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Pre-release Subfaction Design Ideas Thread

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#81 001010011100101110

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 01:30 AM


1.) Not possible AFAIK.

Actually, I've done such a unit before, but it is complicated and works differently than what he really wants.
Using gattling system, you can have a unit who constantly adds and subtracts a value from another unit's strength, thus lowering the required amount of damage needed to destroy that unit, but not actually damaging it. However this is subject to the difference of strength between various units, and also getting a large number of WeaponX= can be time consuming and the effect thus cannot be infinite.

#82 generalcamo

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 01:31 AM

EA: Gunboat
This naval unit replaces the Destroyer for the EA. Revived from the great war, this unit can detect subs, and destroy them without additional support. It is armed with a light 30mm deck gun, and depth charges that can be used for submerged enemy units. However, it must go near the unit (one square) in order for it to be effective. It cannot use the deck gun against subs unless they are above water. Dolphin is unavailable because of this unit.

EA: Missile Cruiser
This unit replaces the aegis missile cruiser for the EA. It is armed with an on deck SSM pack, that can fire at ground units, and at air units somewhat. It is also armed with depth charges, but cannot detect subs too far away like the gunboat can.The missiles are slow but powerful, one missile can take out a harrier, but it needs to get it first. Battleship is unavailable to EA due to this.

#83 DesertRose

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 02:21 AM

Actually, I've done such a unit before, but it is complicated and works differently than what he really wants.
Using gattling system, you can have a unit who constantly adds and subtracts a value from another unit's strength, thus lowering the required amount of damage needed to destroy that unit, but not actually damaging it. However this is subject to the difference of strength between various units, and also getting a large number of WeaponX= can be time consuming and the effect thus cannot be infinite.

I already assumed that a "+x% damage" mechanic can only be codes as "lose x% strength"; dunno, can you set the damage of a weapon to a percentage of the targeted unit? If not you would have to make a different "gattling cannon" for every armor type and give each a certain value to achieve that in average it reduces the target's strength by x%.

#84 Zenothist


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Posted 07 August 2011 - 02:37 AM

A Naval unit that replaces the Destroyer and removes the Dolphin? No can do. We are not just removing units, only replacing.

#85 generalcamo

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 02:45 AM

Thinking about it, the dolphin should not be removed, unless squids are.

#86 Jargalhurts


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Posted 07 August 2011 - 05:03 AM

Here have some more shit,

Allied Pacific Front Submarine:

Susanoo Submarine(replaces Aircraft Carrier or Battleship)
Cost: 2000$
Prerequisite: Allied Tech Center
Weapon: Dual 200mm Siege Cannons
Armor: Heavy
Speed: Same as Aircraft Carrier
Purpose: Siege, Naval Engagement

It seems that the battle logic of Allies and the Soviets change 180 degrees on the sea. The Soviets have the concealed hard to hit submarines, while the Allies have the hard-hitting jet carrying sea monsters. And a submarine program was never implemented in the Allied arsenal. The Pacific dudes decided to do the Allied Navy some justice and therefore they added a submarine. But this submarine is special. It doesn't have any torpedo tubes or other secret weaponry. It's weapon is right on top of it: A fuckin cannon. But not just a cannon, two cannons. But not just two cannons, two extra large cannons that are also used by by the Battleship. Unlike the Battleship, it carries two cannons, because three is just too heavy. Named after the Shinto god of seas and storms, this hulking metal beast will devour your base undetected. But they will will be momentarily revealed when their weapon fires, just like any other sub.

