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Pre-release Suggestions Thread

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#141 OmegaBolt


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Posted 18 October 2009 - 01:03 AM

I'm not "upset" I just dont see it very modern, and an Empire is a form of government with a Emperor or equivilent.

Clearly not in all cases. The British Empire (as it was known) never had an emperor.

Spain wasn't really in the Red Alert story as wasn't Turkey, just names for countries they never named.

Wel Turkey as a country exists in the RA1 code, and was conquered by the Soviets. I'm sure they'd feel pretty angry about that.

India just seemed to me as too isolated to have any importance to the Korea stalemate and China thing, they might of supported it but had no serious conflict.

India would make a good "hub" nation for the Allies, where they could drop off and assemble troops, get supplies etc and attack the Soviets from the South.

But yeah... I dont see MO as being very historically based. RA2 fucked up the world map from the start (if it followed from RA1), so it might be daft reverting back to a proper one now.

Edited by OmegaBolt, 18 October 2009 - 01:05 AM.

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#142 Darkstorm


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Posted 18 October 2009 - 03:08 AM

The British Empire wasn't really an empire by governmental standards, it was more due to it having control over a large area. Don't take it as an insult as Britian did control nearly 25% of the world, but it isn't, by governmental definition, an empire.

Turkey and Spain existed in code but that was it. There is no referance that I know of in the campaign.

I guess India may have some involvment, but personally I like abstract world maps; they give you a chance to ponder on how a country could be different. At any rate, India doesn't have an Allied or Soviet feeling to me, and due to it being quite seperated from major superpowers it could be taken over by Yuri.

Edited by Darkstorm, 18 October 2009 - 03:12 AM.

#143 IconOfEvi

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Posted 18 October 2009 - 04:57 AM

Thats why I suggested it still being under control of Britain (i.e. British India, or The Raj) :p. Last jewel in the Empire's crown and all that...remember that in any scenario, Britain gladly would discard all other parts of empire to keep India.

Turkey...well yes I'll admit that they weren't fleshed out, like Spain. But neither was it implied you were mainly Greece until Counterstrike. Maybe, with Greece having won the Greco-Turkish Wars, they should own the relevant parts of Anatolia, and Turkey should be a part of the Soviet Union. Same with Iran? Turkish and Iranian SSR :o!

Im not saying this is historically based - essentially, MO could/should imo be playing out alternate scenarios in history. After all, for all the alternate history theme, the borders for example are as our world knows them.

Just some border suggestions in addition to what was mentioned earlier, really irrelevant to gameplay:

*Mongolia part of the PRC
*Philippines a state of the United States

Forgot my others, will think of them.

#144 Darkstorm


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Posted 18 October 2009 - 06:04 AM

Mongolia should be a Base of Operations for a Epsilon Force. Philippines would be a common wealth like Amercian Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The whole nonhistory thing was in response to Omega saying that it is reverting back to our map. The Greco-Turkish war is ok I guess, however Turkey wouldn't be apart of the Soviet Union. Iran & most Arab states are at least allies of the Soviet Union, Israel, if actually created, would be Allied.

#145 IconOfEvi

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Posted 18 October 2009 - 06:46 AM

Well les wait for Speeder take on it eh?

#146 Crimson Dynamo

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Posted 18 October 2009 - 07:28 AM

We need to hold a voteing thingy and vote off the good ideas and toss the crappy ideas in the trash, some of our ideas are crap and some are really, good i like the monglia idea, i hate the Turkey idea lmao but i would like this mod, im bored and literly haven't been playing games lately *sigh*( i get bored easy *head desk) but it would be nice to buy time till starcraft comes out, and that C&C4 even though its problay s*** :p (not that i dont still play mental omega!XD)

Edited by Crimson Dynamo, 18 October 2009 - 07:31 AM.

#147 Gamr973


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Posted 18 October 2009 - 08:09 AM

Pfft, I won't be buying starcraft 2 out of principle. I won't buy 3 full priced games. CnC4 is going to be very different. This whole mobile base thing is kinda an odd choice, but I won't knock it till I at least see some gameplay. Odds are MO will hold my attention longer than CnC4, its already lasted me longer than CnC3 and the few good mods I could find.

BTW, Crimson Dynamo, is that Malcolm in your Avatar?

Edited by Gamr973, 18 October 2009 - 08:16 AM.

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#148 IconOfEvi

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Posted 18 October 2009 - 10:13 AM

No, thats Nikola Tesla.

