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#661 Darkstorm


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 05:07 AM

Ah yes, but you mustn't toss out the reason Poland got the territory from Germany that leads to the sea. It was because Poland is land locked without it. Consider Lithuania was becoming its own nation. Regardless, I don't see any reason to worry too much about it. I don't consider the RA1 Germany argument (that Germany would get all of its preWW1 territory back because of RA1) valid enough to change something that we can't possibly know.

I personally don't think such a thing would happen. Poland needs that access to the sea just as Russia needed St. Petersburg. Of course, like I said, if Speeder specifically wants the map changed (he's Polish iirc), I'd be happy to change it at that request, but otherwise I don't see a need or a reason to change it.

#662 IconOfEvi

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Posted 08 November 2011 - 06:12 AM

Well might as well start with some profiles. Europe first I guess. UK first!

Name - The United Kingdoms
Affiliation - The Alliance
Government Type - Constituional Monarchy / Union Empire (with The Raj)
Head Of State - Empress Madhu Elizabeth Aurora (House Windsor)
Head Of Government - Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
Economic Power - Very High (GDP $4.2 trillion)
Military Power - Very High, somewhat distracted
Political Stability - Medium-Low, with many rebellions

Timeless Britain. After World War I, the UK had found herself reeling from the end of The Great War. Though her economy was in shambles, and war exhaustion was through the roof, she had managed to hold most of the empire together. Even during the tumultuous thirties, when Britain was faced with mass communist and facist movements, she was able to hold onto a shred of stability, and make her way through the waves. Relations with the former foe, Germany were strained at first, but they started to get better, with Britain not only waiving her reparations until some undetermined later date, but putting pressure on France to hold off on her manic desperation to get a hold of German resources. Relations improved with the stabilization of the German political scene - communists and fascists alike were defeated. It was amidst growing friendships and increasing tension that Great Britain was a founding member of The Alliance.

The war that followed in the fifties was a horrendous one indeed. While Britain was protected by the Channel, as she always had, it had been a very close call indeed. The evacuation of parts of the Alliance army wholesale to Britain as a precaution was a worrying sign of the times. Britain had one of the harder times in the war, her vast empire under complete strain. Due to Europe being the center conflict, there was nothing the Empire could do except hope that the empire would come to her aid in this hour of need. Unexpectedly, the empire did, with India raising well over four million troops, Malaysia 800k, Austrailia 600k, South Africa 500k, etc etc. Notable war locations included the African theater, whose British contingent was waged entirely with African and Indian soldiers. Or the Chinese Expedition, where one million Emprie soldiers joined with the Chinese to defend China against Soviet invasion during her civil war. Another was the formidable defense of Kabul, where a million man Soviet army was stopped by 600k Imperial soldiers.

In the end, as all know, the Alliance was victorious. However, the cost for Britain proved very large indeed. In the peace settlement, a demand was agreed to by nearly all parties that the UK, having had her time with the imperium, it was now time for independence of her long colonies. This was just a formality - in reality, the British Empire was so broke and exhausted that anyone who wanted to break off, did. Very quickly, a long list of colonies cascaded away from the Empire, including some unthought of ones such as Australia and New Zealand. Some, like Canada and the Caribbean Isles, voted to stay. However, a unique case came about in India, where a full on civil war broke out over whether to stay with Britain or not. In the end, the loyalist faction won (the first largely Punjabis, Pashtuns, Baluchis, etc) when they marched on the independence capital of Hyderabad.

