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Pre-release Suggestions Thread

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#441 eil

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Posted 06 April 2011 - 07:08 PM

can you make some way to quick-restart skirmish, or maybe so it remembers last skirmish positions and groups?

#442 Aasgier


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Posted 20 April 2011 - 02:41 PM

Something I'm questioning since I played RA2 for the first time, is why the Soviet Barracks are such a tall structure. In military terms, high structures are very vulnerable and visible and therefore, designers try to keep vehicles and bunkers as low as they can.
Also, said statue is ugly.

#443 IconOfEvi

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Posted 05 May 2011 - 08:47 AM

I dunno about the Soviet Barracks...then again they took RA2 less seriously, so....meh

Anyways, I upgraded my map a bit. Im just doing it for fun, but I'm still keeping MO in mind, otherwise it'd be a lot different :ninja:

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#444 FiReStOrM^

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Posted 02 June 2011 - 06:35 AM

I was just wondering if it would be possible to add the ability to change unit stances in 3.0?

Like the stances that are available in RA3 for example, things like Hold Fire, Aggressive, etc.. Sorry I can't remember them all I'll try get on RA3 asap to get them all.

EDIT: Oh and the ability to add more team buttons to the command bar.. I hate only being able to have 3 :(

I dunno about the Soviet Barracks...then again they took RA2 less seriously, so....meh

Anyways, I upgraded my map a bit. Im just doing it for fun, but I'm still keeping MO in mind, otherwise it'd be a lot different :ninja:

Not sure if it was deliberate or not, but the UK is not called "The United Kingdoms". It's called The "United Kingdom"

Another thing I quickly noticed is under Austrailia. Although I assume this one is deliberate.. It's "New South Wales" not "New Wales"

Anyway cool map man, although this being my first viewing of it I am quite confused about it lol.

Edited by FiReStOrM^, 03 June 2011 - 05:01 AM.

#445 Aasgier


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Posted 04 June 2011 - 01:30 PM

The world map is a bit off idd, though the influental area's are allright (which is Allied/Soviet).

I was more suprised by his thinking about Japan, being a puppet state of the United States (why would that happen, esp if WW2 did not take place at all), and the United Kingdom controlling a part of France (again, why would that happen?). Also, where did Persia go? The Ayatollah's wouldn't get the power with the Soviets knocking on their doorstep, I think.

#446 OmegaBolt


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Posted 04 June 2011 - 02:21 PM

Not sure if it was deliberate or not, but the UK is not called "The United Kingdoms". It's called The "United Kingdom"

I assume he's called it the United Kingdoms because it now includes Ireland, although if Ireland was part of the union it would still have simply been "United Kingdom" because of course it would only be ruled by one king.

Another thing I quickly noticed is under Austrailia. Although I assume this one is deliberate.. It's "New South Wales" not "New Wales"

New South Wales is an existing province of Australia.

the United Kingdom controlling a part of France (again, why would that happen?).

England has previously owned areas of France, so I guess that's simply where the idea came from. After Norman invasion we had close ties with Brittany, Normandy and Flanders until France conquered the territory. Clearly judging by other nations on the map he's taken a lot from Medieval history.

Anyway as he said it's just for fun. A couple of years ago now I did get quite far into the planning stages of a mod based on Medieval history (albeit in the future) with the United Kingdom, Holy Roman Empire and the Russian Empire as playable factions, with the Byzantine's as a potential 4th side.

Edited by OmegaBolt, 04 June 2011 - 02:26 PM.

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#447 FiReStOrM^

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Posted 05 June 2011 - 12:56 AM

The world map is a bit off idd, though the influental area's are allright (which is Allied/Soviet).

I was more suprised by his thinking about Japan, being a puppet state of the United States (why would that happen, esp if WW2 did not take place at all), and the United Kingdom controlling a part of France (again, why would that happen?). Also, where did Persia go? The Ayatollah's wouldn't get the power with the Soviets knocking on their doorstep, I think.

