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Member Since 16 Jun 2003
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2025 02:48 AM

#1109363 Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection has been released!

Posted by Banshee on 06 June 2020 - 06:00 PM

Command & Conquer: Remastered collection has been released yesterday. Here's the press release:




Command & Conquer™ and Command & Conquer™ Red Alert defined the RTS genre 25 years ago, and now they’re back and fully remastered in 4k by the former Westwood Studios team members at Petroglyph. The Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection includes all three expansion packs, rebuilt multiplayer, a modernized UI, Map Editor, bonus gallery of unreleased FMV footage, modding support, and over seven hours of legendary remastered music by Frank Klepacki.

Check out the remastered experience in the official launch trailer below:



Both the Origin and Steam digital Standard Editions include the remastered versions of Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert, plus all three expansion packs (Covert Operations, Counterstrike, and The Aftermath), and tons of bonus features and improvements.

Head over to the PC Specs and Requirements page to find out what you'll need to start your campaign on the battlefield. And if you have any questions about how modding will work in the game, check out our FAQ or dive deeper with the Remaster Update and Open Source / Mod Support article here.

Welcome back, Commander.



It is worth mentioning that we have added support for both Conan Unconquered and Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection here at Petrolution. Also, the OS .BIG Editor tool has been updated to its latest version, with 64 bits support, being able to load and save .meg files, and correctly displaying the high resolution textures (32 bits TGA files) used in C&C: Remastered Collection. Enjoy the game and happy modding!

#1093364 Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert 1 being remastered by Petroglyph!

Posted by Banshee on 14 November 2018 - 09:34 PM

Some of you guys might think that this announcement belongs to our friends over CnC Guild than here, but we are truly thrilled to confirm that  Command & Conquer Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert 1 are being remastered at Petroglyph Studios and being published by EA. Frank Klepacki will be doing the music, of course. The announcement comes from the official source and we'll quote it below:




Fellow Command & Conquer fans,

A month ago, we let the Command & Conquer™ community know we were bringing the franchise back to the PC, starting with a remaster initiative.  The reaction from fans has been amazing, with many of you sharing your favorite C&C moments from the past 23 years. We have been reading these comments and listening intently.  And now, we are ready to reveal our first PC offering and how your suggestions are already influencing our approach.


Today, I’m thrilled to tell you we are going back to the beginning. We have decided to remaster Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn. And while this is incredibly exciting on its own, we’re also aware of how passionate the community is about the Red Alert universe.  So, we will also remaster the original Command & Conquer: Red Alert™.  But what about the classic expansion packs you may ask - Covert Ops, Counterstrike, and Aftermath?  Well, C&C and Red Alert wouldn’t be the same without them, so all three expansion packs will be bundled with the base games into one remastered collection - without microtransactions.


In addition to the excitement and support of this remaster initiative over the past month, there has also been a healthy skepticism that we can pull this off. How are we possibly going to remaster these titles while maintaining the authenticity of the original experiences? Bottom line, there is no better way to achieve this than to partner with some of the talented developers who brought these original games to life.

So, after years of the fans asking for their involvement, I am humbled to announce that EA is going to partner with Petroglyph Games to develop the C&C remastered collection.




Petroglyph Games includes many of the original developers from Westwood Studios, and some of the most influential members of the original Command & Conquer development team from 1995. Joe Bostic is known as the co-creator of C&C, having also served as the Lead Programmer on Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert. Steve Tall joined Joe as a Lead Programmer on Red Alert, and Mike Legg contributed to all forms of audio systems at Westwood, having been an employee since 1986!  All three members helped start Petroglyph Games in 2003 after the closure of Westwood and are joined by a veteran group of RTS developers from the past 15+ years. And don’t think we haven’t noticed the #1 request from the community in all the comments from the past month...  You want Frank Klepacki. So as a cherry on top for the fans, we are thrilled to announce that Frank will be re-joining Petroglyph Games to be our Composer and Audio Director for the remaster collection!