Britain, left to agree or not to this state of affairs, put the matter to a vote - in the end, by a narrow majority, India and her states were recognized as a part of the UK, but somewhat independent as well. In 1962, a war broke out in Sierra Leone, and a somewhat recovered UK aided the situation in favor of the government, and thus, Sierra Leone was added as a part of the crown. In 1966, Britain, like other European powers, lost her colonies and dependences in the Americas when the Kennedy administration declared a vigirous defense of the Monroe Doctrine, and declared any state not independent of Europe in America was to be declared war upon. However, 1968 would offer somewhat of a make up. After the dust-up from what became known as the American Crusade, this combined with other factors made France undergo a full revolution. Her subsequent nationalist revolutionary government attempted to reverse the land gains Germany had made at her expense, as well as prevent the imminent independence of Euskadia, the Basque nation. France further heightened tensions when it annexed Ireland on the basis of it being a fellow Catholic and revolutionary power seeking return of Irish lands to Ireland. The other powers may have been trying to ignore it as long as possible, but it was when France tried to prevent the union of Spain and Portugal into Iberia that the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Euskadia, and Spain/Portugal decided to band together and overthrow the nationalist government of France. Britain, by now very strong and economically healthy, was in a position to deal with France in a way she didn't ever expect to have the power to again. Though the French revolutionary government did not hesitate to use nuclear weapons against incoming armies, bigger devices were thankfully never launched. In the end, the allies forced an abdication of the regime, and the rewards for Britain were very grand. She had supported Brittanic and Norman independence during the war, and now she was asked to annex said lands by the Brittanic and Norman governments, who had ancient ties to England. Along with the recapture of Ireland, the ascendance of Brittany and Normandy to the UK was proclaimed, and a great celebration was held.

No longer was the United Kingdom sufficient enough. Britain had become much, much more. The United Kingdoms indeed symbolized the new resurgence. The minor fact there were many insurrections and such problems across the new empire mattered not much, they thought. More worringly, in the space of a few years, the world had rapidly shifted into the camp of the all powerful Soviet Union. However, the Soviet Union was peaceful under the great Alexi Romanov.

It was thus the UK, fearing little and worrying little, entered the year 1972...

Active / Contained Insurrections:
- Irish Republican Army (Soviet)
- Normandy Reunion League (Communist)
- Legion de l'Brittany (Communist)
- The New Celtic Army (Communist)
- Scotland Brave Crusade (?)
- Plaid Cymru (Alliance)
- English Powers League (Communist)
- New Cornish Tertia (Communist)
- The Dragon Guard (?)
- Free Africa Army (Soviet)
- The Dual Monarchy (nominally Alliance, seeks union of the British crown to the French)
- New Powers League (?)
- Workers Commonwealth (Soviet)
- New Model Army (?)
- British Republican Army (Alliance)

Successful Rebellions:
- Australian Independence Army (Alliance)
- Celestine Zealand / Republic Of The Silver Fern / Aotearoa Freedom Society (? / Alliance / Communist)
- Singapore 1st Army (Alliance)
- Hong Kong 42nd Army (Alliance, currently aiding them)
- Republic Of Rhodesia / Zimbabwe-ZANLA/ZIPRA (Alliance / Communist)
- Zuid Afrika Libre (Alliance)
- Tanginika Liberation (Soviet)
- Ugandan Patriotic Front (Soviet)
- Nigerian People's Movement For Change (Soviet)
- Cameroonian Front (Soviet)
- Kenyan People's Liberation Front (Soviet)
- Chadian Red Army (Soviet)
- Somalia Free Peoples Patriotic Front (Soviet)
- The Derg (Communist)
- Belize American Legion (Alliance)
- Guyanan American Legion (Alliance)
- Egyptian Rebirth / Nubian Alives / Pharoah Guard (Alliance / Alliance / ?)
- The Alberta Severance Committee (Alliance)
- League de Quebec American (?)
- Hunter's Patriots (Alliance?)
- The Sons Of Liberty (Alliance?)

(just to note, "?" in the affiliation parentheses means their de facto ideology is unknown. It could be Alliance, Soviets, something...or someone else...)

(Yuck, I know the text is somewhat stolid and hard to read, I'll refine it later. I just wanted to get the ideas across for now)

Edited by IconOfEvi, 10 November 2011 - 09:51 AM.

#663 Zenothist


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 08:52 AM

Great galloping gummy bears!

How long did it take you to write all this?

We most likely won't be doing histories for idividual countries though. We'll be doing histories of the sub-factions as a whole. ;)

#664 IconOfEvi

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Posted 08 November 2011 - 09:32 AM

Mmmm about an hour. I skimmed over a lot so thats not all, really. And quite a bit of that was thinking of names, etc

But I just want people to get the gist for now.

As for the offical story...thats your gig, right ;)?