I too did find the American Japan thing a little odd don't get me wrong. I also don't understand the "new" "United States" sucking in Canada, Greenland and Iceland? Or is Greenland the "Republic of Germany"? I dunno?

Firstly sorry if I've made this way off topic, just posting my questions on the map, and please don't think I am criticizing or anything.. Just curious what the map is all about.

#448 Graion Dilach

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Posted 05 June 2011 - 09:15 AM

Heh, Hungary is lasted as a Soviet country, yet it's fused into the Central European Allies. xD

No Yuri... then what's the connection.

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#449 IconOfEvi

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Posted 07 June 2011 - 11:25 PM

To address some issues, more or less yes OmegaBolt's observations are right - a lot was due to old medieval and other issues that in lieu of WWII, did resurface.

I understand the United Kingdom is the proper name, but I figured adding a few more countries to the throne would make the name need more impact - yes, now the kingdoms of Normandy, Brittany, Ireland, Sierra Leone as well as all of them in India are part of the throne.

Some other issues I'll clear

* Japan is not a puppet state. Its a bunch of actual states in the Union. As for whether WWII happened or not, we know Nazi Germany did not rise, but the universe is not very clear about the Pacific theater. In RA2, while it might have just been for showing off the landmarks, the Iwo Jima memorial is in the game, as well as the memorial at Pearl Harbor. I just took it and ran with it.

* Persia is part of the Soviet Union - it is one of the SSRs. All the red is USSR. I'll prob add more SSRs.

* As for all the American territory in the Western Hemisphere, I just took it that without WWII, the USA took the Monroe Doctrine and ran with it. This is the result XD. However, in beween the first great war and the start of the second (the RA2 war), Communist revolutions occurred across the continent. They won in places, they lost. Some joined the USSR

Some other things I really should clear up, starting with Europe

* Still not sure if I should call the Scandinavian Union the Kalmar Union, which is what it was called long ago.

* The Netherlands has taken back Belgium. Also, after the first war, the UK had to give up MOST of its colonies - the Netherlands has again acquired South Africa. However, they lost the rest of the empire to new players like the soon to be Oceania (Australia - New Zealand with the new territories like Indonesia and Malaysia). This isn't seen as a bad deal for the Netherlands, as Zuid Afrika is immensely loyal

* A note on the UK - they lost most of their colonies as a result of the post first war peace deal, keeping India only as a result of treasuring it the most, as well it being loyal. As a a result, India for all intents and purposes is now a part of the UK. However, inbetween the wars, relations with France went down - a war occurred which saw Britain in the war retake a lot of land they lost centuries ago, though not all of it - this has resulted in a resurgent and confident UK. A welcome development after America waged war on all countries in Europe still owning territory in the Western Hemisphere. This war resulted in the rest of the colonies splintering off and forming their own nations. Britain is currently a huge world power

* After the first war, Spain and Portugal faced rising nationalism, and as a result, are under an experimental union republic. While they both lost any Western Hemisphere territory, as well as Goa/Macau, they gained quite a bit in Africa like Morroco, and Angola is still in for the moment.

* Germany went through massive nationalism movements after the end of the first war, with a special emphasis on reversing Versailles. Thanks to Germany's contribution during the war, along with how much Germany suffered during the Soviet invasion and long occupation of Berlin, only France opposed the reunification of all Germany. In addition, the Baltics wished to join. During subsequent war with Poland and France (among others like Bohemia, Italy), they took back (again) territory like Alsace-Lorraine, as well as what Poland took earlier. The subsequent loss caused Poland to suffer massive revolution, and they then joined the USSR, along with many others. Germany at present is at its most powerful it has ever been. But they worry about those Soviet tanks across the border...

* Italy, while she never was able to gain the port in Yugoslavia that she wanted, she was able to conduct some expeditions in Africa. After war with Germany, while she did lose Libya in the peace deal, the people of Tunisia forced a reunion with Italy, with the condition that Italy now be a union republic.