On a personal note, I can tell you the past few weeks have been surreal. During my first visit to Petroglyph, I was able to brainstorm “C&C feel” with Joe, sit with Frank and hear him recite Commando lines, and gab with Steve about whether we should fix the Tib Dawn Harvester AI.  Getting to chat C&C with the original developers has been one of the highlights of my gamer journey, and I can’t wait for all the incredible conversations to come.

In addition to the fantastic team at Petroglyph, we will also be partnering with Lemon Sky Studios to help bring these original games to 4k glory. Lemon Sky is one of the premier art studios around the world, with a unique specialty in remastering classic RTS titles.  After meeting their team and hearing their passion for C&C, we are incredibly lucky to have them team up with Petroglyph to develop the highest quality C&C possible.

The exciting part is that we haven’t started development yet. The community is literally getting in on the ground floor of this project and have every opportunity to help influence how we build this remastered experience. Please continue to engage on Reddit and community channels and help us create the best possible remasters of C&C and Red Alert!

Welcome Back, Commander!


Jim Vessella






Post your comments here and hint your C&C friends ;).

#1062950 Battle Blitz has been released.

Posted by Banshee on 29 July 2017 - 03:57 AM

Hello everyone. Today, while browsing the web, I've found out about something Petroglyph has just released. For modding, it is useless. But if you have a Gear VR, it might be fun if you have 5 dollars to spare. It is called Battle Blitz.




There isn't much material to share about this game yet and probably there won't be. Here's how the site I've linked above describes the project:




Embark on a fun and challenging "lite" Real-Time Strategy campaign against an AI bent on your destruction! Construct your base, build your army, and determine your strategy of attack. Every map provides a unique challenge with new units, obstacles, and traps to contend with. You can even advance your technology to build the fearsome nuclear silo and rain molten destruction on your enemy! As you level up your character, you’ll earn rewards for technology advancements that can be placed into your own custom maps to share with other players. Other features include Touch controller support, an in-game tutorial, leaderboards, map editor, and the classic base-building, economy management, and strategic battles that strategy players love to dig into.








It seems that any similarity with 8-Bits Armies is not a mere coincidence. If you are interested in the game, click in any of the pictures and have fun. Thanks to Plokite_Wolf for the tip.

#1048253 Mike.nl's tools source code are now available on GitHub

Posted by Banshee on 24 January 2017 - 04:34 AM

Hello everyone! Our friend Mike.nl, from Petrolution Mod Tools, has posted the source code from pratically all his tools on GitHub. It uses the MIT License, so anyone can fork it follow this license... and yea, you'll need the latest Visual Studio to compile the code and some C++ skills to understand it.




His GlyphX Tools includes:


- alo-viewer

- particle-editor

- lua-converter

- string-editor

- mtd-editor

- animation-converter

- chunk-viewer

- map-preview-extractor



So, it's a jewel! Everything you need to know about the file formats used in the Alamo Engine, from Petroglyph Games, is there.  Have fun!

#1044463 Happy Holidays: OS BIG Editor support for 8-Bit and Site Updated

Posted by Banshee on 25 December 2016 - 06:02 AM

Hello everyone! We wish you a happy holidays, regardless of your religion or if you even have holidays in the next days. And, in order to celebrate the occasion, we've decided to bring some life back to this place. Starting by the fact that many of you might be aware that Petroglyph Games has released 8-Bit Armies, 8-Bit Hordes and 8-Bit Invaders, in this year. In fact, 8-Bit Invaders was released only 9 days ago. You see? We are not that late into bring this news for you. Only miserable nine days. And of course, there is a trailer to explain to you what is it about and give a glimpse on the graphics and some of its features:




And, of course, we are adding support for these games here in Petrolution. Specially, because we do enjoy fun RTS games released by Petroglyph Games.


In fact, we've repaired all our content and updated the game icons for some of them, for the site revival.


But... some of you may be wondering... after all, isn't Petrolution a site about game modifications? Are these 8-Bit stuff moddable? To be honest, we don't know how much it could be modded. The Steam Discussions Forum for 8-Bit Invaders doesn't have a single topic about modding the game. If you browse its directory, you'll notice that it reminds a lot Empire at War in some sense. Afterall, both use the Alamo engine, except that it has received some upgrades in these years. And EAW is very modding friendly, which means that the current Alamo engine is still friendly with many things. However, so far I only could figure out that they allow you to customize the in game music quite easily there. However, we certainly want much more than tweaking the music of the game, right?