Allied Hero Aircraft(i really didn't want to post this because it was a bit bland, but posting it takes a chunk of frustration out of my body):

Solstice Gunship
Cost: 4000$
Prerequisite: Allied Tech Center
Weapon: "Meteor" Chromeprism Refractor
Armor: Very Heavy
Speed: 8
Purpose: Same as Centurion, only faster at doing it

A faction marks their superiority at a part of a battlefield by creating the strongest unit of that battlefield. Well, that's what Soviets did with the Centurion anyway. They created the best ground unit, signifying that they fuckin own on ground. The Allies are doing the same... on air. This flying behemoth is comparable to a flying Centurion with a pilot inside(Centurion was robot-controlled) and armed with a weapon of higher technology. The Chromeprism is unlike any weapon you have ever seen. An extremely amplified version of the Prism beam infused with the power of the sun. The Chromeprism can fire a destructive beam in a sickly orange color. The beam is so strong that it even creates a beam splash effect that covers a justifiable area. And the extremely potent beam leaves a radiation of orange color that does something much horrifying than the Desolator rad. Its burns infantry, not melt, BURNS. And the potent beam can also disable vehicles due to the electromagnetic fusions going on inside the refractor. But the radiation only damages buildings, but it damages them massively. The ships massive bombarding weapon is also accompanied by extremely large armor, more than the Kirovs, to ensure than it returns to the airbase without getting destroyed. ALSO, this beast takes up 4 airpads. :grin:

Soviet Russian Defense:

DEfensive THermobaric MISsile SILo (DETHMISSIL)
Cost: 2000$
Prerequisite: Soviet Battle Lab
Weapon: Tactical ATBIP Missile (Father of All Bombs)
Power: -200
Purpose: Long Range Defense

This is a weapon that gave the enemies of Russia a massive headache. "A missile silo, for defense, what the hell were you smoking?" once said President Dugan to the Soviets when he first saw the Silo. The Acronym is DETHMISSIL (it seems that it supposed to be DEATH MISSILE but we may never know) and it's armed with the ATBIP also known as the Father of All Bombs. It's a thermobaric bomb that basically disintegrates everything that is caught in it. But the DETHMISSIL comes with a few drawbacks. First it's range is limited, the range detector it has can definitely tell you that. And it is manually controlled. Meaning that you will have to guide the missile itself. And the missile needs 5 minutes to recharge. But the god side is that the timer only shows to the owner of the Silo and the owner can basically pinpoint where to launch the missile by basically selecting a silo and issuing an attack order. Yes, it's that simple. But the DETHMISSIL is no nuke, it's only made to take out incoming masses or hero units.

Epsilon PsiCorps Support Power:

Feign Death
Recharge Time: 8:00
Requires: Research Lab

This here is also a version of the Epsilon's conspiracy. Despite the interesting name, it's more of a temporary upgrade. It plants a death feigning device on units in a 4x4 field. When their health reaches 10% of their maximum health or lower or if they die, they will have their health restored back to 30% of their max health, leave a fake corpse behind and become cloaked. The cloak will be dispelled after 50 seconds or if the unit initiates an attack. This ability is remarked by Allied soldiers as necromancy and dark magic. But the Soviets know better. While cloaked the units are still vulnerable to damage and will not feign death the second time.

Edited by Jargalhurts, 07 August 2011 - 05:10 AM.

Actually Yngwie of Haus Malmsteen, feefty eenches of pure Svwedish beef.

#87 001010011100101110

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 07:13 AM

Actually, I've done such a unit before, but it is complicated and works differently than what he really wants.
Using gattling system, you can have a unit who constantly adds and subtracts a value from another unit's strength, thus lowering the required amount of damage needed to destroy that unit, but not actually damaging it. However this is subject to the difference of strength between various units, and also getting a large number of WeaponX= can be time consuming and the effect thus cannot be infinite.

I already assumed that a "+x% damage" mechanic can only be codes as "lose x% strength"; dunno, can you set the damage of a weapon to a percentage of the targeted unit? If not you would have to make a different "gattling cannon" for every armor type and give each a certain value to achieve that in average it reduces the target's strength by x%.

First of all I should make it clear that I'm not involved in MO, but I can tell you that the only weapon system that comes close to being involved in dealing damage as a percent would be Attack Squid's culling, but it has much drawbacks and limitations. Plus, there are only 11 armortypes, and making more armortypes for every unit is doable in Ares, but I don't see the need just to make one unit. I was merely saying that there was a complicated workaround for your idea to a certain extent.

