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#621 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 02:41 AM

You know the Wargs that the Gundabad Orcs ride on? They could replace the Dire Wolves as "Cave Wargs". Albinos! :shiftee:

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#622 Wanderer∞


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 04:55 AM

Keep in mind that cavalry, such as horses, are still able to work efficiently in snow. If my history is correct, the Mongols who conquered much of Asia would have had to have used horses in the mountainous and snowy regions across Asia, so I think as long as these horses had a little more fur on them, they could work admirably for Angmar.

And along with the comparison to WOW. WOW based much of its stuff of of Tolkien (but then again, who doesn't). Where have I seen and heard Rise of the Litch King before? :shiftee:

Edited by Wanderer∞, 23 January 2009 - 05:00 AM.

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#623 Argeleb


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 06:50 AM

Well, wolves were a big problem in that area so I think Dire wolves fit angmar as they are.

Hill trolls need new skin. Now they look too swampish, not hillish :shiftee:
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#624 Uruk King

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 07:02 AM

Wolf riders are maybe not so important if Numenorians have cavarly. Agreed with Thrall master ideas.

Why does everybody want the Wolf Riders gone and replaced with Black Numenorean cavalry?
Why not keep both forms of cavalry, keep the Wolf Riders as basic cavalry, and Black Numenoreans as elite cavalry.
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#625 shadowfoxt

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 07:56 AM

Nah, I personally think wolf riders belong with goblins. in the hobbit it tells how the goblins would ride out to raids on the backs of the wolves? :shiftee:
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#626 Hasfusel


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 12:16 PM

Yes, it does. The Goblins fought alongside and on top of Wargs. Technically this is strange because of their bone structure but Tolkein wrote it that way and I'm not gonna argue.

I dislike the idea of captains (as Scryer said, they remove the originality and purpose of heroes) but I don't too much like Thrall Masters summoning units. I'd rather Hillmen were recruitable on their own. (When I said Minifaction, I didn't mean that way. I meant they are all built out of their own building and have at least three different units - Axethrowers, Spearmen and Wildmen, who would be renamed to something more fitting)
I really dislike ordinary rabble units having a toggle, unless it was Torches/Clubs for the Dunlanders.
The Goblins are the descendants of Angmar, really. Just remove all traces of black numenoreans and you have wild evil units.
I'd maybe give Morgomir a hood and cloak. After all, the Witch-King just has that with some armor and a horse.
I like the idea of a Barrows building for Angmar. A real elite monster building.
All Barrows units would be very weak against Light attacks.
Because of the inclusion of a Barrow-wight unit, actual creep wights could be replaced with Mewlips, which are stronger and have a green glow rather than blue. Barrow creep buildings could have a stonier skin.

Cost - 750
Barrow Wight (single unit, cost is 400. medium build time. A weaker version of EA wights, but at Lvl.2 they debuff enemy units)
Werewolf (single unit, cost is 550. can group with Dire Wolves to boost their speed and strength. Strong against most normal units. Weak against fire.)
Vampire (single unit, cost is 1000. long build time. Toggles between human - fast, strong damage against heroes and infantry, drains enemy life but only per kill. At Lvl.2 can transform into Bats. At Lvl.7 they can use a Fear ability. At Lvl.10 they can teleport. Bat form can fly around very fast, scout, and strong debuff against enemy units. Much more life than ordinary EA bats. looks like Morgomir or a Thrall master when in man form and a cloud of bats when in bat form. Angmar's strongest single unit, but very weak against fire)
Shadows of the North (cost is 1000. Passive. All Barrows units are more resistant to light damage, faster and have a chance of inspiring fear in nearby units. Effect only applies while Barrows exists.)

Edited by Hasfusel, 23 January 2009 - 12:20 PM.

#627 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 03:35 PM

If Angmar is going to go for the shock and awe approach that AA IP'er talked about, all of those units (and WOLVES too... :D) would make good additions. But the wights can be creeps and units... last time I checked, the neutral goblins weren't replaced when they became a faction. :p

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#628 Uruk King

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 07:09 PM

I certainly like The concept of the Wight Barrow, Hasufel.

