit is ON
AllowMultiEngineer is OFF
CampaignList is ON
ShowDebugCampaigns is OFF
Color count is 13
Mod is Mental Omega (3.3.4) with 94CCF84A
--------- Complete -------------------------------
Init Anim System
Init Color Remap Tables
Creating TacticalMap
Init Bulk Data
Deleting ZBuffer
Allocating ZBuffer (984x616)
Deleting ABuffer
Allocating ABuffer (984x616)
MessageListClass::Init(Width: 970)
Checking available disk space
Using GetDiskFreeSpaceEx
Free disk space is 132519 Mb
Session one time init. UniqueID is 3dd10d61
Init Rules
[Developer warning]BuildingType CAPALACE02 has a custom foundation which does not include cell 0,0. This breaks AI base building.
Init random number
Seed is 00234bee
Init Commands
Game Init Completed.
ExceptionReturnStack = 0018D48C
ExceptionReturnAddress = 0048CDA8
Init random number
Seed is 00234bfe
WinsockInterface constructed
WinsockInterface init.
About to call WSAStartup
Winsock initialised OK
Winsock version is 1.1
Found protocol UDP/IPv6, max frame size is 65527
Found protocol UDP/IP, max frame size is 65527
Found protocol UDP/IP, max frame size is 65527
Found protocol UDP/IP, max frame size is 65527
About to open primary UDP socket
About to bind the UDP socket to port 0
Socket option SO_RCVBUF set OK
Socket option SO_SNDBUF set OK
Primary UDP Socket init complete
IPX Manager: RetryDelta = 60
MaxAhead is 15
**** IPXManagerClass::Init ***
About to open primary UDP socket
About to bind the UDP socket to port 1234
Socket option SO_RCVBUF set OK
Socket option SO_SNDBUF set OK
Primary UDP Socket init complete
About to query the host name
About to call gethostbyname
Found local address:
Found local address:
About to open alternate UDP socket
About to bind the UDP socket
Socket option SO_RCVBUF set OK
Socket option SO_SNDBUF set OK
Alternate UDP Socket init complete
FD_WRITE - No OutBuffers left - nothing to do
FD_WRITE - No AltOutBuffers left - nothing to do
Processing sides.
Side 0: GDI
Side 1: Nod
Side 2: ThirdSide
Side 3: FourthSide
Side 4: Civilian
Side 5: Mutant
[Developer warning]Country' UnitedStates' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Europeans' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Pacific' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' USSR' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Latin' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Chinese' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' PsiCorps' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' ScorpionCell' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Headquaters' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Guild1' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Guild2' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Guild3' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
----- Starting scnenario: spawnmap.ini -----
Player Count: 1
Reading scenario: spawnmap.ini
Sound frame size = 43008 bytes
Sound buffer size = 172032 bytes
Scen->IsRandom = false
loadmd.MIXRead_Scenario_INI - Filename is spawnmap.ini
Clearing old scenario
MapClass::Init_Clear entry
MapClass::Init_Clear done
RadarClass::Init_Clear done
[Developer warning]Country' UnitedStates' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Europeans' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Pacific' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' USSR' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Latin' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Chinese' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' PsiCorps' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' ScorpionCell' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Headquaters' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Guild1' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Guild2' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Country' Guild3' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
Multiplayer start waypoint found at cell 110,64
Multiplayer start waypoint found at cell 34,80
Multiplayer start waypoint found at cell 110,64
Multiplayer start waypoint found at cell 34,80
Assigning Starting Points for house 0 (Guild2)
First cell taken: 1 (34,80)
Assigning Starting Points for house 1 (Europeans)
Starting cell taken: 0 (110,64)
Converting 0 nodes.
Init theater URBAN
Processing sides.
Side 0: GDI
Side 1: Nod
Side 2: ThirdSide
Side 3: FourthSide
Side 4: Civilian
Side 5: Mutant
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [UnitedStates]File.Flag=unst.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [UnitedStates]File.ObserverFlag=unst.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [UnitedStates]File.ObserverBackground=obsalli.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' UnitedStates' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Europeans]File.Flag=euro.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Europeans]File.ObserverFlag=euro.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Europeans]File.ObserverBackground=obsalli.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Europeans' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Pacific]File.Flag=paci.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Pacific]File.ObserverFlag=paci.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Pacific]File.ObserverBackground=obsalli.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Pacific' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [USSR]File.Flag=ussr.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [USSR]File.ObserverFlag=ussr.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [USSR]File.ObserverBackground=obssovi.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' USSR' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Latin]File.Flag=cuba.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Latin]File.ObserverFlag=cuba.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Latin]File.ObserverBackground=obssovi.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Latin' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Chinese]File.Flag=chin.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Chinese]File.ObserverFlag=chin.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Chinese]File.ObserverBackground=obssovi.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Chinese' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PsiCorps]File.Flag=psic.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PsiCorps]File.ObserverFlag=psic.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PsiCorps]File.ObserverBackground=obsyuri.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' PsiCorps' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ScorpionCell]File.Flag=scrp.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ScorpionCell]File.ObserverFlag=scrp.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ScorpionCell]File.ObserverBackground=obsyuri.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' ScorpionCell' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Headquaters]File.Flag=hdqt.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Headquaters]File.ObserverFlag=hdqt.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Headquaters]File.ObserverBackground=obsyuri.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Headquaters' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild1]File.Flag=haih.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild1]File.ObserverFlag=haih.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild1]File.ObserverBackground=obsfoeh.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Guild1' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild2]File.Flag=coro.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild2]File.ObserverFlag=coro.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild2]File.ObserverBackground=obsfoeh.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Guild2' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild3]File.Flag=bast.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild3]File.ObserverFlag=bast.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild3]File.ObserverBackground=obsfoeh.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Guild3' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [UnitedStates]File.Flag=unst.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [UnitedStates]File.ObserverFlag=unst.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [UnitedStates]File.ObserverBackground=obsalli.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' UnitedStates' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Europeans]File.Flag=euro.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Europeans]File.ObserverFlag=euro.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Europeans]File.ObserverBackground=obsalli.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Europeans' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Pacific]File.Flag=paci.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Pacific]File.ObserverFlag=paci.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Pacific]File.ObserverBackground=obsalli.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Pacific' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [USSR]File.Flag=ussr.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [USSR]File.ObserverFlag=ussr.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [USSR]File.ObserverBackground=obssovi.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' USSR' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Latin]File.Flag=cuba.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Latin]File.ObserverFlag=cuba.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Latin]File.ObserverBackground=obssovi.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Latin' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Chinese]File.Flag=chin.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Chinese]File.ObserverFlag=chin.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Chinese]File.ObserverBackground=obssovi.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Chinese' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PsiCorps]File.Flag=psic.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PsiCorps]File.ObserverFlag=psic.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PsiCorps]File.ObserverBackground=obsyuri.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' PsiCorps' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ScorpionCell]File.Flag=scrp.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ScorpionCell]File.ObserverFlag=scrp.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ScorpionCell]File.ObserverBackground=obsyuri.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' ScorpionCell' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Headquaters]File.Flag=hdqt.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Headquaters]File.ObserverFlag=hdqt.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Headquaters]File.ObserverBackground=obsyuri.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Headquaters' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild1]File.Flag=haih.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild1]File.ObserverFlag=haih.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild1]File.ObserverBackground=obsfoeh.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Guild1' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild2]File.Flag=coro.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild2]File.ObserverFlag=coro.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild2]File.ObserverBackground=obsfoeh.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Guild2' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild3]File.Flag=bast.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild3]File.ObserverFlag=bast.pcx
