There could be a case for another pad-aircraft for Epsilon for anti-armor warfare (Other than Irkalla, Salamander and Dybukk-S).
Or just buff Dybukk-A against armor.
Posted 21 August 2017 - 08:10 AM
There could be a case for another pad-aircraft for Epsilon for anti-armor warfare (Other than Irkalla, Salamander and Dybukk-S).
Or just buff Dybukk-A against armor.
Posted 21 August 2017 - 08:14 AM
Finally someone who doesnt spam "X IS OP PLZ NERF" without explaination.
- I dont realy like that pacific front can telefrag with chronoshift+battle fortress. chronoshift is for teleportation/outmaneuver, not instakill across the map.
just call me out if you agree, disagree, want to discuss, correct i guess or just want my head on a stick.
Wanna know what is worse? Chronoshifting 9 Robot Tanks on top of enemy megalodons/Centy/nuwa/<Insert anything heavy here>. Depending on faction, those chronoshifts can be prevented, but i agree - it doesnt end well most of time.
Allies are supposed to be masters of air, yet i find that fuckstrots are better than allied jets, except black eagles. is it just me?
Their jets have way more usage. Foxtrots cannot be used to snipe bigger threats, its more of an area denial weapon - whihc after being spammed turns out to be a denier of all infantry on the field :x So yeah, they might be broken at this ploint, where they reach the critical number of 7+1 Dustdevil
Allied jets however allow you to safely hamper enemy economy, unless hes Epsilon. 2 jets can take out minermite, 4 can deal with all of miners. USA can mix Stormchildren and Target painter to turn them into quite good building killers. Harriers excel at trashing T3, BEagles are jacks of all trade.
Is it possible to have units that cannot damage structures (like desolators, snipers, charons etc.) be able to "target" structures still? they shouldnt be able to destroy, but i always lose these units because i order them to attack alongside units that CAN destroy buildings, and that they run way too far and out of a favourable position. i know i could micro, but i'd rather not in this case.
It think it is possible, but then devs would need to make a copy of this unit just for AI usage with this option removed, so they wont start attacking buildings instead of anything more worth their time.
Coronia is already OP, is it realy fair that dracos have two special abilities? im not a fan of spinblade engines for them, or at least not that powerful a boost.
Funny enough, i dont usually even see Dracos on the field that often. And Coronia is one of my mains. Maybe i just prefer to hit up enemies with some JoJo memes :x Time to try them out!
But seriously, i dont think they need a change. Coronia's main trait is mobility. Notice that every single ground unit from this faction can be influenced by Spinblade boost. Dracos arent scary even with bonus speed, and as long as you bring anti-air infantry/vechicles, you're relatively safe.
some concept art for some units, you know, for the fan artists sake, like myself somewhat. i cant fucking imagine, what the shit spooks look like up close and detailed. Dafuq have Yuri made??
Less gem rush maps please.
I strongly agree with this suggestion. Most of them maps i see is "lol, rush middle, bunker there, now you have 3x more money than enemy and he cant push you out, GG"
Eureka is the hero i've seen the least. Is it because she is a team killing psychopath? does that need some work then?
Try to mix her with Zorbfloaters and swap unit comp from ground to air. Results should speak for itself.
Not as rarely seen as duplicators.
Which is strange, since they are way more powerful than bloaticks. Obviously you can always push out some Clairvoyants, Spinblade bumrush straight at enemy and nanofiber them right in front of their faces. Also their main usage is vs infantry based unit comps.
any progress with stolen infantry? i thought it would be the infiltration of T2 buildings, but not radar. so: bereau, shield command/mercury uplink/robot ops center, nanofiber loom. not sure what it could be for epsilon since radar spires are already a radar sabotage. so aerodome maybe? this is just a thought/suggestion.
I doubt that stolen tech infantry will return. part of them is already incorporated into main unit roster, and your suggestion wouldnt really work - allied t3 prequesitives timer of support powers is reset on infiltration.
RA2 has always been a safe place for me, and granted, MO is not exacly the same as RA2/YR. in these games, i was always spared the horrors and cringe of anime and weeaboo fantasies. while im satisfied with Libra cameo, i am not so much with Yunru and Eureka. and please please please remove those annoying billboards with anime on (or at least not THAT much anime, its weird at this quantity). Speeder, please dont tell me the weebs have converted you.
Plot twist, it was Speeder's idea all along!
Please do something about hackers. you know, the kind that build Yuri 30 seconds into the game, and the kinds that build the paradox engine when faced with defeat (and coincidentally, they are ALL chinese).
I have not received any reports regarding cheating for quite long time. If you do notice stuff like that, make some screenshots and report them to me. usually hanging out in MO Lobby as AlstarIRC or Libra
More Player colours/fix player colours. i know white-grey wont do (neutral), but i miss pink, tan and the in-betweens. what i mean by fixing, is that the game have some weird understanding of the naming of the green colour spectrum.
Some of colors are hardly visible on minimap. Guess one of reasons why Tan was removed. Wish some other colors would be changed >_>
Speeder is too beautiful, please nerf his face.
Rumors say that Speeder is actually a girl with good voice changing software. PepoThink?
Bring back stalins pants, PLEASE! I NEED IT.
He cant crave for something that doesnt exists. Stalin was wearing skirts and any other picture was photoshopped.
I have said it countless times to my friend, and i will say it here: nerf Alstar.