Also concerning Morgomir, please destroy his stupid pale skin. When I first saw him i though he was some sort of vampire, not a Nazgul with a pterodactyl squawk for a voice. I could sit better if he had a proper Ringwraith skin and model, and no stupid sounding voice.

And in the possibility that orcs will be more part of Angmar, perhaps an orcish hero to lead them could be added?
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#629 dojob


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 08:11 PM

Hooray for nostalgia!

Orc Warriors.
-Standard Orc warriors..though, unlike Mordor, can be upgraded with Heavy Armour and Forged Blades.
Orc Trackers.
-Orcs with bows...while they're still crap archers, can be upgraded with Heavy Armour. Also, use Poisoned Arrows against units and Flaming Arrows against structures - they gain access to that once they reach rank two.
Outlaw Brigands.
-A mix of Wildmen of Dunland, Rhudaur Hillmen, etc. Anyway, toggle between spears and bows. Have strong health and attack, but relatively weak armor. Also move quite fast and are stealthed when in trees upon reaching rank two.
Were-wolf of Forochel.
-A single unit, only useful in melee combat. As you could guess, a werewolf - though not like what you're likely used to. Instead of toggling from an ordinary Man to a...hairier Man, stays as a monstrous, bipedal, ferocious wolf.
Emissaries of the Iron Crown.
-Vampires..basically a large, humanoid bat. Useful mainly for scouting, causing fear in enemy troops, and providing air support in combat if forced. Acts as a miniature Nazgul on Fell Beast. Like the Were-wolves, single units.
Black Numenorean.
-Single, Captain unit. Provides leadership to nearby troops while creating negative effects in enemy ones. Wields a large, claymore-like sword, and gets a heavy armour upgrade upon reaching a certain rank - three, maybe five.
-Slaved to a building, the "Fell Haunt" for lack of a better name. Take away enemy leadership effects, and attack enemy troops in melee combat - pretty much exactly like the Barrow-Wights found ingame.

Another round of imposing our faction ideas, eh? I'll go hunt up my own list, which wasn't that different to urs iirc ;)

Here it is:

-Thrall Master: Can summon rhudaurmen raiders (strong vs buildings), spearmen, and ax throwers.

-Gundabad Orcs: higher armor and overall quality than goblins, and can also be upgradable.

-Wolf Brood: Dire Wolves with a name-change.

-Gundabad Hunters/Bowmen/Archers/etc: decent archers that shoot poison arrows and maybe have a fire-arrow ability that burns an area.

-Werewolves: Perhaps like trolls, but faster and weaker? Perhaps they could get a howl ability as well...

-Vampires: flying light units, good for scouting and can also harass enemy units and debuff them.

-Black Numenoreans: Come in 3s or 5s, provide a little leadership, and have an ability like blademaster.

-Sorcerer: stays as is, but maybe with debuff leadership.

-Hill Trolls: like they are now, but bigger, better, and fewer in numbers. Perhaps a skin change is in order as well.

-Mire-wights: weaker version of wights that debuff enemies, do poison damage, and are trained from any buildings to defend against weak raiders, with a maximum of 3 per building.

Idc if snow trolls and angmar catas are replaced, stay, or are messed with.

Yes, I'd like thralls to stay, though with Orcs separated from Rhudaurmen. "I don't like their style" is not enough of a reason to get rid of them, since they help make Angmar unique and provide a good early raiding/spam force.

Edited by dojob, 23 January 2009 - 08:26 PM.

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And please add Bear-mans

#630 mike_


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 10:29 PM

Just.... change the name from "Thrall Masters", at least. They were hired/recruited barbarian warriors, not press-ganged slaves ;)

#631 Wanderer∞


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 10:42 PM

I'm still a bot confused on what type of troll Rogash is. He's like an Olog-hai crossed with a hill troll.
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#632 mike_


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 10:49 PM

I prefer him as the "removed", species, myself.