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [Guild3]File.ObserverBackground=obsfoeh.pcx
[Developer warning]Country' Guild3' has no File.Flag set or the file '' does not exist.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NukeSpecial]SidebarPCX=nukeicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [IronCurtainSpecial]SidebarPCX=ircricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LightningStormSpecial]SidebarPCX=bolticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ChronoSphereSpecial]SidebarPCX=chroicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ParaDropSpecial]SidebarPCX=paraicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AmericanParaDropSpecial]SidebarPCX=aparicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PsychicDominatorSpecial]SidebarPCX=domnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SpyPlaneSpecial]SidebarPCX=camicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [IonStormSpecial]SidebarPCX=ultiicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ForceShieldSpecial]SidebarPCX=forcicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TargetPainterSpecial]SidebarPCX=painicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SonarPulseSpecial]SidebarPCX=snrpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RepairDroneSpecial]SidebarPCX=rpdrnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SmokebombsSpecial]SidebarPCX=smokicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RisenMonolithSpecial]SidebarPCX=rinficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TankDropSpecial]SidebarPCX=tdrpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BackwarpSpecial]SidebarPCX=warpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RavenSpecial]SidebarPCX=mothicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [EMPulsSpecial]SidebarPCX=empicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [VisionSpecial]SidebarPCX=visnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MercurySpecial]SidebarPCX=mercicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TechMissileSpecial]SidebarPCX=mstricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SpySatSpecial]SidebarPCX=ssaticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [IrradiateSpecial]SidebarPCX=irrdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RageInductorSpecial]SidebarPCX=frenicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [InstantShelterSpecial]SidebarPCX=gbnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MagnetShiftSpecial]SidebarPCX=mbemicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [IllusionSpecial]SidebarPCX=ringicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MotorAmbushSpecial]SidebarPCX=ambsicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LibraCloneSpecial]SidebarPCX=liclicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ZephyrBeaconSpecial]SidebarPCX=zbecicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TickTrapSpecial]SidebarPCX=kaosicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [KineticBarrierSpecial]SidebarPCX=kbaricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MutationSpecial]SidebarPCX=muteicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SpinbladeSpecial]SidebarPCX=sbldicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NanofiberSyncSpecial]SidebarPCX=fsncicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SlaveMinerSpecial]SidebarPCX=sminicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [OverchargeSpecial]SidebarPCX=ovchicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MaintenanceSpecial]SidebarPCX=minticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ToxicStrikeSpecial]SidebarPCX=toxcicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BoidBlitzSpecial]SidebarPCX=bbtzicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BlasticadeSpecial]SidebarPCX=blasicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GreatTempestSpecial]SidebarPCX=tmpticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ReconSortieSpecial]SidebarPCX=recsicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BlackWidowSpecial]SidebarPCX=bwdwicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LightningRodSpecial]SidebarPCX=lrodicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MegaarenaSpecial]SidebarPCX=arenicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HunterSeekerSpecial]SidebarPCX=hskricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SerpentShieldSpecial]SidebarPCX=srsdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BlackoutMissileSpecial]SidebarPCX=sprbicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NanochargeSpecial]SidebarPCX=nchricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BoidFieldSpecial]SidebarPCX=wrapicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [EMPMineSpawn]SidebarPCX=trapicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NavalMineSpecial]SidebarPCX=navmicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [WarpMinersSpecial]SidebarPCX=wminicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TerrorDropSpecial]SidebarPCX=trrdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [StasisGridSpawn]SidebarPCX=fildicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ChronoliftSpecial]SidebarPCX=lifticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TimeFreezeSpecial]SidebarPCX=frezicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FlameTowerSpecial]SidebarPCX=ftowicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [WallbusterSpecial]SidebarPCX=wbsticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DrakuvSpecial]SidebarPCX=ravaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [KnightfallSpecial]SidebarPCX=kfalicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GearChangeSpecial]SidebarPCX=gearicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DevourerSpecial]SidebarPCX=dvrricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HarbingerSpecial]SidebarPCX=harbicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SweeperDropSpecial]SidebarPCX=swdricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SignalJammerSpecial]SidebarPCX=jammicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FauxDominatorSpecial]SidebarPCX=domnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAPOWR]CameoPCX=powricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAPILE]CameoPCX=brrkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAREFN]CameoPCX=reficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAWEAP]CameoPCX=gwepicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAYARD]CameoPCX=ayaricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAHPAD]CameoPCX=hpadicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GASCPF]CameoPCX=rbccicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GASCEA]CameoPCX=sceaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAAIRF_D]CameoPCX=grdcicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAOREP]CameoPCX=gorep.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAMERC]CameoPCX=asaticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GATECH]CameoPCX=techicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAWEAP]CameoPCX=gwepicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAPOWR_B]CameoPCX=pwupicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAWALL]CameoPCX=wallicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAGATE_C]CameoPCX=agtbicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAGATE_D]CameoPCX=agtaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAPILL]CameoPCX=pillicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAGUN]CameoPCX=gunticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NASAM]CameoPCX=samicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAPRIS]CameoPCX=prisicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GTGCAN]CameoPCX=gcanicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GACLAB]CameoPCX=ewrpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAGAP]CameoPCX=gapicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAWETH]CameoPCX=wethicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GACSPH]CameoPCX=csphicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAPOWR]CameoPCX=npwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAHAND]CameoPCX=handicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAREFN]CameoPCX=nreficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAWEAP]CameoPCX=nwepicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAPRIS]CameoPCX=npriicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAAIR]CameoPCX=sairicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAYARD]CameoPCX=yardicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATEK]CameoPCX=ntekicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATECH]CameoPCX=ntchicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATECHC]CameoPCX=nateicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAWEAP]CameoPCX=nwepicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAINDP]CameoPCX=indpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NANRCT]CameoPCX=nrcticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAFIST]CameoPCX=sfsticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAWALL]CameoPCX=nwalicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAGATE_A]CameoPCX=ngaticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAGATE_B]CameoPCX=ngtbicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NASNTY]CameoPCX=plticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAFLAK]CameoPCX=flakicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATSLA]CameoPCX=tslaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NABNKR]CameoPCX=bnkricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAMISL]CameoPCX=msslicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAIRON]CameoPCX=ironicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAPOWR]CameoPCX=ypwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YABRCK]CameoPCX=brckicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YARIREFN]CameoPCX=yreficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAWEAP]CameoPCX=ywepicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAPSIS]CameoPCX=psisicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAYARD]CameoPCX=yyrdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YATECH]CameoPCX=ytchicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAWEAP]CameoPCX=ywepicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAGVLT]CameoPCX=plggicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YACVLT]CameoPCX=plgcicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAPVLT]CameoPCX=plgpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAGRND]CameoPCX=grndicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YACLON]CameoPCX=clonicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAFWLL]CameoPCX=citwicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAGATE_A]CameoPCX=ygaticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAGATE_B]CameoPCX=ygtbicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAGGUN]CameoPCX=ggunicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATBNK]CameoPCX=tbnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YARIFT]CameoPCX=rifticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YARAIL]CameoPCX=infticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAAIRF]CameoPCX=aerdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAMPSI]CameoPCX=mpsiicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAPPET]CameoPCX=pupticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAGNTC]CameoPCX=gntcicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAPSYT]CameoPCX=psyticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAPOST]CameoPCX=cfenicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GASONIC]CameoPCX=skyricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NADEPT]CameoPCX=rfixicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GADOM]CameoPCX=npwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAPSYB]CameoPCX=npsbicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAMREF]CameoPCX=yreficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GADOM]CameoPCX=npwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GADOM]CameoPCX=npwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATRAP]CameoPCX=trapicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAHADE]CameoPCX=antaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAHAMM]CameoPCX=nhmmicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAPSYB]CameoPCX=npsbicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAZEPH]CameoPCX=cfenicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAFTUR]CameoPCX=ftowicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]BuildingType CAPALACE02 has a custom foundation which does not include cell 0,0. This breaks AI base building.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAAPP]CameoPCX=npwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NASAIR]CameoPCX=sairicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAPILE]CameoPCX=handicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAFLMT]CameoPCX=pillicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAHELI]CameoPCX=handicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAPWR]CameoPCX=npwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NADOME]CameoPCX=npwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NASAMT]CameoPCX=plticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATEKN]CameoPCX=ntchicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATCOIL]CameoPCX=tslaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAFACT]CameoPCX=ntchicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAICUR]CameoPCX=ironicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAREF]CameoPCX=nreficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAAAGUN]CameoPCX=plticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAAPP]CameoPCX=npwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GABARR]CameoPCX=handicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GARGAP]CameoPCX=gapicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAPWR]CameoPCX=npwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GADOM]CameoPCX=npwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAREF]CameoPCX=nreficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAFACT]CameoPCX=ntchicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAPDOX]CameoPCX=ironicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GADOM]CameoPCX=npwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GADOM]CameoPCX=npwricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CANMIN]CameoPCX=trapicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAJAMM]CameoPCX=jammicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NABNKR]CameoPCX=bnkricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FATRAP]CameoPCX=wtrpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAPOST]CameoPCX=wblticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FABARR]CameoPCX=fbaricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAREFN]CameoPCX=freficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAWEAP]CameoPCX=fwepicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAYARD]CameoPCX=fyrdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAEMPS]CameoPCX=nempicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAMSA]CameoPCX=sodaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NASCOM]CameoPCX=ncomicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FASPIN]CameoPCX=sbldicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FANANO]CameoPCX=loomicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FACYBR]CameoPCX=cbrkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FACLDP]CameoPCX=cldpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FACYBR_B]CameoPCX=cybreicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FACLDP_B]CameoPCX=cldpeicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FANANO_B]CameoPCX=loomeicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FABOID]CameoPCX=boidicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAAVAL]CameoPCX=avalicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAHARB]CameoPCX=hrbticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAREPR]CameoPCX=repricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FABARR_B]CameoPCX=fbruicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAELEV]CameoPCX=elevicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAWEAP]CameoPCX=fwepicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAINHI]CameoPCX=inhiicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FABLST]CameoPCX=blsticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAORCI]CameoPCX=sodaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FABTRC]CameoPCX=btrcicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FACOMP]CameoPCX=fequicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAFILD]CameoPCX=fildicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAIRDM]CameoPCX=irdmicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FASPIN]CameoPCX=sbldicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FACOAT]CameoPCX=coaticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FARAIL]CameoPCX=rtowicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAMORT]CameoPCX=nmoricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAPSYB]CameoPCX=npsbicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FASONI]CameoPCX=semiicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATRAPS]CameoPCX=trapicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAGUAR]CameoPCX=grdnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAFILDS]CameoPCX=fildicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAHADE]CameoPCX=antaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAQUAD]CameoPCX=hzqdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FACONFS]CameoPCX=cnfgicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FACONF]CameoPCX=cnfgicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAMMIN]CameoPCX=madmicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAGRUM]CameoPCX=grumicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAGRUM]AltCameoPCX=grumuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAROD]CameoPCX=lrodicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAPSYT]CameoPCX=psyticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAVISN]CameoPCX=visnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAFURY]CameoPCX=fdrnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAPILE]CameoPCX=brrkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAHAND]CameoPCX=handicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YABRCK]CameoPCX=brckicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FABARR]CameoPCX=fbaricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FACOMP]CameoPCX=fequicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAINHI]CameoPCX=inhiicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAYARD]CameoPCX=ayaricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAYARD]CameoPCX=yardicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAYARD]CameoPCX=yyrdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAYARD]CameoPCX=fyrdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAWALL]CameoPCX=fwalicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATBNK]CameoPCX=tbnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAVISN]CameoPCX=visnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YARIFT]CameoPCX=rifticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FALC]CameoPCX=falcicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FALC]AltCameoPCX=falcicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [STORM]CameoPCX=strmicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [STORM]AltCameoPCX=strmicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BEAG]CameoPCX=beagicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FORTRESS]CameoPCX=stlhicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FORTRESS]AltCameoPCX=stlhicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FOX]CameoPCX=foxicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