Posted 18 January 2007 - 02:10 AM
whyd you say that
Posted 18 January 2007 - 03:08 AM
Basicly the soldier fires a nade arc'd high like a morta and then reloads and fires a second quickly more directly making for them both to hith give or take at the same time, I am sure the m203 could do this aswell.
Basicly i am agreeing with medic, they do require some arc to get ranaged targets.
Remember kids nade lunchers are not rocket propelled..... Unless your talking about an RPG witch imo is more rocket launcher.
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
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Posted 18 January 2007 - 03:54 AM
So the monkey gave up and someone took over :OOh and that other guy is just a creepy stalker.
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
Foamy!?!! Xombie!?! Awesome Cannon Rock
Everyone should watch this and pass it on as its a very good argument on the subject of Global Warming.
Posted 18 January 2007 - 02:15 PM
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
Foamy!?!! Xombie!?! Awesome Cannon Rock
Everyone should watch this and pass it on as its a very good argument on the subject of Global Warming.
Posted 18 January 2007 - 03:31 PM
Personal Stalker from over at V|GO.So the monkey gave up and someone took over :O
Looks like he stared at my profile until the forum changed.
wow Uber, what did you do to get your very own stalker? I've been trying for years and havn't yet
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 18 January 2007 - 03:34 PM
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
Foamy!?!! Xombie!?! Awesome Cannon Rock
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Posted 18 January 2007 - 08:15 PM
Reduce them more?
Aircraft always were and always have been fragile.
Try using a better strategy (B-52s make great holes in defense)
B-52's I am sure it has been reported in the bug thread have an error in their weapon code that basically turn them into flying bullet magnets.
I mean the area of effect of where the bullet impacts. Lets say you have 2 standard F-22's They are about 1/4 inch apart on screen, a fully upgraded ratal fires at the one on the left and does damage to that one and the other.
Woah. That's why you have Rocket Soldiers.
Mix Rockets and Rangers for Max effect.
This would just trivialize the Rockets existence.
I didn't meen to reduce the rocket soldiers role but they are ment to be anti tank. the HE would not be as effective as a rocket. it would still do a lot more damage to infs
Ever fired an M203? They're not as straight forward as you might have seen.
They require quite an arc to obtain maximum efficiency range.
I agree they need some arc but they arc the have now is just to big for the amount of range. and no I haven't fired an M-203 but I have played all all the SOCOM's who's creators try to be as accurate as possible to real life. and Besides I'm 16 I'm to young to enlist although some army recruiters around school have mistaken me for a Senior.
His face is supposed to be ridiculous. I mean. All that radiation. I bet he's sterile too.
then give him glowing skin. Make the rad effects look real not something out of a low budget sci fi horror film from the 80's. if not sterile then he makes them have Mutants.
Don't let you enemies build any.
Or don't let them get into an effective firing range of your units.
Besides should the Aurora also have a strict build limit?
What about so many other sides uber units?
The Problem isn't with them being able to build berthas Its just to easy for me to win with them.. Also the AI is a bit easy. Except the GLA base defenses those have gotten a major overhaul. Auroras Have 1 major counter ballance that justifies more than 1 being built. They are vulnerable to AA fire after moving to a position or their attack run is complete. They are almost certainly destroyed after said run.
thanks to dats and Bittah Commander for the sig
Originally from Serenity:
"Do you know what your sin is Mal?"
"Go to Hell. I'm a fan of all seven. Right now, I'll have to go with Wrath"
Make Tiberian Sun/Firestorm Open Source!
Posted 18 January 2007 - 11:57 PM
U see it for what ? 5 seconds.
Lets let the real bugs and such be done before u start with minor details like this.
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
Foamy!?!! Xombie!?! Awesome Cannon Rock
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Posted 19 January 2007 - 12:32 AM
Sorry but i am soo laughing right now, seriosly dose a picture of the nuke general really make your gameplay bad?
U see it for what ? 5 seconds.
Lets let the real bugs and such be done before u start with minor details like this.
Actually I see it any ware between 1 minute and 5.
And this is the suggestion thread, not the bug thread. although I could report a few bugs off the top of my head but I haven't gotten around to checking the bug reports yet.
thanks to dats and Bittah Commander for the sig
Originally from Serenity:
"Do you know what your sin is Mal?"
"Go to Hell. I'm a fan of all seven. Right now, I'll have to go with Wrath"
Make Tiberian Sun/Firestorm Open Source!
Posted 19 January 2007 - 01:44 AM
you can give each general some commanders. you know for instance for robot general, we have a mech commander, a cyber commander and a drone commander. they are not infantry, they are inside vehicles. mech commander is inside a mech, drone is inside a tank that has drones around it and cyber is a big powerfull cybourg. i understand these take long but you can even make some generals share a commander. xample...Super weapon and Laser both share EMP commander and Stealth and Assault both share Jihad commander.
Posted 19 January 2007 - 01:48 AM
The mod has SUPER units already we do not need anythign more powerful than them, We do NEED however a new or updated hero of the ones we have.
IE: Burton/lotus and kell need beefing to make them more apperling.
They are the HEROS of ZH.
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
Foamy!?!! Xombie!?! Awesome Cannon Rock
Everyone should watch this and pass it on as its a very good argument on the subject of Global Warming.