Edited by IconOfEvi, 08 November 2011 - 09:33 AM.

#665 Zenothist


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 09:51 AM

True, though I am quite interested in what you have now, I'll have to read it all later today. Carry on.

The main story has currently been put on hold in favor of the Hero's Spotlight featurette and other promotional works which you will hopefully see in the near future.

Graion has also written his first attempts at original lines for new units (instead of ripped voice sets from other games) and I hope to join him soon in that interesting endeavour.

Edited by Zenothist, 08 November 2011 - 09:55 AM.

#666 IconOfEvi

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Posted 10 November 2011 - 02:22 AM

Name - The Carthaginian Empire
Affiliation - The Alliance
Government Type - Absolute Monarchy (Enlightened)
Leader - Emperor Quintas Vulso Muhammad (House Kastrioti)
Economic Power - Medium-High (GDP $2.2 trillion)
Military Power - High, but distracted
Political Stability - Very Low

A Tale Of A Nation's Fall, And Rebirth

Italy has always held the world fascination, with its millenia of history, and its many rises and falls. Italy seemed on the opening of the 20th century to be in decline. While she was finally united and whole after many hundreds of years, her economy was stagnant. Military power was laughable. It seemed, like history repeating itself, that Italy was doomed before her people realized it. World War I had confirmed the world's suspicions. In that war, she had failed miserably, barely fighting Austro-Hungarian and other allied troops to a standstill. After the war was over, to make matters worse, she got none of what she wanted from the war. Italy was doomed to plunge into a mass of political violence, and constant instability.

On the streets, communists battled fascists, democrats battled everyone, and no one seemed to remember what Italy was anymore. It was from amongst this ruin that a new fascist leader arose - a Benito Mussolini, or as he styled himself, Il Duce. Brimming to the rim with ideas, and determined to make Italy into the new Roman Empire, he and his Blackshirts had won control. He provided inspiration to many fascists around the world - in particular, one later leader in the new German national socialist movement was inspired by his hero to mount a March On Berlin, much as Benito did on Rome. However, in a minor footnote of history, no one has yet found out for sure what happened to the possible "German Mussolini", Adolf Hitler, after he was released from Landsberg Prison for his failed Putsch.

Mussolini seemed in permanent control of his new Italy as the forties marched on. His armies had won victories over what was left of Africa - though in classical modern Italian fashion, he was humiliated many times in what was supposed to be a traditional walkover of African countries by European powers. His armies lost suprisingly constantly against the Ethiopians in particular. However, in the end he was successful. Things were different however in the Balkans. While Italy did briefly manage to conquer what would become Yugoslavia, the resistance there was enough to tie down whole legions of Italian troops. Further making things difficult, the invasion of Greece went disastrously wrong, with Greece not only throwing the Italians out of the Balkans, but nearly made Italy in danger of being invaded herself - only mediation by outside powers managed to restore the situation to a mostly status quo ante bellum - furthermore, Greece was preoccupied with a possible war with the new nation of Turkey, built on the ashes of the Ottoman Empire. Things changed in the 50s, when the Second Great War began with Soviet tanks rumbling across Europe. Mussolini was hesitant to join the war as while Stalin was a hated communist, he Mussolini was no democrat either - he had made sure of that in Italy. But he realized, like all the others in Europe, that Stalin would stop at nothing until all of Europe was added to the USSR, and all awnserable only to him. Thus it was that he reluctantly joined the Alliance.

The war however, went very badly for Italy. Once the Soviets had crushed an exhausted Greece, Italy knew it was only a matter of time until they were next. Indeed, the threat was so great Italy's colonies broke free near instantly, with little hope of later reversal of the situation - Ethiopia, or Abyssinia had pledged themselves to the Alliance from the beginning. Even during valiant defenses across the Penninsula, all of Italy was occupied by Soviet forces. Furthermore wreaking havoc, most of Italy's vast legions of communists joined with the Soviets to force a relatively early end to Italy's resistance. Morale had briefly improved when the Soviets intercepted Mussolini's convoy heading to Sicily and strung him up. The reign of the Fascists over, the Monarchy assumed interim rule of the nation. However, morale again was destroyed when the Soviets won the Seige Of Rome, breaking through the famous walls and destrying the great defenses. All the royal family was killed, the Assembly buried under the rubble of the Parliament, and in an act of supreme defilement, Pope Pius XII was brutally murdered and hung by his entrails from the rafters of St Peter's Basilica. The Supreme Martyrdom Of Pius is today still mourned and celebrated around the world, for his supreme act of sacrifice.

