Moria (Goblin) faction
#341 Guest_Tommy jb_*
Posted 31 May 2008 - 07:17 PM
Posted 01 June 2008 - 06:53 AM
Some ideas for other Goblin heroes:
Shelob- Give her a Summon Spiderling's power, and replace the Summon Spiderling's palantir power with something cooler, like Summon Giants or Summon Cave Trolls.
The Canker- A giant, disfigured and disgusting looking troll type creature from the depths and is extremley toxic to enemies. Is very sensitive to light-type damage, and momentarily turns to stone when exposed to Starlight, Cloudbreak, Sunflare and Golden Arrow etc. However, his sensitive vision enables him to see stealthed units.
Level 1: Foul Presence- Negates enemy leadership bonus's, suffer 25% speed and damage penalty upon hit.
Level 6: Blight- (Like from ROTWK) Infests resource building, halves its production speed for duration of spell.
Level 10: Infect- Strikes unit, who for a period of 30 seconds will become affected by a crippling illness that will spread amongst all units within radius of each other until they are dead or spell is over.
Bolog the Overseer- Goblin armed with a whip and a short-sword, who cracks it during attack.
Level 1: Untamed Alligiance- Takes control of wild lair.
Level 2: Drillmaster- Grants allied units experience.
Level 5: Taskmaster- All production and resource buildings become more efficiant.
Level 8: Slave Driver- All units in radius get a speed and attack bonus
Perhaps a Rhogash type troll hero as well?
Also, I reccommend getting rid of the warg-pit you have at the moment and replacing it with something like the den from ROTWK, and having Dire Wolves as another mounted unit.
Edited by spiderspag, 02 June 2008 - 05:09 AM.
Posted 24 July 2008 - 05:40 AM's been a while, and I had a few pieces of jib for my favorite faction.
1. Could the CPs for all goblins (and low-level orcs) be set back to 40? makes fighting the dwarves damn near inconceivable.
2. I think the goblin wargs need a different ability, just to make them different from isengard....I recommend pillage!
3. Inn unit....dark dwarves?
that's all i got's late, and my carcass is rotting. Peace.
Posted 24 July 2008 - 11:50 AM
- Shelob will have the Spiderlings exclusivly as a summon of her own (Giving birth underneath her) and the Spell Book will get something else.
- Giants might change look into Stone Giants (if someone can verify what the books say on them). Are they made of stone or just called "stone" cause they live in the mountains?
- Bolg will be added and the model is finished. AWESOME looking, made by Downfall.
- Fire Drakes will be worked on in both FX and balance, and we might also remove them when other heores are added and put them back into creeps alone, since they're a bit annoying gameplay wise =P
- Some items from RotWK will be added, and we MIGHT change the Goblin Warg Riders into Goblin Wolf Riders, as well as change the Warg Pit into the Wolf Den, yes...
- Rogash will be added, but for Mordor!
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
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Posted 25 July 2008 - 11:49 AM
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
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#347 Guest_Arthadan_*
Posted 28 July 2008 - 07:32 AM
Giants might change look into Stone Giants (if someone can verify what the books say on them). Are they made of stone or just called "stone" cause they live in the mountains?
Tolkien never described them, but from this quote from The Hobbit:
“I must see if I can’t find a more or less decent giant to block it up again,” said Gandalf, “or soon there will be no getting over the mountains at all.”
They don't seem to be utterly evil as goblins and Troll-like at all.
I have always liked most EA's early concept art for them:
Posted 28 July 2008 - 10:20 AM
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
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#349 Guest_Arthadan_*
Posted 28 July 2008 - 10:34 AM
So... will you change them?
Edited by Nazgûl, 28 July 2008 - 04:13 PM.
Posted 28 July 2008 - 04:32 PM
BTW: Here it is... 2:30 into this vid. Not exactly the same design, but clearly inspired by it
YouTube link!
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S.E.E. YOU! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Posted 02 August 2008 - 02:11 PM
What if instead of the normal orc laborer the goblins got a labor troll to cut down trees. They'd only start with one and they'd be more expensive than the standard labor orc, but they could hold more wood, kind of like the goblin shredder from WC3.....just, it's not a robot.
Posted 03 August 2008 - 01:25 AM
Same answer here.... Even if the idea is cool, it would be a dreadful task in terms of time required. The model is there, but it doesn't have those anims, and the model wouldn't fit onto bones for the Orc snagas... Noone would animate all the 10 or so new anims needed (walking, running, chopping, lifting, carrying, defence, hit response, dying, and so on...)
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S.E.E. YOU! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Posted 03 August 2008 - 02:58 PM
Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:28 PM
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 07:38 PM
sure, there was cave trolls, goblins, and goblin archers in Moria, but no half-trolls or mountain giants. and Moria isnt a intrinsically evil place, its just corrupted by the goblins.
Posted 03 August 2008 - 09:54 PM
Cause that's the most fitting name, if we use what we see/hear in the movies. This won't be changed as it was decided long ago after much debate, and there are no better alternatives. Gundabad is only familiar to those who read the books.
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S.E.E. YOU! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Posted 03 August 2008 - 11:04 PM
The mod follows the book. Oh, and the movies.
the factions are named after the territories they occupy, not the characters themselves. Isengard, Moria, Men Of The West...nothing wrong with that.
for example when Aragorn said Isengard was marching, he did not specify they were uruks or orcs or etc. in the movie. He said Isengard.
You have the all characters and it as close to the books as a game can get.
Edited by av8r, 03 August 2008 - 11:06 PM.
Posted 04 August 2008 - 01:51 AM
yeah, it does make sense. and if i really want too, i could change the name myself. but im too lazy.
keep up the good work, Naz and crew!
Posted 04 August 2008 - 09:36 AM
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
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