Edited by 001010011100101110, 07 August 2011 - 07:17 AM.

#88 Speeder



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Posted 07 August 2011 - 09:05 AM

Epsilon PsiCorps Support Power:

Feign Death
Recharge Time: 8:00
Requires: Research Lab

This here is also a version of the Epsilon's conspiracy. Despite the interesting name, it's more of a temporary upgrade. It plants a death feigning device on units in a 4x4 field. When their health reaches 10% of their maximum health or lower or if they die, they will have their health restored back to 30% of their max health, leave a fake corpse behind and become cloaked. The cloak will be dispelled after 50 seconds or if the unit initiates an attack. This ability is remarked by Allied soldiers as necromancy and dark magic. But the Soviets know better. While cloaked the units are still vulnerable to damage and will not feign death the second time.

While this is awesome, there's no way we can code that in. :lol:


#89 Jargalhurts


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Posted 07 August 2011 - 12:04 PM

Can we please know, which ideas from all these is getting implemented?

Also, you guys should make a Detector IFV like the detector drone when a dog is inside the IFV.

Edited by Jargalhurts, 07 August 2011 - 12:07 PM.

Actually Yngwie of Haus Malmsteen, feefty eenches of pure Svwedish beef.

#90 Speeder



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Posted 07 August 2011 - 12:08 PM

You will know once we're done with the side design. It will take some time. ;)


#91 generalcamo

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 02:37 PM

Russia: Tesla Boat
Realizing the potential of tesla technology, the russians decided to put it on the water. Yes, the Tesla boat is a tesla tank on water. The only combat boat the russians have, The tesla boat is a great support to the subs the russians have.It is quite excellent against boats and shore vehicles. A few overzealous pilots have been known to release a discharge into the water, instantly killing any organic units around them, and damaging submerged units. Although, this can damage the tesla boat. This is available to commanders that have a tech center, and a naval yard.

RU: Akula Attack Sub:
Although, slower then the typhoon attack sub, the akula is more heavily armored and has more firepower. Revived from the great war, it was quite excellent against allied destroyers and cruisers, and is now effective against destroyers, aegis cruisers, aircraft carriers, and battleships. It is also less vulnerable to cold damage, due to the winter proofing the unit has. This unit replaces the typhoon attack sub, as they are useless on the icy russian coast.

RU: Missile Sub
This unit was feared during the great war. It could surface, bombard the shoreline, and submerge before the enemy can respond. Armed with an onboard SSM pack, this unit has long range, and powerful missiles. It cannot fire at air units. It must surface to fire, at which it is vulnerable to air units, as it must stay above water as it shoots. Unlike the dreadnaught, it does not need time to launch it, it can launch immediately. However, it is slightly more expensive then the dreadnaught. Due to winter proofing, this unit is less vulnerable to cold damage. This is available to commanders that have a naval yard and tech center.

#92 DesertRose

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 05:38 PM

First of all I should make it clear that I'm not involved in MO, but I can tell you that the only weapon system that comes close to being involved in dealing damage as a percent would be Attack Squid's culling, but it has much drawbacks and limitations. Plus, there are only 11 armortypes, and making more armortypes for every unit is doable in Ares, but I don't see the need just to make one unit. I was merely saying that there was a complicated workaround for your idea to a certain extent.

Don't worry, I was quite aware that you're not a member of the MO team. Also, I know there are only 11 different armor types in RA2, but I didn't know you could add more using Ares. Still, I meant something different: You look at the strength of e.g. all none armor infantry, find out that they have on average 100 strength; then you want this unit to improve the damage of all units against the target by 25% percent, therefore you set this gattling weapon to deal 20 damage. But if enough such gattling units attack a single target wouldn't the be able to instantly destroy it? Or is there some why to prevent that only a single unit can only be targeted by one such attack?