With the collapse of Italian resistance, Soviet forces moved onto other fronts before the tide of war eventually turned against them. Soviets plans had been to make Italy a centerpoint of Soviet counter-attack resistance, due in part not only to its hard to access location, but also the large base of Communists. However, the Soviets had not forseen that the killing of the Pope, Parliament, and Monarchy would turn most of the communists against them. Soon, Soviet soldiers were losing lives rapidly in the costly occupation, even when punitive measures were harsh, such as the destruction of the entire city of Nice for the entrapment and destruction of the Soviet 686th Corps by the Free Italian Army, the collection of the remnants of the old army, partisans, and foreign volunteers.

It was from this that the main Free Italian Army powerbase, in Tunisia and Libya across the sea, devised their ultimate coup de grace. Soviet planner knew of the power base there, but expected it to be tied down by keeping native Tunisians and Libyans from rebelling. However, they did not know that much of the FIA was Tunisian, or that it had supreme popularity in that region. Thus it was that the FIA XII Legion nominated Quintas Vulso Muhammad, a Tunisian of part Albanian royal descent (from the days of the Ottoman Empire) to lead its army. Uncontested, he decided that they would march on Italy proper and force the Soviets out. Quintas had been a dreamer from the start, who identified with his ancient Carthaginian heritage, as well as old Roman. The Italian Empire had been a failure, he believed, because it was an Italy for Italians only. He would be determined to make the ashes of the old empire into the New Carthage, and ultimately, the New Rome. Thus his XII Legion, or Carthaginian Legion, crossed the Meditteranean into Italy. As luck would have it, the Soviet Union was retreating from the South of Italy, in order to regroup in the North and have a better defense. Events in the year ahead would determine if the significant Soviet remnants would stay in Italy and attempt a reconquest, or start a slow retreat back to Poland.

Quickly establishing a power base, Italians and others from across the empire flocked from all over to his army. Infused with plenty of Italian veterans, Soviet defectors, experienced partisans, and foreign auxilliaries, he would march on Rome, and ultimately drives the Soviets out of the Pyreenes. As a friendly gesture, Abyssinia sent her finest, the Negus Guard to assist under Quintas's command. With the aid of the Negus Guard, he had enough to march on Soviet Rome. In one of the finest battles of the war, Soviet forces were routed. The remnants of the Soviet force started heading across the Pyreenes. While he was too late to catch them, he did not have to wonder where they were going. They had gone to link up with Soviet remnants from the Balkans and Greece, before heading into Ukraine. He sent part of the army to pursue, and the combined Alliance armies decimated this force outside of Transylvania.

With victory firmly his, Quintas Muhammad knew the time was ripe. With great fanfare, he proclaimed himself Muhammad I of the new Carthaginian Empire. While he would subsequently lose Libya in the peace deal, the degree by which Tunisia, now renamed Carthage, was insurmental in the new (rather, old) identity of the country, the subsequent peace deal proclaimed Tunisia a part of Italy, now and forever. His task done, Muhammad I now got down to the details of governance. The country needed much rebuilding. Italy would hence not be very active in the post-war conflicts, such as the American Crusade. It did have a minor part to play in the Second French Revolution, where Savoy ceded themselves from the failing France to Carthage. However, he built up his army, knowing war would come again. While the Soviet Union has been so far governed by the benevolent Premier Romanov, Muhammad knew that it would only be a matter of time. Whether the next conflict came from him, or someone else, he and the Carthaginian Empire would be ready.

Thus it was the Carthaginian Empire entered the year 1972...