BPLN]CameoPCX=bplnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BPLN]CameoPCX=bplnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BLIGHT]CameoPCX=bligicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BLIGHT]AltCameoPCX=bligicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [VENOMC]CameoPCX=evolicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [VENOMC]AltCameoPCX=evolicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [WIDOW]CameoPCX=bwdwicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SEIZER]CameoPCX=seizicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SEIZER]AltCameoPCX=seizicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LIONH]CameoPCX=lionicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LIONH]AltCameoPCX=lionicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DUST]CameoPCX=dusticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HBIRD]CameoPCX=hbrdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HARB]CameoPCX=harbicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AMCV]CameoPCX=mcvicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AHMV]CameoPCX=ahmvicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AHMV]AltCameoPCX=ahmvuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CMIN]CameoPCX=ahrvicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GTNK]CameoPCX=gtnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GTNK]AltCameoPCX=gtnkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [KTNK]CameoPCX=predicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [KTNK]AltCameoPCX=preduico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ETNK]CameoPCX=etnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ETNK]AltCameoPCX=etnkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FV]CameoPCX=strkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FV]AltCameoPCX=strkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AMC]CameoPCX=archicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AMC]AltCameoPCX=archuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TENGU]CameoPCX=tsuricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TENGU]AltCameoPCX=tsuruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ROBO]CameoPCX=roboicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ROBO]AltCameoPCX=robouico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SHAD]CameoPCX=shadicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MGTK]CameoPCX=rtnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MGTK]AltCameoPCX=rtnkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [COMA]CameoPCX=warhicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [COMA]AltCameoPCX=warhuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HOWI]CameoPCX=zephicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HOWI]AltCameoPCX=zephuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BASS]CameoPCX=bassicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BASS]AltCameoPCX=bassuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ABRM]CameoPCX=abrmicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ABRM]AltCameoPCX=abrmuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AERO]CameoPCX=aeroicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AERO]AltCameoPCX=aerouico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SREF]CameoPCX=sreficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SREF]AltCameoPCX=srefuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CHRTNK]CameoPCX=ctnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CHRTNK]AltCameoPCX=ctnkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [THOR]CameoPCX=thoricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [THOR]AltCameoPCX=thoruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [VCARR]CameoPCX=hailicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [VCARR]AltCameoPCX=hailuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BLZZ]CameoPCX=blzzicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BLZZ]AltCameoPCX=blzzuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BFRT]CameoPCX=bfrticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BFRT]AltCameoPCX=bfrtuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LCRF]CameoPCX=lcrficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DEST]CameoPCX=desticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DLPH]CameoPCX=dlphicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AEGIS]CameoPCX=agisicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CARRIER]CameoPCX=carricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BSHIP]CameoPCX=hcrsicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CHRP]CameoPCX=chrpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CHRP]AltCameoPCX=chrpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SMCV]CameoPCX=smcvicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SCAR]CameoPCX=lynxicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SCAR]AltCameoPCX=lynxuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HARV]CameoPCX=harvicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HARV]AltCameoPCX=harvuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HTNK]CameoPCX=htnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HTNK]AltCameoPCX=htnkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [JTNK]CameoPCX=jtnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [JTNK]AltCameoPCX=jtnkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CTNK]CameoPCX=qtnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CTNK]AltCameoPCX=qtnkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HTK]CameoPCX=htkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HTK]AltCameoPCX=htkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DRON]CameoPCX=drncicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BOREK]CameoPCX=boriicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BOREK]AltCameoPCX=boriuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SCHP]CameoPCX=schpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SCHP]AltCameoPCX=schpuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BGGY]CameoPCX=bggyicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DTRUCK]CameoPCX=trkaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BURA]CameoPCX=buraicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BURA]AltCameoPCX=burauico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [V3]CameoPCX=v3icon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [V3]AltCameoPCX=v3uico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TTNK]CameoPCX=ttnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TTNK]AltCameoPCX=ttnkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [WOLF]CameoPCX=wolficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [WOLF]AltCameoPCX=wolfuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CATA]CameoPCX=cataicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CATA]AltCameoPCX=catauico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [EMPR]CameoPCX=empricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [EMPR]AltCameoPCX=empruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SENT]CameoPCX=senticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SENT]AltCameoPCX=sentuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [EDRN]CameoPCX=edrnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RAVA]CameoPCX=ravaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CNTR]CameoPCX=centicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CNTR]AltCameoPCX=centuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MWF]CameoPCX=mwficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ZEP]CameoPCX=zepicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ZEP]AltCameoPCX=zepuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TRS]CameoPCX=sapcicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SUB]CameoPCX=subicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SWLF]CameoPCX=swlficon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DRED]CameoPCX=dredicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AKULA]CameoPCX=akulicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SDRN]CameoPCX=rpdrnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SYCKLE]CameoPCX=syckicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SYCKLE]AltCameoPCX=syckuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ARMA]CameoPCX=armaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ARMA]AltCameoPCX=armauico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PCV]CameoPCX=ypcvicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SALA]CameoPCX=salaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SALA]AltCameoPCX=salauico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [XPCV]CameoPCX=fpcvicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YMIN]CameoPCX=yminicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [QUAD]CameoPCX=hzqdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LTNK]CameoPCX=ltnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LTNK]AltCameoPCX=ltnkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [STNK]CameoPCX=stnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [STNK]AltCameoPCX=stnkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [QTNK]CameoPCX=manticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [QTNK]AltCameoPCX=mantuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YTNK]CameoPCX=ytnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YTNK]AltCameoPCX=ytnkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [STING]CameoPCX=stngicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [STING]AltCameoPCX=stnguico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TRIKE]CameoPCX=trikicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TRIKE]AltCameoPCX=trikuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SAPC]CameoPCX=drilicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SHADOW]CameoPCX=shdwicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SHADOW]AltCameoPCX=shdwuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MARA]CameoPCX=maraicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MARA]AltCameoPCX=marauico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TELE]CameoPCX=teleicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TELE]AltCameoPCX=teleuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [COYO]CameoPCX=oxidicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [COYO]AltCameoPCX=oxiduico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SCAV]CameoPCX=scavicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SCAV]AltCameoPCX=scavuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