#93 narfnin

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 07:12 PM

EA Special Anti-Armour/Seige Tank:

Magma Tank

Cost: 1800
Primary: Heat Wave
Secondary: Meltdown
Use: Seige and Anti-Armour
Health: High
Speed: Low

Taking the already-existant heat-ray technology from Mirage Tanks, the European Alliance managed to miniaturize the technology. They then put a large group of these Mini Heat Rays in a clump on the Magma Tank's turret, allowing it to fire a stream of searing heat at a target. This allows the Magma Tank to melt through almost any vehicle or structure easily. However, the downside is that the Heat Wave relies on evenly heating the full surface of the enemy Tank or Structure, so infantry will only feel a slight discomfort. The Magma Tank is heavily armoured, due to the fact that upon destruction, the Mini Heat Rays have been known to malfunction, causing the tank to explode quite violently.


Pacific Front Special Naval Unit:

Beachhead Defender

Cost: 1200
Primary: Two (2) .50 Caliber Machine Guns
Secondary: n/a
Use: Coastal Defense
Health: Low
Speed: Med-High

Noticing that while land-based units could easily defend shoreline, if there actually was a land invasion, naval units would be helpless to aid the land-based army. Since they Pacific Front has so much coastline, they created the Beachhead Defender. A small ship armed with dual .50 Caliber Machine Guns, the Beachhead Defender can easily shred apart infantry and do noticeable damage to tanks as well. Its high speed allows it to quickly respond to any surprise landings or to help in the event of a shoreline base being attacked. However, the Beachhead Defender is completely defenseless to underwater units.


Pacific Front Special Structure:

Offshore Power Plant

Cost: 1000
Primary: n/a
Secondary: n/a
Use: Offshore Electricity
Health: Low
Power: +200

Since the Pacific Front has so much coastline and oceanic territory as compared to land, they developed a power plant that they could place at sea to save valuable land. The Offshore Power Plant, while incredibly useful as a space saver, should not be used exclusively, as they are very weak and not as cost-effective as a land based plant. When placed, it is wise to defend them with naval units, or else they are easy targets for enemies.


LC Special Naval Unit:

Kingfisher Submarine

Cost: 2800
Primary: Torpedo Tube
Secondary: "Harpy" Sea-to-Land Missiles
Use: Seige
Health: Low
Speed: Med-Low

Taking inspiration from Yuri's original Boomer Submarines, the Confederation attempted to create their own All-Purpose submarine. While similar weapon-wise to the Classic Boomer, the Kingfisher has a few differences. The first difference is that the Kingfisher's anti-naval tube can only fire one torpedo at a time, as compared to the Classic Boomer's two. Second, is that the Kingfisher's missiles fire more slowly than the Classic Boomer. In fact, the Kingfisher's Harpy Missiles fire more slowly than a Dreadnought's. The third difference is that the Classic Boomer relied on a special drive technology developed by Yuri, which let them move quickly. Kingfishers on the other hand, are quite slow. In order to fit all of the weaponry on to the Kingfisher, the Confederation had to reduce the amount of armour plating or risk immobility. Being a submarine, this was a risky move, and most major attacks will sink the Kingfisher. In groups or in a surprise attack, however, the Kingfisher is a very lethal vessel.


USA Naval Unit:

Swarmfire Cruiser

Cost: 3500
Primary: Swarmer Rockets
Secondary: N/A
Use: Seige
Health: Very Low
Speed: Med-High

Swarmfire Cruisers use specially designed Swarmer Rockets to confuse and cripple enemy bases. While an individual rocket is very weak, they are launched so rapidly that they can do widespread damage. The Cruiser itself has very light armour, in order to make fast attacks and retreats. [The swarmer rocket would have an ROF of like .5 or so, and the Swarmfire Cruiser would have the DistributedFire tag so it spreads the rockets out]

#94 001010011100101110

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 03:41 AM

First of all I should make it clear that I'm not involved in MO, but I can tell you that the only weapon system that comes close to being involved in dealing damage as a percent would be Attack Squid's culling, but it has much drawbacks and limitations. Plus, there are only 11 armortypes, and making more armortypes for every unit is doable in Ares, but I don't see the need just to make one unit. I was merely saying that there was a complicated workaround for your idea to a certain extent.