So, there is another occasional bonus of this place: we are offering you in first hand the latest version of OS: BIG Editor. This tool was supporting .MEG files for a while, but now it opens the encrypted config.meg files from Grey Goo and 8-Bit Armies, Hordes and Invaders. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out the Key and Initial Vectors from End of Nations beta, otherwise, I would have added support for that too :p.





Anyway, OS: BIG Editor is not the first tool to support these encrypted config.meg files, since Mike.nl was the one who figured it out and implemented this knowledge at his Mega File Editor.


So, that should allow you to modify the XML files that are used to specify the features, powers and weapons from each unit. Does the Alamo engine used in 8-Bit Armies reads external files? Is there any volunteer to figure it out and share this knowledge with us? Post your thoughts here and, if these games are really moddable as they seem to be, we'll create dedicated modding forums here.


So, share the word and enjoy the place: Petrolution lives!

#1023104 Estou Com Problemas No Command Conquer 3 Tiberiuns Wars

Posted by Banshee on 08 January 2016 - 09:36 PM

Caro Daniel,

Em primeiro lugar, se você tem expectativas de que o Google Translator possa ser uma forma útil de comunicação, você tem que fazer um esforço para que isso aconteça. A língua nativa desse fórum é o inglês e eu sou um dos raros daqui que falam português. Mas eu não faço parte da equipe do C&C: Online (tenho outras funções aqui no Revora), portanto minha ajuda vai ser bastante limitada.

Pra ajudar ao Google Translator funcionar, use pontuação. Ponto final no fim da sentença, vírgulas para separar ideias da mesma forma que você faria para escrever uma redação para o vestibular. Use letras maiúsculas para início de frases, etc. Senão, não há Google Translator que faça milagre e a tendência é que você acabe sendo ignorado por quem realmente poderia te ajudar.

Em relação ao problema que você está tendo, de conta incorreta, o Steam não tem culpa de nada e a ferramenta do C&C Online também não. Você precisa criar um Server Name Login (nome) e um Server Password (senha).

Isso tá na segunda tela do tutorial a seguir:

Pra isso, vá no site oficial do C&C: Online em:

Use o seu nome e senha do Revora pra se logar lá. Depois você escolhe o nome e a senha do servidor (Server Login Name e Server Password). Use uma senha diferente que você usa em outros lugares, pois Revora armazena elas em texto sem qualquer tipo de proteção (portanto, se esse lugar for hackeado, eles vão saber seu nome e senha).

Depois de confirmar, entre no jogo pelo C&C: Online e coloque esse Server Login Name e Server Password dentro do jogo pra entrar online. Boa sorte e divirta-se.

The same text in english:

Dear Daniel,

First of all, if you have any expectations that Google Translator may be a useful tool for communication, you'll need to do some effort to make it happen. The native language of these forums is english and I am one of a kind who is able to speak portuguese here. However, I am not part of C&C: Online's team (I have other roles in Revora), so my ability to help you will be very limited.

In order to help Google Translator to work correctly, use punctuation. Punctuation to end sentences, commas to split ideas. Write text in the same way you'd write a composition for an university admission test. Use capital letters in the beginning of the sentences, etc. If you don't do that, Google Translator won't be able to operate miracles and the tendency is that your messages will be ignored by those who could really help you.

Regarding the incorrect account problem that you having, Steam and C&C Online tool can't be blamed. You need to create a Server Name Login (name) and a Server Password (password).

This is in the second step from the following tutorial:

To create the login and password, go to the official C&C: Online website at:

Use your name and password from Revora to login there. Then, you choose a name and password from the server (Server Login Name e Server Password). Use a password that you don't use anywhere else, because Revora stores them in plain text (in short, if this place gets hacked, they will know your name and password).

After confirming your server name and password, open the game using C&C: Online and use these Server Login Name e Server Password inside the game to get online. Good luck and have fun.

