Russia has a medium-armored Tigr APCs exactly because their T3 AA is flying.
MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)
Posted 01 May 2017 - 10:16 PM
There is one thing I find a bit weird for China and LC. They use Conscripts like Russia, but it's weird when LC's or Chinese Conscripts say "For mother Russia". Same goes for Latin and Chinese Flak Troopers saying "Help me, Romanov". Are there plans to replace some of T1 infantry for non-Russia Soviet sub-factions (like Red Guards from Generals for China)? GIs and GGIs don't mention a country or a person, so it isn't a problem for PF, EA and USA.
If there no such plans, then I'm totally ok with Conscripts in all Soviet sub-factions. Just asking what other people think.
Posted 02 May 2017 - 01:01 AM
I'll be honest, making subfaction unique T1 infantry is going to be very time consuming and annoying to balance, simply because each basic infantry unit will need to have its own quirk if it's being done like that. 24 subfaction specific T1 Infantry (12 subfactions x 2 T1 Infantry (Anti-infantry and AT infantry) would take forever to make, and would be a nightmare to balance.
I actually feel the devs have put a lot of effort in making each subfaction very unique. This is ranging from big stuff like:
-T1 MBTs.
-T3 Heavy Tanks
-T3 Artillery Units
-T3 AA Units
-Hero Units
-Support Powers
-Among other things...
To smaller things like:
-Subfaction-specific replacements for certain units (Epsilon Elites, Eradicators, Tigrs, Armadillos)
-Unique IFV variants for the Allies (Stryker, Archon, Tsurugi)
-More stuff I can't think of at the moment.
Trying to make unique T1 infantry on top of everything would be overkill. Kinda why I'm a little conservative when it comes to suggestions; notice how my more recent suggestion for Russia is simply a stronger, Russia-exclusive Tesla Trooper, as well as pushing the idea from another poster to reintroduce the Voltmortar in a nerfed form as a T3 infantry. One is simply reintroducing an old unit with some stat changes, the other requires mostly stat changes and possibly a cosmetic change. That's far easier than trying to make a bunch of unique T1 infantry, which is time consuming and nightmarish to balance.
Posted 02 May 2017 - 02:17 AM
"Also I think that Russia needs some T3 ground AA. Not Wolfhounds. For example, for coutering Thors" Man, Tigrs are really good at killing Thors and planes, not so great at things like irkalla, uragan or pteranodons, but wolfhounds are decent against those.
Something I would love to see is more alternatives in the build order for the soviets, right now it is just 'rush your field bureau as fast as you can'. Obviously, people will always rush the powerful stuff. So maybe the Airbase could unlock some things, like a (tuned) vulture as I've suggested a while ago for LC, EMP mines for china (joke) and.. a neat para drop for Russia, something like the special tesla trooper. Nonetheless, I must confess, my personal favorite is a parachuted light armored vehicle, the real life reference is the BMD series
This way, the unit can be special (not a marauder/mortar quad skin) limited in numbers and fukin fun to play.
Edited by TeslaCruiser, 02 May 2017 - 02:46 AM.
Posted 02 May 2017 - 04:08 AM
The drop would deploy three vehicles. Have the vehicles be sort of like the tigr in terms of stats but with a completely different weapon. An autocannon sounds nice, but it could be something Tesla related. Then, each vehicle will carry one or two unique Tesla Trooper. Could be the buffed up version of the regular Tesla Trooper. Have the price increased to 3000, alike a USA paradrop. This would give you a lot more firepower per drop than the rhinos ever gave you, and kind of impliments a nice unique reinforcement feel. This should have a good and long cool down and requires a field bureau and an Airfield.
Also, tier one 'main' battle tanks falls off so hard lategame it's not even funny. Only the ones capable of taking a punch, like Bisions and Quillions, would see action late game. Either wise, tier three tanks are much more cost efficient. But you can't buff T1 tanks to be relelevent later on without completely ruining the early game. Hard to balance indeed.
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Posted 02 May 2017 - 07:55 AM
Interesting concept for a Russian paradrop. Basically a plane dropping 3 AA and AI (Anti-infantry) APCs loaded with the Russia-exclusive Tesla Trooper replacement. Certainly would be an interesting drop, and Russia does seem to have a bit of a mobility theme, so paradrops can definitely work.