Don't worry, I was quite aware that you're not a member of the MO team. Also, I know there are only 11 different armor types in RA2, but I didn't know you could add more using Ares. Still, I meant something different: You look at the strength of e.g. all none armor infantry, find out that they have on average 100 strength; then you want this unit to improve the damage of all units against the target by 25% percent, therefore you set this gattling weapon to deal 20 damage. But if enough such gattling units attack a single target wouldn't the be able to instantly destroy it? Or is there some why to prevent that only a single unit can only be targeted by one such attack?

Yes, however not all units of an ArmorClass have the same strength, and sometimes they are quite radically different. BuildLimit set to one obviously solves the second problem, but you can see that gattling logic is not looping, and given the fact that the weapon will only work correctly if the targeted unit is at full health, you can see that this won't end up perfect.

#95 MichaelJ.

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 08:05 AM

Here another idea that could fit to any subfraction:

Decoy Tank

Cost: 150
Primary: N/A
Secondary: N/A
Use: Decoy
Health: Virtully nothing
Speed: depends on the real thing
Build Speed: fast
Special: Randomly create a "decoy tank" depending on your tech level

Security is not all about super modern technology and powerful weapons. The Russian/US Army is being equipped with dummies and decoys.
Even from a distance of only 50 metres, fake military hardware looks exactly like the real thing and it’s effectively used on battlefield positions and to protect Russian/US strategic installations from the eagle eye of surveillance satellites.
Their main task is to distract attention and protect real combat units from strikes.
These Tanks look & move like the real thing, but cost nearly nothing compared to the "real" thing.
Drawback: Will get destroyed instantly if fired at them (at least from non-infantry units)

#96 Zenothist


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Posted 08 August 2011 - 10:53 AM

I love the idea, but I don't think vehicles can disguise as other vehicles. Yet. :p

Disguised units move at their own speed, not that of the disguised unit.. that would actually be a good idea for Ares.

An old school Flame Turret for the Confederation.

#97 generalcamo

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 02:00 PM

Flamethrower: Latin Confederation

The Flame infantry was formally used during the great war, and for a time, in the War of the Omega. The soviets did not like the fact that it exploded on death, and the infantry had to be payed a lot for the unsightly deaths. Now back in service, the flame infantry replaces the tesla trooper, due to a lack of electricity in the region. It fires a ball of fire at units, which explodes in a fiery explosion. They do not care about ethics, so the flame infantry is slightly cheaper then the tesla trooper. While it still explodes on death, research prevents it from hurting flame resistant infantry and tanks. It is effective against infantry, buildings, and light vehicles.

LC: Flame Tank

The flame tank, quick, fast, and deadly. Replacing the tesla tank, the flame tank shoots 2 streams of fire at enemy units. If needed, the flame tank can explode on command, creating a great explosion of napalm, annihilating anything nearby. Unfortunately, it also does this when dieing, leaving only flame infantry safe. It is effective against tanks, infantry, and buildings, but has paper armor.

Tesla Coil: Although still in service for the confederation, lack of parts and electricity raise the power requirement and cost.

#98 Zenothist


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Posted 08 August 2011 - 02:07 PM

We're not going to weaken sides by raising power requirements, costs, removing units or functionality of those units. We're only gonna add or replace. :p

#99 generalcamo

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 02:19 PM

Allright, but most tesla tech should be replaced by flame stuff, it is logical, and it is unique.

#100 Zenothist


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Posted 08 August 2011 - 02:22 PM

Why's it logical? :p

Anyway, the flame particles for RA2 are ugly as sin, and remaking them is gonna cost a lot of time and effort..

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