#633 dojob


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Posted 24 January 2009 - 01:22 AM

So what would u change about the heroes, then?

-And that sounded very racist of u mike :(

Edited by dojob, 24 January 2009 - 01:23 AM.

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And please add Bear-mans

#634 mike_


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Posted 24 January 2009 - 01:34 AM

Sorry ;)

Let's see.. I'd have the Witch-king as the 'top hero' (like Gandalf for Gondor, Saruman for Isengard, etc). Then my Black Numenorean general that I posted a while back. And then a Rhudaur hill chief - Hwaldar, maybe.

I don't feel lots of heroes should be their strength.

#635 RobnKarlaFAN

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 09:21 AM

Sorry :thumbsdownsmiley:

Let's see.. I'd have the Witch-king as the 'top hero' (like Gandalf for Gondor, Saruman for Isengard, etc). Then my Black Numenorean general that I posted a while back. And then a Rhudaur hill chief - Hwaldar, maybe.

I don't feel lots of heroes should be their strength.

i agree

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#636 dojob


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Posted 24 January 2009 - 12:28 PM

Mhm, but at least one sorcerer/monster hero aside from the WK would be helpful as well.
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And please add Bear-mans

#637 RobnKarlaFAN

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 02:20 PM

thats right..because i dont see a lot of units in the faction...i thing a sorceror hero will be a good choice.

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#638 Uruk King

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 02:28 PM

I also agree, shall we start posting our own ideas?

If so, I'll start off.

Adûnâlor - The Witch-king's first general of Angmar, his name translates as "westward-shadow" in Adunaic. From the Witch-king's first arrival in Angmar, he served the Lord of the Nazgul scince then. A skilled warrior and leader in his own right, Adûnâlor inspires man and orc alike to new feats of courage in the name of Sauron and the Witch-King, in that order. He wields a Longsword and a tower shield and bears Black armour
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#639 mike_


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Posted 24 January 2009 - 03:49 PM


Anyway. My idea for *my* Numenorean General:

Tar-Herumor, Champion of Fornost.
-A Black Numenorean general, Tar-Herumor. He is descended from a great Lord of the Haradrim from the Second Age, who fought alongside his brother Ferumir against the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. He is a master of siege warfare, and spent the first eighty years of his adulthood honing his skills in constant war with the Snow-Men of Forochel and the Orcs of the Misty Mountains. Most recently, however, he has allied himself with a new Dark Lord; the Witch-king of Angmar, Chief Servant of Sauron the Enemy. In Angmar's War with Arnor, he commanded the assault upon the walls of Fornost, and won great praise from the Witch-king. Despite his ancestry, the long years of endless conflict have begun to take their tole on the aging warrior; though a pure-bred Numenorean, all Men will succumb to the "Gift of Illuvatar". He wields a longsword, a shield, and wears heavy armour.
Rank One.
-Mount. Mounts an armoured, black horse.
Rank Three.
-The Puppet-Master. Leadership; all nearby units gain a thirty percent increase in movement speed and experience. In addition to this, all allied Siege Weapons near him gain a fifty percent attack speed and damage boost.
Rank Three.
-Dark Arts. Heals nearby units and heroes.
Rank Six.
-The King's Men. Grants experience to all units in a radius.
Rank Eight.
-A Cloud of Serpents. Calls down a large volley of arrows and several catapult stones which bombard a specified area.

#640 {IP} Aridor

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 03:56 PM


Anyway. My idea for *my* Numenorean General:

Tar-Herumor, Champion of Fornost.
...He is descended from a great Lord of the Haradrim from the Second Age .... though a pure-bred Numenorean, all Men will succumb to the "Gift of Illuvatar".

Ummm... Mike. You do realize this is impossible don't you.

Edited by AA IP'er, 24 January 2009 - 03:56 PM.

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