*Wears his good old 'Worst MO Player' title which he received ever since times of 3.0* I have no idea what are you talking about.
he hates the harbinger, and i dont think i need to mention that coronia needs work.
Harbinger as tough as it seems to be still dies failry easily to concentrated AA fire. Units that excel at it - aeroblazes, oxidizers, thors etc - do not have any problems clearing him out until all shots are fired.
he thinks scorpion cells dunerider+speeder trike combo is too powerful. i told him that SC needs to compensate in terms of an advanced anti-armor solution, since the tyrant is the only monster tank, that cant effectively destroy other tanks.
And that is absolutely correct.
Posted 21 August 2017 - 08:18 AM
as far as giving alize an anti structure attack i would be nice if she had one IN INFANTRY WARS ONLY. the fact is that while the foehn sub-factions have plenty of tanks and aircraft to deal with buildings the majority of their infantry cant even attack them so all my IFW games end with me spamming lancers and godsbanes
then again im sure the first response will be that having fin-alize's healing powers would be too op in IFW hence why having C4 would help balance it but it may just be easier to give it to Fin.
also while i can see the point behind not letting non damaging units attack buildings AIs don't build repair units and they are particularly annoying as they cant attack anything so they rush in to die no matter who you attack
Posted 21 August 2017 - 10:12 AM
Is it possible to add more weapon types for Scavenger? Or does it work like IFV where there's a limit to how many 'adaptations' you can have in the game?
Posted 21 August 2017 - 10:44 AM
Scavenger is an IFV so yeah
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(Firestorm is still SoonTM)
Posted 21 August 2017 - 11:12 AM
as far as giving alize an anti structure attack i would be nice if she had one IN INFANTRY WARS ONLY. the fact is that while the foehn sub-factions have plenty of tanks and aircraft to deal with buildings the majority of their infantry cant even attack them so all my IFW games end with me spamming lancers and godsbanes
then again im sure the first response will be that having fin-alize's healing powers would be too op in IFW hence why having C4 would help balance it but it may just be easier to give it to Fin.
also while i can see the point behind not letting non damaging units attack buildings AIs don't build repair units and they are particularly annoying as they cant attack anything so they rush in to die no matter who you attack
>Buff Foehn in infantry only
Foehn has a tier 1 that pwns all others. Then they proceed to have things like kingsframes, zorbs, Fin, Giant/Godsbanes, Huntresses... at least they no longer have the Harbinger in that mode. Foehn is probably the most broken faction in that gamemode. No need for Alize.
Posted 21 August 2017 - 11:17 AM
There's a hardcoded limit of 17 weapons. That's why some vehicles are "grouped" into one weapon.
By "grouped" you meant like, for example Tesla Trooper, Volkov, Tesla Tank and Tesla Coil, they all are using the same "weapon", but just with different attributes each?
So first you create 17 weapons, then you assigned them to different groups based on the weapon visual..? (firearm bullets, electricity arcs, golden rockets, missiles, lasers, etc)
So let's see...
1. Bullets (G.1, Conscripts, Pillbox, Sentry Gun, ...)
2. Laser (Prism Tank, Stormchild, Tanya, Prism Tower, ...)
3. Flak (Flak Trooper, Halftrack, Tigr, Sentinel, ...)
4. Missiles (G.G.I, IFV, Catastrophe, Apocalypse, Wolfhound, Harrier, ...)
5. Golden Rockets (Sweeper, Shrike, Teratorn, Giantsbane, ...)
6. Tesla (Tesla Coil, Tesla Trooper, Wormqueen(?), Volkov, ...)
7. Poison (Dunerider, Tyrant, ...)
8. Torpedo (Typhoon Sub, Nautilus, ...)
9. V3 Rocket (Dreadnought, Scud Launcher, Akula, ...)
10. Hammer (Hammer)
11. Cannon (Grand Cannon, Battleship, Centurion, ...)
12. Cryo (Blizzard Tank, Cryocopter, Hailstorm, Black Eagle, ...)
13. M.A.D (M.A.D.M.A.N, Eureka)
14. Chrono (Chrono Legionnaire, Charon Tank)
15. ...
Something like this..?
Posted 21 August 2017 - 12:24 PM
Edited by Handepsilon, 21 August 2017 - 12:25 PM.
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(Firestorm is still SoonTM)
Posted 21 August 2017 - 12:41 PM
I wish this stupid IFV limit was gone. Imagine the possibilities.
Posted 21 August 2017 - 01:46 PM
Posted 21 August 2017 - 01:53 PM
Posted 21 August 2017 - 02:04 PM
Imagine if you could put every single infantry unit (including flying units) into an IFV, at once.
Edited by Handepsilon, 21 August 2017 - 02:36 PM.
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(Firestorm is still SoonTM)
Posted 21 August 2017 - 03:05 PM
Imagine if you could put every single infantry unit (including flying units) into an IFV, at once.
*IFV gets mind controlled*
Posted 21 August 2017 - 04:43 PM
Rumors say that Speeder is actually a girl with good voice changing software. PepoThink?
Tell him to use that software to make voices more female-like. Perhaps someday we can recover EVA and Tanya. :>
Posted 21 August 2017 - 08:40 PM
few points ive missed:
followup on alstar (dont understand quoting system yet).
*too fast for his liking
Edited by FixenFrøjte, 21 August 2017 - 08:47 PM.
Posted 21 August 2017 - 09:12 PM
I have a year-long Writer's block @ https://www.fanficti...1/At-Mind-s-End But youtube is doing well!
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