Active / Contained Insurrections
- Free Sicilian Army (Alliance)
- Italian Communist party (Communist)
- Italian Soviet Socialist Republic remnants (Soviet)
- Red Italy (Soviet)
- Tiber River Brotherhood (?)
- Lega Nord (Alliance)
- New Roman Empire (?)
- Free Party Of Tunisia (?)
- Holy Papal Army (Alliance)
- Tunisia Communist Party (Communist)
- Empire Revanchists (?)

Successful Rebellions
- Free Ethiopia Army (Alliance)
- Abyssinia Alliance (Alliance)
- Nubian Alives (Alliance)
- Libyan Red State (Communist)
- Somalia Free Peoples Patriotic Front (Soviet)
- The Derg (Communist)

Edited by IconOfEvi, 10 November 2011 - 09:48 AM.

#667 Speeder



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Posted 10 November 2011 - 02:38 AM

Seriously, why aren't you working with us yet? :p


#668 IconOfEvi

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Posted 10 November 2011 - 03:40 AM

Because you never asked :ninja: ...?

To be fair, I haven't really been posting often before.

Edited by IconOfEvi, 10 November 2011 - 06:33 AM.

#669 Zenothist


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 07:39 AM

Seriously, why aren't you working with us yet? :p

That was gonna be my question as well. If the opportunity would arise, would you be interested in working with me on the story, IconOfEvi?

#670 IconOfEvi

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Posted 10 November 2011 - 07:54 AM

Oh hell yes, yes I would :)

#671 UrbanHousing

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Posted 12 November 2011 - 05:04 PM


#672 Graion Dilach

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Posted 12 November 2011 - 05:38 PM

What do you want with that ModEnc tut?

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#673 Zenothist


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Posted 12 November 2011 - 06:40 PM

Yeah, some explanation would be nice. :p

Also, welcome to the forums.

#674 UrbanHousing

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Posted 12 November 2011 - 08:44 PM

I'm not sure if it's possible to generate more than one mutation form, but if that is the case then perhaps listen to this idea:

A unit called "Defiler" infects infantry to mutate and develop into some kind of beast or monster. Upon infection, the first phase will involve the the victim turning into a coccoon(idle state/immovable) that after a while "re-transforms/hatches" into the beastly mutation.

You could perhaps use the Webguy animation as the coccoon state.

But the monster should be something that doesn't look misplaced in this mod.

Edited by UrbanHousing, 12 November 2011 - 10:10 PM.

#675 Darkstorm


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Posted 12 November 2011 - 11:32 PM

The only problem is that mutations are overpowered unless limited. That's why only Rahn and the Genetic Mutator were able to mutate things in MO 2.0.

#676 UrbanHousing

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Posted 13 November 2011 - 01:43 AM

The only problem is that mutations are overpowered unless limited. That's why only Rahn and the Genetic Mutator were able to mutate things in MO 2.0.

Well, possibly a hero for a different subfaction or some tech building tech or mission related.

If a mission, it could be about Allies or Soviets discovering an Epsilon genetic research center in Africa where they have been experimenting with the wildlife there and created some deadly results. Their mission is to eradicate the entire compound and setup a quarantine of some kind. Of course if this turns out like a mess of stupid shit with Zerg manifestations fighting soviet tanks it would just ruin the entire atmosphere. If done right, one might have something interesting coming up here.

But if it lags the game like Mooman's cow's in YR: Squared then it's not even worth it.

Edited by UrbanHousing, 13 November 2011 - 02:08 AM.

#677 Graion Dilach

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Posted 13 November 2011 - 10:33 AM

Lag caused by the memory leak of mutations was fixed within Ares.

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#678 deadstarlights

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Posted 22 November 2011 - 11:09 PM

Id like to see Allied weather Control to either be random types of weather, Ice Storms, Tornado attacks that change when you use it


A combination of differnet weathers that merge together, like tornado mixed with an ice storm and rain and lighting and such
Posted Image

#679 Darkstorm


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Posted 23 November 2011 - 01:54 AM

I don't think random storms are possible but I suppose a different one for each subfaction could be used. I'm also not sure about a tornado. Maybe rain on some maps and snow on others?

Edited by Darkstorm, 23 November 2011 - 01:54 AM.

#680 Zenothist


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Posted 23 November 2011 - 09:17 AM

More diversity in Superweapons.. hmm..

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