Posted 19 January 2007 - 01:53 AM
They are the HEROS of ZH.
and yet we pretty much know nothing about why they are heroes.
thanks to dats and Bittah Commander for the sig
Originally from Serenity:
"Do you know what your sin is Mal?"
"Go to Hell. I'm a fan of all seven. Right now, I'll have to go with Wrath"
Make Tiberian Sun/Firestorm Open Source!
Posted 19 January 2007 - 02:42 AM
Do we need to know?They are the HEROS of ZH.
and yet we pretty much know nothing about why they are heroes.
EA made them the heros and so the main goal to make the heros actuly HEROS, making them more appealing.
No point having old heros in a completly revamed mod if they don't get a boost, they sucked from the start so they need working on.
Vehicals we already have tons of and we have super units.
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
Foamy!?!! Xombie!?! Awesome Cannon Rock
Everyone should watch this and pass it on as its a very good argument on the subject of Global Warming.
#1536 Guest_Raven_*
Posted 19 January 2007 - 09:54 AM
I see heroes have become the latest gripe. Thus, my main suggestion would be to take a look at other war games and scrutinise what each hero of such-and-such faction does.
An example would be Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge.
Not only were the heroes related to the armies' speciality but also they can turn the tide of battle somewhat. They are also not overpowered and they have a common weakness: Weak to aerial assaults and snipers. A quick description of what each hero does:
Tanya - bombs vehicles/buildings and very strong vs infantry
Yuri Prime - mind controls infantry/vehicles/defensive and low level buildings and can decimate infantry with psychic wave
Boris - Good vs buildings/vehicles with abilty to call in air strike and rifle good vs infantry
Do note that I'm not hinting that I want these abilities for Zero Hour heroes. I am only SUGGESTING.
Posted 19 January 2007 - 01:03 PM
i think the idea of RA2 hero units has been tlaked about. i would like to see it. especially get rid of lotus. as i would rather have 2 rangers go into a base then her. honestly. Yuri cant be put in, so another person would have to go in his place. Tanya could go to USA obviuosly. im happy with jarmen kell, but boris could go to GLA. or china.
do people remeber when playing RA2, if you captured an enemys battlelab you got special heros? like chrono demo men and psychic demo comandos. that was fun. an element of that could be implemented in game.
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Posted 19 January 2007 - 03:36 PM
They are redalert. i only want the heros we have BEEFED so they are usful, And maybe do what pend said where as 2 american teams have 1 hero and the other 2 have another and same for china and gla.
And the SA80 sucks ass imo.
I know your gonna say it don't olli, and i will say it looks nice and its accurate but its reliablity is a joke. I read tons and even talked to some soldiers that all say its unreliable.... And thats after the goverment spent tons of cash trying to fix the problem.
Now i know alot of peaple may like the gun but i hate it..... but NOTHING can be as BAD as the FRENCH FAMAS.... (FAM'ASS as i call it) lol
I don't think i even need to talk about that guns thats just a joke.
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
Foamy!?!! Xombie!?! Awesome Cannon Rock
Everyone should watch this and pass it on as its a very good argument on the subject of Global Warming.
Posted 19 January 2007 - 03:45 PM
As for heros... The commander idea for each unit type is ok, but is also a little over kill. Looking at other games for insperation is byfar the best suggestion in here. So here I go following that suggestion.
The only game with Heros that I LIKED the heros in was Dawn Of War. And, in DoW I only liked them because they could be attached to squads and were not 0verkill powerful.
The only EA game where I could tollerate heros was BFME2... the heros were much less powerful than in BFME1 and there were far more of them, so heros were less unique became just another unit class.
LEAST favorite.. infact most hated, hero games. BFME1 and WC3. In BFME1 they were so friggn over powered no other unit in the game even mattered. In WC3 they took so much micro management you couldn't manage your army at the same time.
ZeroHour... useless heros.
Now, keep in mind I'm only refering to Skermish and Multiplayer. In Single Player campiegns WC3 had my alltime favorite RTS Heros... it was like a RPG hybrid even. In single player a hero can add huge value to the story, but I don't think they belong in Skermish. A skermish is just "A Battle" not part of the story, so the heros don't belong. DoW I think got this part just right. In the campiegn you had "Captain Bob" in Skermish you had "SpaceMarrine Captain"... notice he isn't Bob... he's just a captain.
Anyhow I'm ranting now....
Looking at the only hero games I've ever liked its obvious there are limits to my options... ZH has no "Squads" and Heros can't join them anyway... so DoW can't be imitated here. BFME2 was OK with its heros, but it had like a dozen for each faction... I'm not doing that. not a chance in hell.... So making them just another unit class isn't an option.
This leaves us where we started... Hero Units are uselss in ZH. If they are made strong enough to be significant they will be OTT like in BFME1 or WC3, and I can't stand that.
In the end, for you hero players, be thankful I'm not removing them from the game, and be twice as thankful I'm even considering expanding the hero list... because I'm not doing ot for me, I'm just trying to apease the players who want a new hero. When all other factions are done and the mod is pretty finished I'll see about adding heros.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 19 January 2007 - 03:48 PM
All i am saying that if u keep them in game is that they need to be made unsful not ott but have something that actuly gives them an edge.
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
Foamy!?!! Xombie!?! Awesome Cannon Rock
Everyone should watch this and pass it on as its a very good argument on the subject of Global Warming.
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