Also, I never said Turkey should be a playable faction, just that they should perhaps be part of the USSR, same with Iran (Turkish and Iranian SSR - the Soviet Union was on paper, a federation). Mongolia I said should be part of the PRC, which in any case, probably would have happened since the ROC claims Mongolia to this day.

As for SCII, there's SO MUCH in it, more than your average game. The modding capabilities along are worth it. Each individual campaign is supposed to be longer than all of SC (i.e. 30 missions or over)

#149 Gamr973


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Posted 18 October 2009 - 11:12 AM

What do you know of "modding capabilities" on an unrelease game? They've barely released any real info. Supreme Commander is a game with REAL mod potential. GPG built a great engine for that game. Starcraft 1 never got many good mods. The way things have been going with strategy games lately I wouldn't be surprised if CnC4 and SC2 had some huge issue preventing the community from changing them. Still waitin on that Kanes Wrath SDK. Then they released RA3 in that condition... now its, "Hey you guys are gonna love this. In CnC4 we've removed bases!" Next they will be removing supply gathering and power.
Haha, maybe yuri will end up some evil time travelling mastermind, maybe he created CABAL. Maybe he is the one cloning Kane over and over. With EALA in charge there's no reason to expect Tiberian Sun quality.

Tiberian Dawn-Great
Tiberian Sun-Great
Red Alert-Good
Red Alert 2-Good
EA gets really involved now
Generals-Decent, but not really CnC, other than name.
CnC3-Good, but they screwed up with Kanes Wrath
RA3-The worst CnC released to date(IMO)
CnC4-Not out, but its not sounding great right now.
RA4-I really hope this never, ever happens.

Westwood dying was a real shame. Petroglyph has a few ex-westwood employees around, but they can't touch CnC.
One more great franchise getting flogged to death by EA.
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#150 feillyne

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Posted 18 October 2009 - 11:34 AM

RA3-The worst CnC released to date(IMO)

Westwood dying was a real shame. Petroglyph has a few ex-westwood employees around, but they can't touch CnC.
One more great franchise getting flogged to death by EA.

RA3 - the best C&C ever made! And I'm ready to kill you for thinking otherwise! How could you. -_-
Water base building, refined Soviets, the best faction ever thought - the Empire of Rising Sun. ^^ Yuri sucks when EoRS is around. If I had to choose if I want Yuri faction or the Empire - I'd choose the latter, despite everything, despite years of RA2 as one of the favourite games.

Westwood abandoned C&C, for cash, for Petroglyph, for everything else!
EA just follows WW's plans and ideas. Yes!

EA is EA. Cash is cash. Sometimes it drags them to make better games, sometimes.
And EA continues the series, nevertheless. Better C&C than no C&C. Especially with all these mods around... both for C&C3 and (];->) the most awesome RA3 (IMHO ];->).

LOL, maybe something on-topic: how many countries will be there? :-> Best would be 99. :-D

#151 Speeder



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Posted 18 October 2009 - 11:39 AM

RA3 - the best C&C ever made! And I'm ready to kill you for thinking otherwise! How could you. -_-
Water base building, refined Soviets, the best faction ever thought - the Empire of Rising Sun. ^^ Yuri sucks when EoRS is around. If I had to choose if I want Yuri faction or the Empire - I'd choose the latter, despite everything, despite years of RA2 as one of the favourite games.



#152 OmegaBolt


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Posted 18 October 2009 - 11:54 AM

Next they will be removing supply gathering and power.

Err they already did IIRC.

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#153 Gamr973


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Posted 18 October 2009 - 12:15 PM

RA3-The worst CnC released to date(IMO)

Westwood dying was a real shame. Petroglyph has a few ex-westwood employees around, but they can't touch CnC.
One more great franchise getting flogged to death by EA.

RA3 - the best C&C ever made! And I'm ready to kill you for thinking otherwise! How could you. -_-
Water base building, refined Soviets, the best faction ever thought - the Empire of Rising Sun. ^^ Yuri sucks when EoRS is around. If I had to choose if I want Yuri faction or the Empire - I'd choose the latter, despite everything, despite years of RA2 as one of the favourite games.

Westwood abandoned C&C, for cash, for Petroglyph, for everything else!
EA just follows WW's plans and ideas. Yes!

EA is EA. Cash is cash. Sometimes it drags them to make better games, sometimes.
And EA continues the series, nevertheless. Better C&C than no C&C. Especially with all these mods around... both for C&C3 and (];->) the most awesome RA3 (IMHO ];->).