PLAG]CameoPCX=plagicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PLAG]AltCameoPCX=plaguico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DEVO]CameoPCX=colsicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DEVO]AltCameoPCX=colsuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BASIL]CameoPCX=basiicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BASIL]AltCameoPCX=basiuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAHCR]CameoPCX=gehnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAHCR]AltCameoPCX=gehnuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MIND]CameoPCX=mindicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MIND]AltCameoPCX=minduico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DISK]CameoPCX=diskicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DISK]AltCameoPCX=diskuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YHVR]CameoPCX=yhvricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [VORTEX]CameoPCX=ysubicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SQD]CameoPCX=sqdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BSUB]CameoPCX=reshicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GOTTER]CameoPCX=irklicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GOTTER]AltCameoPCX=irkluico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FMCV]CameoPCX=fmcvicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BUZZ]CameoPCX=buzzicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BUZZ]AltCameoPCX=buzzuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SMIN]CameoPCX=sminicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SHADOW]CameoPCX=shdwicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SHADOW]AltCameoPCX=shdwuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MAMM]CameoPCX=apocicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MAMM]AltCameoPCX=apocuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FDRON]CameoPCX=fdrnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [IDRAG]CameoPCX=idrgicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [IDRAG]AltCameoPCX=idrguico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CRYO]CameoPCX=crycicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TRIKE]CameoPCX=trikicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TRIKE]AltCameoPCX=trikuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [THOR]CameoPCX=thoricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [THOR]AltCameoPCX=thoruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MARAW]CameoPCX=maraicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MARAW]AltCameoPCX=marauico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DEVOD]CameoPCX=colsicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DEVOD]AltCameoPCX=colsuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YMON]CameoPCX=yminicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [WORMQ]CameoPCX=wrmqicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [WORMQ]AltCameoPCX=wrmquico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [JACKAL]CameoPCX=jackicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [JACKAL]AltCameoPCX=jackuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PROME]CameoPCX=masticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PROME]AltCameoPCX=mastuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HURR]CameoPCX=alnqicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HURR]AltCameoPCX=alnquico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SEAT]CameoPCX=seaticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ROACH]CameoPCX=roacicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ROACH]AltCameoPCX=roacuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DRACO]CameoPCX=dracicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DRACO]AltCameoPCX=dracuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NMIN]CameoPCX=nminicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [VIPER]CameoPCX=ptericon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [VIPER]AltCameoPCX=pteruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CONF]CameoPCX=irrticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MAD]CameoPCX=mdmnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CONFD]CameoPCX=irrticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MEGA]CameoPCX=mgldicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MEGA]AltCameoPCX=mglduico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GHTNK]CameoPCX=gharicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GHTNK]AltCameoPCX=gharuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RACC]CameoPCX=raccicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [QUETZ]CameoPCX=qutzicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [QUETZ]AltCameoPCX=qutzuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CYCL]CameoPCX=ccloicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CYCL]AltCameoPCX=cclouico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ROADR]AltCameoPCX=rdrnuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [QUICK]CameoPCX=quikicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [QUICK]AltCameoPCX=quikuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CRYO]CameoPCX=crycicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SWPR]CameoPCX=swpricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SWPR]AltCameoPCX=swpruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SEITAAD]CameoPCX=seiticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SEITAAD]AltCameoPCX=seituico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RAMW]CameoPCX=ramwicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RAMW]AltCameoPCX=ramwuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TERA]CameoPCX=teraicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TERA]AltCameoPCX=terauico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MSA]CameoPCX=sodaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SHRAY]CameoPCX=shryicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SHRAY]AltCameoPCX=shryuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TRACTOR]CameoPCX=trcticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TRACTOR]AltCameoPCX=trctuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MAD]CameoPCX=mdmnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TARCHIA]CameoPCX=tarcicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TARCHIA]AltCameoPCX=tarcuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ARCH]CameoPCX=arclicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ARCH]AltCameoPCX=arcluico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BOID]CameoPCX=boidicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BOID]AltCameoPCX=boiduico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SWORD]CameoPCX=swrdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SHARK]CameoPCX=shrkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GRUMBLE]CameoPCX=grumicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GRUMBLE]AltCameoPCX=grumuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PHNT]CameoPCX=phnticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PHNT]AltCameoPCX=phntuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LEVI]CameoPCX=leviicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AHVYBOT2]CameoPCX=hev2icon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AHVYBOT2]AltCameoPCX=hev2uico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DIVER]CameoPCX=divricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HID]CameoPCX=hindicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HID]AltCameoPCX=hinduico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ARCHW]CameoPCX=arclicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ARCHW]AltCameoPCX=arcluico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BURA]CameoPCX=buraicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BURA]AltCameoPCX=burauico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MGTK]CameoPCX=rtnkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MGTK]AltCameoPCX=rtnkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PHNT]CameoPCX=phnticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PHNT]AltCameoPCX=phntuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ARCH]CameoPCX=arclicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ARCH]AltCameoPCX=arcluico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GI]CameoPCX=giicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GI]AltCameoPCX=giuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GGI2]CameoPCX=gdgiicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GGI2]AltCameoPCX=gdgiuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ADOG]CameoPCX=adogicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ADOG]AltCameoPCX=adoguico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AENGINEER]CameoPCX=engnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ENFO]CameoPCX=enfoicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ENFO]AltCameoPCX=enfouico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ROCK]CameoPCX=jjeticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ROCK]AltCameoPCX=jjetuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SEAL]CameoPCX=sealicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SEAL]AltCameoPCX=sealuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SPY]CameoPCX=spyicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CLEG]CameoPCX=clegicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CLEG]AltCameoPCX=cleguico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AMEDIC]CameoPCX=mediicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RIOT]CameoPCX=rioticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RIOT]AltCameoPCX=riotuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SNIPED]CameoPCX=snipicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SNIPED]AltCameoPCX=snipuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SUPR]CameoPCX=supricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TANYC]CameoPCX=tanyicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TANYC]AltCameoPCX=tanyuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SIEG]CameoPCX=siegicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SIEG]AltCameoPCX=sieguico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NORIO]CameoPCX=armricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NORIO]AltCameoPCX=armruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DOG]CameoPCX=dogicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DOG]AltCameoPCX=doguico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ENGINEER]CameoPCX=sengicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SHK]CameoPCX=shkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SHK]AltCameoPCX=shkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FLAMER]CameoPCX=pyroicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FLAMER]AltCameoPCX=pyrouico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MOTOR]CameoPCX=quadicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MOTOR]AltCameoPCX=quaduico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TRST]CameoPCX=ivanicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TRST]AltCameoPCX=ivanuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DESO]CameoPCX=desoicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DESO]AltCameoPCX=desouico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DESOR]CameoPCX=desricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [DESOR]AltCameoPCX=desruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HACK]CameoPCX=sbtricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ARSO]CameoPCX=arsoicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GYRO]CameoPCX=gyroicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GYRO]AltCameoPCX=gyrouico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [VOLKOV]CameoPCX=volkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [VOLKOV]AltCameoPCX=volkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MDOG]CameoPCX=hhndicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MDOG]AltCameoPCX=hhnduico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MORALES]CameoPCX=moraicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MORALES]AltCameoPCX=morauico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YUNRU]CameoPCX=yunricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YUNRU]AltCameoPCX=yunruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [INIT]CameoPCX=initicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [INIT]AltCameoPCX=inituico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HARP]CameoPCX=harpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HARP]AltCameoPCX=harpuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YENGINEER]CameoPCX=yengicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RAVEN]CameoPCX=mothicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SPOOK]CameoPCX=spokicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SPOOK]AltCameoPCX=spokuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [KAOS]CameoPCX=weavicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BRUT]CameoPCX=bruticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BRUT]AltCameoPCX=brutuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YURI]CameoPCX=yclnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YURI]AltCameoPCX=yclnuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YURIPR]CameoPCX=yypricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YURIPR]AltCameoPCX=yypruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RAZGAR]CameoPCX=razgicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RAZGAR]AltCameoPCX=razguico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [STLK]CameoPCX=stlkicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [STLK]AltCameoPCX=stlkuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PTROOP]CameoPCX=intricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HIJACKER]VehicleThief.EnterSound=VehicleHijack
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SBTR]CameoPCX=hjkricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [VIRUS]CameoPCX=vrusicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [VIRUS]AltCameoPCX=vrusuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RAHN]CameoPCX=assnicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RAHN]AltCameoPCX=assnuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [INTRUDER]CameoPCX=undricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [INTRUDER]AltCameoPCX=undruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LIBRA]CameoPCX=libricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LIBRA]AltCameoPCX=libruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [KNIGHT]CameoPCX=knigicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [KNIGHT]AltCameoPCX=kniguico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [COVE]CameoPCX=lancicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [COVE]AltCameoPCX=lancuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FENGINEER]CameoPCX=fengicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CLAIR]CameoPCX=clrvicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CLAIR]CameoPCX=clrvicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HUNTR]CameoPCX=hntricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [HUNTR]AltCameoPCX=hntruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SYNC]CameoPCX=sronicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SYNC]AltCameoPCX=sronicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ZORB]CameoPCX=zorbicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ZORB]AltCameoPCX=zorbuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BANE]CameoPCX=baneicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BANE]AltCameoPCX=baneuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BANE_N]CameoPCX=baneicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BANE_N]AltCameoPCX=baneuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SIBFIN]CameoPCX=finicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SIBFIN]AltCameoPCX=finuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SICALI]CameoPCX=alizicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SICALI]AltCameoPCX=alizuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [EUREKA]CameoPCX=eureicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [EUREKA]AltCameoPCX=eureuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [KILLER]CameoPCX=kingicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [KILLER]AltCameoPCX=kinguico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PRISM]CameoPCX=phopicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PRISM]AltCameoPCX=phopuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CYBO]CameoPCX=cyboicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CYBO]AltCameoPCX=cybouico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CYCOM]CameoPCX=ccomicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CYCOM]AltCameoPCX=ccomuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LUNR]CameoPCX=lunricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LUNR]AltCameoPCX=lunruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LIBRA]CameoPCX=libricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LIBRA]AltCameoPCX=libruico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BIKE]CameoPCX=quadicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [BIKE]AltCameoPCX=quaduico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CLEG]CameoPCX=clegicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CLEG]AltCameoPCX=cleguico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
Processing sides.
Processing sides.
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAYARD]CameoPCX=ayaricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GATECH]CameoPCX=techicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAYARD]CameoPCX=yardicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATEK]CameoPCX=ntekicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATECH]CameoPCX=ntchicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NATECHC]CameoPCX=nateicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAYARD]CameoPCX=yyrdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YATECH]CameoPCX=ytchicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAYARD]CameoPCX=fyrdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FACLDP]CameoPCX=cldpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GAYARD]CameoPCX=ayaricon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [NAYARD]CameoPCX=yardicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [YAYARD]CameoPCX=yyrdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [FAYARD]CameoPCX=fyrdicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SEIZER]CameoPCX=seizicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SEIZER]AltCameoPCX=seizicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LIONH]CameoPCX=lionicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [LIONH]AltCameoPCX=lionicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CHRP]CameoPCX=chrpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [CHRP]AltCameoPCX=chrpicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SYCKLE]CameoPCX=syckicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SYCKLE]AltCameoPCX=syckuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SALA]CameoPCX=salaicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SALA]AltCameoPCX=salauico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MAMM]CameoPCX=apocicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [MAMM]AltCameoPCX=apocuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [IDRAG]CameoPCX=idrgicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [IDRAG]AltCameoPCX=idrguico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [WORMQ]CameoPCX=wrmqicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [WORMQ]AltCameoPCX=wrmquico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [QUICK]CameoPCX=quikicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [QUICK]AltCameoPCX=quikuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SEITAAD]CameoPCX=seiticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [SEITAAD]AltCameoPCX=seituico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RAMW]CameoPCX=ramwicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [RAMW]AltCameoPCX=ramwuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TRACTOR]CameoPCX=trcticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [TRACTOR]AltCameoPCX=trctuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ARCH]CameoPCX=arclicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [ARCH]AltCameoPCX=arcluico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GRUMBLE]CameoPCX=grumicon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [GRUMBLE]AltCameoPCX=grumuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PHNT]CameoPCX=phnticon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [PHNT]AltCameoPCX=phntuico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AHVYBOT2]CameoPCX=hev2icon.pcx (PCX file not found.)
[Developer warning]Failed to parse INI file content: [AHVYBOT2]AltCameoPCX=hev2uico.pcx (PCX file not found.)
Preparing Mixfiles for Side 03.