T1 MBTs aren't really going to be the most spectacular tanks in the field unless it's the Bison or Qilin Tank. How quickly they fall off depends on the MBT in question.
I would say that SC's Mantis Tanks sorta fall off the fastest IMO; they're easy to spam, and their ability is cool, but at the same time, they've got the worst stats out of all of the MBTs I think, so they're not going to last against T3 heavy tanks.
Cavaliers, Rhinos, Lashers, and Opuses fall off around the same time, since they're sorta just your generic basic tank for the most part. Kappa Tanks fall off about the same as the aforementioned tanks unless it's a water map, in which case, Kappas still see some use as an amphibious assault tank.
Bulldogs fall off due to their lack of HP, but they're fast, and they're all purpose for the most part (Cannon for tanks, Flashbangs for infantry), not mentioning that the cost to get them is pretty good for what you get out of it. So they can still see some use.
Cyclops Walkers are sorta weird in that they're very strong for an MBT in terms of armor, speed, and range, but their damage doesn't seem to be super high unless you get close to the enemy. I would say Cyclops can still see some potential late game use, though I'm not sure how much.
Draco Tanks can still be pretty goddamn annoying late game, since they do release a drone when destroyed. Won't survive heavy AA attacks, and I'm sure the enemy probably has T3 AA at that point, but I can still see some possibilities late game.
But yeah, quite a few don't do too hot late game, but trying to balance them around that would make early game an absolute nightmare. Kinda have to live with it.
Posted 02 May 2017 - 08:48 AM
Fun fact: According to mevitar's math, Mantis tanks have best combat efficiency.
Its obvious tho that some of tanks are replaced in lategame, when other things are avaible.
And honestly, Tank drop can be pretty devastating, if mixed with repair drone drop (oh boy) or Iron Curtain.
Posted 02 May 2017 - 10:24 AM
Bulldog would definitely see more use if it wasn't for the fact that the Abrams can also do whatever it can do while having more range and armor. Still you get the choice to either spend more and get a better tank or build alots more basic tanks. Both can do the same job.
The Kappa on the otherhand really doesn't have any place during lategame. Pacific Front is just insane when it come to late game unit spam. Battlefortress+Blizzard+Zephyr combo wrecks almost everything and have no problem surviving. Aside from being amphibious whatever the Kappa can do the late game units can and will do much better. The investments maybe huge but it totally worth it.
"Protecting the land of the Free."
Posted 02 May 2017 - 01:04 PM
Changing the tank drop to something more unique sounds really good along with the unique tesla trooper and rebalanced voltmortar. Honestly anything that makes Russia more interesting to play is great.
Dont take it personal, but I find Russia to be the most bland faction in the whole game. Not that it means they are weak (quite the opposite actually).
Posted 02 May 2017 - 02:42 PM
Buldogs have a lot of use in lategame too. It turns from MBT into mobile version of Riot Trooper - and we all know how enemy infantry enjoys that (maybe small, but decent) firepower debuff.
Posted 02 May 2017 - 08:37 PM
I have a year-long Writer's block @ https://www.fanficti...1/At-Mind-s-End But youtube is doing well!
Posted 02 May 2017 - 09:48 PM
Fun fact: According to mevitar's math, Mantis tanks have best combat efficiency.
Its obvious tho that some of tanks are replaced in lategame, when other things are avaible.
And honestly, Tank drop can be pretty devastating, if mixed with repair drone drop (oh boy) or Iron Curtain.
Oh. So Mantis Tanks have the best combat efficiency? That's... kinda hilarious, all things considered. Not terribly surprising though; most of SC's units are fragile as hell; Speeder Trikes and Tyrants for example aren't exactly very bulky. I'm guessing Mantis Tank's combat efficiency is due to their cheap price, quick build time, and repairing in the heat of battle? They do have the worst stats out of the bunch, from what I remember, so it can't be that...