LOL, maybe something on-topic: how many countries will be there? :-> Best would be 99. :-D

Wow, you bigot.

I personally don't like yuris faction all that much, but I still think Yuris Revenge is better than Kanes Wrath or Uprising. Yuris Revenge added a full 3rd side, and 2 new campaigns. RA3 just doesn't fit into the RA universe well. The art style is very... futuristic and bubbly. Red Alert had a grittier design, even RA2 was dark. Oh, and I personally think the best CnC would have to be Tiberian Sun(/w Firestorm) even if it wasn't as ahead of its time as Tiberian Dawn.

Westwood did NOT abandon CnC just fyi. They were absorbed into the mega-giant corperation that is EA. I'm pretty sure EA kept a few westwood guys around in EALA, to bad EA doesn't like Frank Klepacki.

On Topic: 99 countries would be ridiculous even if it was possible, that's 99 unique units, and ~33 clone armies. I think a good way to do things would be Generals style. Make 3 or 4 of each faction, but make each one significantly different. A unique unit and a stat modifier are great and all, but imaginea Soviet country(Afgahnistan?) With kamikaze planes instead of migs and terrorists who can disguise as the enemy to blow their nuke reactor up with c4. Now imagine they have a dirty bomb super weapon that leaves radiation in an area for over a minute. Than there could be another with even heavier armor, Mammoth prototype tests? Or a Yuri department dedicated to Experimentation... Chitzkoi as a hero unit? A special Virus(sniper) that turns opponents into rifle wielding bullet-resistant advanced brutes.

Edit: Its currently 6:19 in the morning and I haven't been to sleep yet. I'm gonna sleep a while and come back in the morning to make this post into something intelligable.

Edited by Gamr973, 18 October 2009 - 12:21 PM.

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#154 Darkstorm


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Posted 18 October 2009 - 04:51 PM

Empire of the Rising Sun, while I like a technological faction, is completely retarded. Just a attempt to get at any anime/manga fans IMO. Yuri isn't much better as far as the fact he was messed up when released. EA should of stayed out of C&C to begin with, oh and FYI TS and RA2 are both great games IMO, they were both decent and pretty moddable, except for the Yuri tidbit. However the top in my book is RA1, nothing can beat a classic; TD would be my top but for the lack of skirmish & muiltiplayer AI has to demote it. (though I've added some of TD to RA1 :p)

Oh and Uprising, don't even get me started!

Also just because the Red Alert universe is less serious than the Tiberian universe, that doesn't mean it is completely frivilous and has everything that is stupid and rediculous of on the battlefield. The Tiberian universe, not completely contrasted again, has almost an apocalyptic feeling; I even had a final mission idea that basically ended humanity.

Edited by Darkstorm, 18 October 2009 - 04:55 PM.

#155 Speeder



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Posted 18 October 2009 - 04:54 PM

Yuri's thing could have been done in a very dark and serious way and nobody would complain.


#156 Gamr973


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Posted 18 October 2009 - 06:48 PM

I don't have anything against the RA universe, just RA3. RA2 is a close second favorite, mainly because of the mods. I still don't understand how people think yuri was so OPed, sure he would be on top of that very short little tier list, but I think how different he is, is what makes him so frustrating. I loved playing against yuri once I played as him and figured out just which buttons to push to frustrate a yuri player. For instance,snipers are fantastic for strangling his economy,
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#157 IconOfEvi

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Posted 18 October 2009 - 09:40 PM

Weren't we on countries?

Well while were on this, Red Alert was far from a silly universe. All you'd need to do is look at RA1, jeez. RA3 put it all to hell. It made RA3 look serious by comparison.

#158 Speeder



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Posted 18 October 2009 - 09:42 PM

You mean it made RA2 look serious.


#159 OmegaBolt


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Posted 18 October 2009 - 10:02 PM

I thought RA3 was a lot of fun, it just had a poor campaign.

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#160 Crimson Dynamo

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Posted 18 October 2009 - 10:53 PM

Its really nice to see people who know Tesla hehe Red 3 being the best C&C ever!? you must be nuts. stupid campigns, makeing mods for it takes forever T.T and i hate that they focused on the women in it XD even though they did have some nice wooters lmao and i bought Uprising for mere laughs. anyways were all off subject again *head desk* If you need some icons for units i have two cool things i found ^^

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