Initilizing SIDEC04MD.MIX
Initilizing SIDEC04.MIX
Error - Unable to read scenario: spawnmap.ini
Sound frame size = 11264 bytes
Sound buffer size = 45056 bytes
Entering Create_Connections
IPX Manager: RetryDelta = 60
MaxAhead is 24
Tooltips are on.
Exception handler fired!
Exception C0000005 at 006D06CD
[15:15:10] Syringe
[15:15:10] ===============
[15:15:10] WinMain: arguments = ""gamemd.exe" -SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN"
[15:15:10] WinMain: Trying to load executable file "gamemd.exe"...
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Retrieving info from the executable file...
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Executable information successfully retrieved.
[15:15:10] exe = gamemd.exe
[15:15:10] pImLoadLibrary = 0x007E1220
[15:15:10] pImGetProcAddress = 0x007E1250
[15:15:10] pcEntryPoint = 0x007CD80F
[15:15:10] dwExeSize = 0x00497FE0
[15:15:10] dwExeCRC = 0x1B499086
[15:15:10] dwTimestamp = 0x3BDF544E
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Opening gamemd.exe to determine imports.
[15:15:10] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs();
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "Ares.dll"
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Calling "Ares.dll" ...
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Answers "Found Yuri's Revenge 1.001 (UC). Applying Ares 2.0." (0)
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "cncnet5.dll"
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Done (1354 hooks added).
[15:15:10] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run("-SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN");
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::Run: Running process to debug. cmd = "gamemd.exe -SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN"
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::Run: Allocating 0x584 bytes...
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::Run: pAlloc = 0x001C0000
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::Run: Writing DLL loader & caller code...
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::Run: pcLoadLibrary = 0x001C0000
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::Run: Entering debug loop...
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Could not retrieve ProcAddress for: cncnet5.dll - MZ
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Finished retrieving proc addresses.
[15:15:10] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Creating code hooks.
[15:15:17] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x006D06CD)!
[15:15:17] The process tried to read from 0x00000000.
[15:15:17] Registers:
[15:15:17] EAX = 0x00000000 ECX = 0x00000000 EDX = 0x00000000
[15:15:17] EBX = 0x00000001 ESP = 0x0018D24C EBP = 0x0018D2AC
[15:15:17] ESI = 0x0087F7E8 EDI = 0x000003D8 EIP = 0x006D06CD
[15:15:17] Stack dump:
[15:15:17] 0x0018D24C: 0x0087F7E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D250: 0x0087F7E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D254: 0x0018D304
[15:15:17] 0x0018D258: 0x09B27C08
[15:15:17] 0x0018D25C: 0x006922F9
[15:15:17] 0x0018D260: 0x0018D2FC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D264: 0x0018D2AC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D268: 0x0087F7E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D26C: 0x005BDF24
[15:15:17] 0x0018D270: 0x0018D2FC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D274: 0x0018D2AC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D278: 0x0087F7E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D27C: 0x0018D2FC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D280: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D284: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D288: 0x000001D2
[15:15:17] 0x0018D28C: 0x0087F7E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D290: 0x007E1964
[15:15:17] 0x0018D294: 0x004F43DC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D298: 0x0018D2FC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D29C: 0x0018D2AC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2A0: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2A4: 0x00000001
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2A8: 0x0018F0BC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2AC: 0x000002D9
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2B0: 0x000001D2
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2B4: 0x0055D8B0
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2B8: 0x0018D2FC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2BC: 0x0018D304
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2C0: 0x0018D300
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2C4: 0x00000001
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2C8: 0x00000004
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2CC: 0x0018F0BC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2D0: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2D4: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2D8: 0x09A47DE0
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2DC: 0x74C91420
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2E0: 0x000000ED
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2E4: 0x00D7EE50
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2E8: 0x670900D1
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2EC: 0x0018D340
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2F0: 0x60F86146
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2F4: 0x0018D32C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2F8: 0x00000003
[15:15:17] 0x0018D2FC: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D300: 0x000001D2
[15:15:17] 0x0018D304: 0x000002D9
[15:15:17] 0x0018D308: 0xFFFFFFFF
[15:15:17] 0x0018D30C: 0x60F861F7
[15:15:17] 0x0018D310: 0x00D946E0
[15:15:17] 0x0018D314: 0x00D7EE50
[15:15:17] 0x0018D318: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D31C: 0x00000011
[15:15:17] 0x0018D320: 0x00000001
[15:15:17] 0x0018D324: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D328: 0x00000090
[15:15:17] 0x0018D32C: 0x00000010
[15:15:17] 0x0018D330: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D334: 0x00000003
[15:15:17] 0x0018D338: 0x0018D344
[15:15:17] 0x0018D33C: 0x60F896AE
[15:15:17] 0x0018D340: 0x00D7EEE0
[15:15:17] 0x0018D344: 0x0018D388
[15:15:17] 0x0018D348: 0x60F85FCC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D34C: 0x00000003
[15:15:17] 0x0018D350: 0x60F85FEE
[15:15:17] 0x0018D354: 0x670901B5
[15:15:17] 0x0018D358: 0x00000010
[15:15:17] 0x0018D35C: 0x00D7DE44
[15:15:17] 0x0018D360: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D364: 0x60F78669
[15:15:17] 0x0018D368: 0x00000090
[15:15:17] 0x0018D36C: 0x00000010
[15:15:17] 0x0018D370: 0x0018D354
[15:15:17] 0x0018D374: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D378: 0x0018D3DC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D37C: 0x60F75430
[15:15:17] 0x0018D380: 0x07EB6AED
[15:15:17] 0x0018D384: 0xFFFFFFFE
[15:15:17] 0x0018D388: 0x60F85FEE
[15:15:17] 0x0018D38C: 0x60F80ED4
[15:15:17] 0x0018D390: 0x00000003
[15:15:17] 0x0018D394: 0x00D946E0
[15:15:17] 0x0018D398: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D39C: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3A0: 0x76F8F8E1
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3A4: 0x75C215CE
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3A8: 0x000001E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3AC: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3B0: 0x75C21601
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3B4: 0x67024C8A
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3B8: 0x74C91136
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3BC: 0x000001E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3C0: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3C4: 0x00000024
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3C8: 0x00000001