#1008765 The Great Revorian Quiz

Posted by Banshee on 15 July 2015 - 06:52 PM

MattTheLegoman here.

#1001064 YR Argentina officially Dead

Posted by Banshee on 18 April 2015 - 06:41 AM

I've brought the corpse for the funeral. ;)

#975782 Was old YRArg completely deleted?

Posted by Banshee on 03 September 2014 - 07:14 AM


Note: For security reasons, pafiledb was not re-uploaded.

#974308 Generals/Revora Server cant handle this atm ?

Posted by Banshee on 18 August 2014 - 08:06 PM

The error 503 happens with accounts that makes a higher usage of hard disk. The problem has raised with the high activity and constant errors at the C&C: Online, which reduces the availability of the server I/O resources (probably due to services being restarted, logs being written, etc). In PPM's case, the problem is that it handles many sites in a single account, with some popular projects such as Twisted Insurrection and The Dawn of the Tiberium Age. That's why it suffers more error 503s than Revora's main account. I'll tone down this issue in the next days. CNCNZ's case is slightly more complicated, because it is very active and it uses some heavy softwares. But I think that, even if I move some sites out of PPM's main account, we'll still have a lot of error 503s in several hostees if C&C: Online continues to be unstable and requires a lot of restarts.

#973152 Kanes Wrath Custom Maps

Posted by Banshee on 09 August 2014 - 08:33 PM

Don't you get bored of playing the same maps all the time? Specially these predictable maps from EA? Guess what? Some people get bored of these maps and they prefer to play other maps with their friends.

#965937 Revora Hosting for a UE4 based Project

Posted by Banshee on 11 July 2014 - 04:13 AM

What is revora's Uptime/Downtime like?

It's complicated to predict. Revora is usually online all the time, but there is a higher chance of giving 503 errors during the backup time, which happens once a day.

Do you guy's offer SVN or GIT Support? If so how much space do you guys offer for Source Control?

Revora offers SVN. Regarding the space usage, it is usually unmettered, but it may take into account these plans if there is any sort of abuse. No GIT support as far as I know.

We do not need a web site upfront but we do need a SVN repo. But we will need a website later down the line. My question is will we be able to get just a private GIT or private SVN repo for our project and a Website with CPanel support later?

I think that it could be possible. Although I have an admin rank, I'm not responsible for hosting here.

If it comes down to and I have to pay for more space for the project, Who or what would I go through?

Talk to Phil.

#964068 Server Update

Posted by Banshee on 02 July 2014 - 01:45 AM

You should ask GameSpy about the official server being still running, although I would not recommend you to do that (it may remind them to take it offline and some people may be pissed off with that) :p.

#957474 I have been here for Ten Years

Posted by Banshee on 18 May 2014 - 02:01 PM

Good luck and have a good trip, Hostile! :)

Speak away though, I was simply entertaining myself at someone else's expense. Namely whomever posts next.

Err.... Uh oh...

#954511 error defeat automatic 1.06

Posted by Banshee on 19 April 2014 - 04:35 AM

¿Habla usted español? Creo que usted está teniendo dificultades para entender lo que se está escribiendo en el tutorial Forshire. Yo no hablo español (mi lengua es el portuguésde Brasil ), pero creo que con la ayuda de Google Translator usted entenderá lo que estoy diciendo:

1) Vaya al directorio de su BFME.

2) Quitar el archivo LOTRBFMe.dat

3) Después, ejecute el archivo lotrbfme_inst.exe que se encuentra dentro de este archivo zip.

Tenga en cuenta que no hay notificación de que el problema se resolvió.
¡Buena suerte!

Do you speak spanish? I believe you are having a hard time to understand what is being said at Forshire's tutorial. I do not speak spanish (my native language is portuguese from Brazil), however, I believe that you'll understand what I'm saying with the help from Google Translator.
1) Go to your BFME directory
2) Delete the file LOTRBFMe.dat.
3) Then, execute the file lotrbfme_inst.exe that is in this zip file.
Bear in mind that there is no notification what so ever that the problem has been solved.
Good luck!

In a short note: the link to the zip file inside that tutorial is messed up. The one in this post works correctly.