3 Rhino Tanks can be pretty goddamn annoying, but I'm not really sure if it's going to destroy any buildings with lots of HP; your enemy is likely to notice unless he/she is careless, and will quickly respond before the 3 Rhinos can blow anything up (still doing its job though; some people drop Rhinos in a certain place just to draw the enemy away from an area).
Buldogs have a lot of use in lategame too. It turns from MBT into mobile version of Riot Trooper - and we all know how enemy infantry enjoys that (maybe small, but decent) firepower debuff.
Bulldogs still seeing use lategame doesn't really surprise me. US is similar to SC; their heavier units like the Abrams tank are still relatively fragile compared to other T3 heavy units (albeit less so than SC), so having cheaper, quicker to produce units mixed in with their heavier units would make sense.
And the Bulldog's pretty good for what you get out of it; a $750 MBT that is relatively quick to produce, fast, and can take on tanks (main cannon) and infantry (Flashbangs hurt about as much as the Riot Trooper's I think) alike. Lowest health out of all Allied MBTs (to be fair, the Kappa tank only has 10 more health than the Bulldog, so not saying much), but it's versatile and fast.
In terms of cost efficientcy the Abrams still out match two Bulldogs, but I will agree that mixing in Bulldogs into the armor core certainly is not a bad idea. I found that Abrams are actually quite fragile, and by mixing in a couple bulldogs to draw away fire, the strike force can work a lot better. Of course, this only applies when money is high and production times are low. Other wise, Abrams spam all the way.
Abram's laser can only target one enemy at a time, I believe. Bulldog's flashbangs do AoE damage and apply an attack debuff to enemy infantry. If I see infantry spamming (it can happen late game, especially if you're Epsilon), I'm going to put some Bulldogs alongside my Abrams, along with some Riot Troopers for good measure.
2 Bulldogs = $1500
1 Abrams = $1400
Bulldogs have a weaker cannon compared to the Abrams, but they're (relatively speaking) better against infantry spam compared to Abrams due to the flashbangs having an AoE and debuffing enemy infantry, while Abrams' lasers can only target one infantry unit at a time.
If we're talking about pure tank to tank battles, then yeah, Abrams will be preferred simply because they've got a stronger cannon attack + more armor. If the enemy though has a large amount of infantry alongside a bunch of tanks, having some Bulldogs alongside the Abrams would be preferable.
Posted 02 May 2017 - 11:21 PM
I couldn't restrain myself, here is a rushed sketch for the unit we discuss earlier
The modern version of the BMD looks like a lasher tank :v .. so I decided to draw a weird LAV
- doctormedic, Kirrim, Magma1Lord and 1 other like this
Posted 03 May 2017 - 05:32 AM
I have a year-long Writer's block @ https://www.fanficti...1/At-Mind-s-End But youtube is doing well!
Posted 03 May 2017 - 06:18 AM
Posted 03 May 2017 - 07:14 AM
Bulldogs aren't invisible on radar. I think you're talking about the Stormchild there.
Btw, speaking about the Stormchild, what does everyone here think about the Stormchild jet fighter? It seems Black Eagles are OP at the moment, Harriers are decent, what about the Stormchild? From what I know, the quirks it has are:
-Fastest out of all of the Allied jet fighters (Harrier, Black Eagle)
-Lowest health out of all of the Allied jets
-Fastest missiles, apparently, so the attacks can't be avoided by fast vehicles. Has the weakest missiles out of all the Allied jets, however.
-Armed with lasers for infantry.
I only use the lasers for hero sniping, really, since I don't really want to waste the Stormchild's ammo on cheap infantry. Still, what do you guys think? It seems kinda... unimpressive compared to the other jets, but then again, being Radar-invisible and super fast might make it stronger than I think.
Posted 03 May 2017 - 12:51 PM
Posted 03 May 2017 - 01:01 PM
Bulldogs aren't invisible on radar.
Wanna bet?
Posted 03 May 2017 - 02:56 PM
There are no plans to make subfaction-specific unique T1 infantry. That's a good point, I'll remove those quotes.
Will Russian Conscripts still have this line?
Also, Kirovs don't have "Bombardiers to your stations" line from RA2 along with their scream if they are shot. Will it be fixed?
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