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3CC: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3D0: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3D4: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3D8: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3DC: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3E0: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3E4: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3E8: 0xFA0A1F00
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3EC: 0xFFFFFFFF
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3F0: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3F4: 0x0018D3B4
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3F8: 0x00000004
[15:15:17] 0x0018D3FC: 0x0018FEEC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D400: 0x75C47270
[15:15:17] 0x0018D404: 0x12DE139E
[15:15:17] 0x0018D408: 0xFFFFFFFE
[15:15:17] 0x0018D40C: 0x75C21601
[15:15:17] 0x0018D410: 0x74C91194
[15:15:17] 0x0018D414: 0x000001E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D418: 0x00002710
[15:15:17] 0x0018D41C: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D420: 0x095DD850
[15:15:17] 0x0018D424: 0x0018D438
[15:15:17] 0x0018D428: 0x74C91148
[15:15:17] 0x0018D42C: 0x76F8FBB1
[15:15:17] 0x0018D430: 0x75C210D3
[15:15:17] 0x0018D434: 0x000001E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D438: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D43C: 0x0018F0BC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D440: 0x007B9C1B
[15:15:17] 0x0018D444: 0x000001E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D448: 0x00000001
[15:15:17] 0x0018D44C: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D450: 0x00000004
[15:15:17] 0x0018D454: 0x0018F0BC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D458: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D45C: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D460: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D464: 0x0087F7E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D468: 0x004AEB02
[15:15:17] 0x0018D46C: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D470: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D474: 0x0087F7E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D478: 0x0054F76D
[15:15:17] 0x0018D47C: 0x00000004
[15:15:17] 0x0018D480: 0x00684282
[15:15:17] 0x0018D484: 0x0069BB2F
[15:15:17] 0x0018D488: 0x0048CE8F
[15:15:17] 0x0018D48C: 0x07FC2110
[15:15:17] 0x0018D490: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D494: 0x0018D6E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D498: 0x0018DB9C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D49C: 0x0018DC9C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4A0: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4A4: 0x00000100
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4A8: 0x0018D4E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4AC: 0x0018D6F8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4B0: 0x00D23A40
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4B4: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4B8: 0x0018D90C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4BC: 0x65F0173B
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4C0: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4C4: 0x00000000
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4C8: 0x0018D4E8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4CC: 0x00000001
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4D0: 0x0018DB9C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4D4: 0x0018D90C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4D8: 0x65F0174A
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4DC: 0x0018D6F8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4E0: 0x0000CCCC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4E4: 0x000F000E
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4E8: 0x00010020
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4EC: 0x00030002
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4F0: 0x00050004
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4F4: 0x00070006
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4F8: 0x00090008
[15:15:17] 0x0018D4FC: 0x000B000A
[15:15:17] 0x0018D500: 0x000D000C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D504: 0x000F000E
[15:15:17] 0x0018D508: 0x00110010
[15:15:17] 0x0018D50C: 0x00130012
[15:15:17] 0x0018D510: 0x00150014
[15:15:17] 0x0018D514: 0x00170016
[15:15:17] 0x0018D518: 0x00190018
[15:15:17] 0x0018D51C: 0x001B001A
[15:15:17] 0x0018D520: 0x001D001C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D524: 0x001F001E
[15:15:17] 0x0018D528: 0x00210020
[15:15:17] 0x0018D52C: 0x00230022
[15:15:17] 0x0018D530: 0x00250024
[15:15:17] 0x0018D534: 0x00270026
[15:15:17] 0x0018D538: 0x00290028
[15:15:17] 0x0018D53C: 0x002B002A
[15:15:17] 0x0018D540: 0x002D002C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D544: 0x002F002E
[15:15:17] 0x0018D548: 0x00310030
[15:15:17] 0x0018D54C: 0x00330032
[15:15:17] 0x0018D550: 0x00350034
[15:15:17] 0x0018D554: 0x00370036
[15:15:17] 0x0018D558: 0x00390038
[15:15:17] 0x0018D55C: 0x003B003A
[15:15:17] 0x0018D560: 0x003D003C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D564: 0x003F003E
[15:15:17] 0x0018D568: 0x00410040
[15:15:17] 0x0018D56C: 0x00430042
[15:15:17] 0x0018D570: 0x00450044
[15:15:17] 0x0018D574: 0x00470046
[15:15:17] 0x0018D578: 0x00490048
[15:15:17] 0x0018D57C: 0x004B004A
[15:15:17] 0x0018D580: 0x004D004C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D584: 0x004F004E
[15:15:17] 0x0018D588: 0x00510050
[15:15:17] 0x0018D58C: 0x00530052
[15:15:17] 0x0018D590: 0x00550054
[15:15:17] 0x0018D594: 0x00570056
[15:15:17] 0x0018D598: 0x00590058
[15:15:17] 0x0018D59C: 0x005B005A
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5A0: 0x005D005C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5A4: 0x005F005E
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5A8: 0x00410060
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5AC: 0x00430042
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5B0: 0x00450044
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5B4: 0x00470046
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5B8: 0x00490048
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5BC: 0x004B004A
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5C0: 0x004D004C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5C4: 0x004F004E
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5C8: 0x00510050
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5CC: 0x00530052
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5D0: 0x00550054
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5D4: 0x00570056
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5D8: 0x00590058
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5DC: 0x007B005A
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5E0: 0x007D007C
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5E4: 0x007F007E
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5E8: 0x008120AC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5EC: 0x0191201A
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5F0: 0x2026201E
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5F4: 0x20212020
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5F8: 0x203002C6
[15:15:17] 0x0018D5FC: 0x20390160
[15:15:17] 0x0018D600: 0x008D0152
[15:15:17] 0x0018D604: 0x008F017D
[15:15:17] 0x0018D608: 0x20180090
[15:15:17] 0x0018D60C: 0x201C2019
[15:15:17] 0x0018D610: 0x2022201D
[15:15:17] 0x0018D614: 0x20142013
[15:15:17] 0x0018D618: 0x212202DC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D61C: 0x203A0160
[15:15:17] 0x0018D620: 0x009D0152
[15:15:17] 0x0018D624: 0x0178017D
[15:15:17] 0x0018D628: 0x00A100A0
[15:15:17] 0x0018D62C: 0x00A300A2
[15:15:17] 0x0018D630: 0x00A500A4
[15:15:17] 0x0018D634: 0x00A700A6
[15:15:17] 0x0018D638: 0x00A900A8
[15:15:17] 0x0018D63C: 0x00AB00AA
[15:15:17] 0x0018D640: 0x00AD00AC
[15:15:17] 0x0018D644: 0x00AF00AE
[15:15:17] 0x0018D648: 0x00B100B0
[15:15:40] SyringeDebugger::Run: Done with exit code C0000005 (3221225477).
[15:15:40] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run finished.
[15:15:40] WinMain: Exiting on success.