* Yugoslavia - Im not sure yet whether they should be Soviet aligned or Allied aligned

* Greece/Byzantine Empire - after the first war, and Greece's immense contribution to that war, as well as Turkey's nominal support for the Soviet Union, Greece finally reconquered Constantinople after centuries of its loss to the Ottomans. The resultant nationalism caused Greece to complete the war and have others acknowledge their annexation of Turkey, as well as snips of the Soviet Union. After the war, the return of the Byzantine Empire was gleefully proclaimed - this also had the result of pacifying the non-Greeks in the republican union.

#450 Aasgier


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Posted 09 June 2011 - 12:32 PM

Still, how would Persia be a part of the Soviet Union. Their Sjah would DEFINATELY not like that and I'm pretty sure he would even ally with the Ayatollah's to get rid of the USSR trying to invade Persia. If Yuri would try to invade, he would ask the Allies for reïnforcements. With the British East Indies nearby, that seems the best solution.
Therefore, Persia should be Allied.

Also, that Africa is devided is actually very logical, same for South America.

Also, some countries had very strong pacifist movements at times.
I don't think the Netherlands could EVER attack Belgium after 1850 or so, for example.

However, a lot of decolonization would've happened anyway because countries didn't want to keep their colonies much longer. Some countries would be independent for sure... though not all.

#451 IconOfEvi

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Posted 10 June 2011 - 04:36 AM

Still, how would Persia be a part of the Soviet Union. Their Sjah would DEFINATELY not like that and I'm pretty sure he would even ally with the Ayatollah's to get rid of the USSR trying to invade Persia. If Yuri would try to invade, he would ask the Allies for reïnforcements. With the British East Indies nearby, that seems the best solution.
Therefore, Persia should be Allied.

Also, that Africa is devided is actually very logical, same for South America.

Also, some countries had very strong pacifist movements at times.
I don't think the Netherlands could EVER attack Belgium after 1850 or so, for example.

However, a lot of decolonization would've happened anyway because countries didn't want to keep their colonies much longer. Some countries would be independent for sure... though not all.

Just assume Mossadegh turned out to be hardcore or invited the Soviets to keep him in power like when they did their work in Afghanistan :p

Im also assuming as a central device rising and rolling nationalism. Without WW2 to contain it all, a lot of stuff happened that were stopped in our time. Widespread social movements changed a lot.

A note on Yuri, I'll pinpoint a lot of his cells soon I guess, but officially, he has no 'country' to speak of. His cells operate within countries, like Scorpion, etc

#452 Consript

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Posted 29 June 2011 - 02:12 AM

When MO 3.0 close beta? :lol:
I come from an other region, I write English not good. Do you understand?

Y!M and Email: Taigamathoi@yahoo.com

#453 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 29 June 2011 - 06:44 AM

When MO 3.0 close beta? :lol:

When we're done with it

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#454 SinceRA1

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Posted 07 July 2011 - 10:15 PM

Hi! This is my first post. I'm new to MO, but I think its awesome! I've been playing red alert1/2 fr years (RA3 sucks IMO). I give props to Speeder (u r the man!). ((btw I cant get patch2 to work? I downloaded it, transferred to the RA2 folder and clicked on MO to play it, but nothing happened.)) Anyways, I have only played a little bit of MO, so I will list some of the suggestions I have (btw Im not trying to sound rude or sound like a critic, so plz dont take them personal. I'm just voicing my option:

-there is no "tech stolen" saying in the game.
-I like the no mind-control towers. The railgun tower's graphics are ok, but it really needs a nice, loud railgun sound effect and it should be a bit more powerful.
-Epsilon should have a cooler-looking anti-infantry turret. Its creative, but not my cup of tea.
-Barracuda (aka the B2) should have an actual bomb drop out of it, not a homing missile).
-The palace should be 1250k per minute IMO.
-The Centurion seige crawler (awesome idea!) should along with the defender should get a huge graphic ipdate.
-prehaps there should be a "powers" tab for backwarp and other superweapons
-Epsilon should have the fastest, cheapest units. I think of them as the GLA strategy-wise like (Allies=USA) and (Soviets=Allies)
-It seems that Epsilon needs a fun boost to keep them up with allies and soviets.
-Adding N. Korea, China, and USSR was brilliant but I would have had Italy instead of Greece. (btw why isnt there a 5th Epsilon country?)
-Tone down the prism tanks range or rate of fire...acually make all the Ally tanks weaker. ((Allies have the best navy, air-force, general defense w/ g cannons, snipers, and gap generator, so their tanks should not be really good IMO))
-Snipers/Virus/Centurion should cost way way more
-Rahn and some other Epsilon infantry units should be stealth maybe Virus.
-btw I cant load a game . I get an error box that says that I might have the wrong mod opened and I get booted.
-I didnt see the Mobile Illusion in the game. Good idea.
-there should be a shroud option. "No shroud" will be a regular game. but "Yes shroud" game would have shroud (not total darkness) covering the remote areas. What about the spy satellite? I think it should be a power for "Yes shroud" games(like the internet in generals), so alles will be able to see the map every minute or 45secs.
-MAKE THE AL SMARTER PLZ!! Program them to actually attack you from the sea with siege weapons. Have them actually build a engineer to repair the bridges. Have them build around outposts...ect. It seems that in MO they just turtle more, and really dont use all their money to there full advantage. Also, make them attack ur attacking force with a force. Make them build hordes maybe have a setting called legendary or something that is almost suicide lol.
-btw does online work? That should be a prime target to prefect.
-I like the infantry smaller but not 70%, I think 80% would be better.
-Epsilon should have a tunnel or teleport nextork to transport units quickly.
-make typhoon attack subs more powerful (they truly should be kings of the deep sea).
-Epsilon should be able to build fake buildings and have a stealth defense trap.
-My friend wanted me to add that harriers should be able to hover for a couple of seconds, and that there should be a power option for buildings (which I disagree with).
-China's special tank should have a greater range
-crazy ivan should be quicker and his bomb should be super powerful. Allies have Navy seals, yet they have a crappy unit that noone uses)
-make Transports have a way higher armor.
-change the Starflare a little bc it looks too much like a MiG lol.
.......thats all I can think of off the top of my head. Overall awesome game! Great ideas like the saboteur as sov spy! I really hope online works so all of my friends and me can play together!

#455 Speeder



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Posted 07 July 2011 - 10:59 PM

Hi, my responses in red.

Hi! This is my first post. I'm new to MO, but I think its awesome! I've been playing red alert1/2 fr years (RA3 sucks IMO). I give props to Speeder (u r the man!). ((btw I cant get patch2 to work? I downloaded it, transferred to the RA2 folder and clicked on MO to play it, but nothing happened.)) Anyways, I have only played a little bit of MO, so I will list some of the suggestions I have (btw Im not trying to sound rude or sound like a critic, so plz dont take them personal. I'm just voicing my option:

-there is no "tech stolen" saying in the game. - what do you mean? EVA does not say "Technology stolen"?
-I like the no mind-control towers. The railgun tower's graphics are ok, but it really needs a nice, loud railgun sound effect and it should be a bit more powerful. - It will get a new sound.
-Epsilon should have a cooler-looking anti-infantry turret. Its creative, but not my cup of tea.
-Barracuda (aka the B2) should have an actual bomb drop out of it, not a homing missile). - Barracuda is not B2. It fires a bunker-buster missile.
-The palace should be 1250k per minute IMO. - No way..
-The Centurion seige crawler (awesome idea!) should along with the defender should get a huge graphic ipdate. - What's wrong with the current ones?
-prehaps there should be a "powers" tab for backwarp and other superweapons - No can do.
-Epsilon should have the fastest, cheapest units. I think of them as the GLA strategy-wise like (Allies=USA) and (Soviets=Allies) - Low tier Epsilon is like that, high tier Epsilon gets some more sophisticated technology.
-It seems that Epsilon needs a fun boost to keep them up with allies and soviets. - Example?
-Adding N. Korea, China, and USSR was brilliant but I would have had Italy instead of Greece. (btw why isnt there a 5th Epsilon country?) - This is no longer relevant to 3.0 approach.
-Tone down the prism tanks range or rate of fire...acually make all the Ally tanks weaker. ((Allies have the best navy, air-force, general defense w/ g cannons, snipers, and gap generator, so their tanks should not be really good IMO))
-Snipers/Virus/Centurion should cost way way more - Sniper/Virus has been removed from standard build tier, Centurion has been nerfed.
-Rahn and some other Epsilon infantry units should be stealth maybe Virus. - No.. you don't want that. Seriously.
-btw I cant load a game . I get an error box that says that I might have the wrong mod opened and I get booted.
-I didnt see the Mobile Illusion in the game. Good idea.
-there should be a shroud option. "No shroud" will be a regular game. but "Yes shroud" game would have shroud (not total darkness) covering the remote areas. What about the spy satellite? I think it should be a power for "Yes shroud" games(like the internet in generals), so alles will be able to see the map every minute or 45secs.
-MAKE THE AL SMARTER PLZ!! Program them to actually attack you from the sea with siege weapons. Have them actually build a engineer to repair the bridges. Have them build around outposts...ect. It seems that in MO they just turtle more, and really dont use all their money to there full advantage. Also, make them attack ur attacking force with a force. Make them build hordes maybe have a setting called legendary or something that is almost suicide lol.
-btw does online work? That should be a prime target to prefect.
-I like the infantry smaller but not 70%, I think 80% would be better. - It's 90% now.
-Epsilon should have a tunnel or teleport nextork to transport units quickly.
-make typhoon attack subs more powerful (they truly should be kings of the deep sea).
-Epsilon should be able to build fake buildings and have a stealth defense trap.
-My friend wanted me to add that harriers should be able to hover for a couple of seconds, and that there should be a power option for buildings (which I disagree with).
-China's special tank should have a greater range - It doesn't exist in 3.0.
-crazy ivan should be quicker and his bomb should be super powerful. Allies have Navy seals, yet they have a crappy unit that noone uses) - Crazy Ivan is indeed a speedy unit in 3.0 and is much more effective.
-make Transports have a way higher armor.
-change the Starflare a little bc it looks too much like a MiG lol.
.......thats all I can think of off the top of my head. Overall awesome game! Great ideas like the saboteur as sov spy! I really hope online works so all of my friends and me can play together!


#456 TheQuackSavior


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Posted 08 July 2011 - 05:55 AM

Hi! This is my first post. I'm new to MO, but I think its awesome! I've been playing red alert1/2 fr years (RA3 sucks IMO). I give props to Speeder (u r the man!). ((btw I cant get patch2 to work? I downloaded it, transferred to the RA2 folder and clicked on MO to play it, but nothing happened.)) Anyways, I have only played a little bit of MO, so I will list some of the suggestions I have (btw Im not trying to sound rude or sound like a critic, so plz dont take them personal. I'm just voicing my option:

-there is no "tech stolen" saying in the game.
-I like the no mind-control towers. The railgun tower's graphics are ok, but it really needs a nice, loud railgun sound effect and it should be a bit more powerful.
-Epsilon should have a cooler-looking anti-infantry turret. Its creative, but not my cup of tea.
-Barracuda (aka the B2) should have an actual bomb drop out of it, not a homing missile).
-The palace should be 1250k per minute IMO.
-The Centurion seige crawler (awesome idea!) should along with the defender should get a huge graphic ipdate.
-prehaps there should be a "powers" tab for backwarp and other superweapons
-Epsilon should have the fastest, cheapest units. I think of them as the GLA strategy-wise like (Allies=USA) and (Soviets=Allies)
-It seems that Epsilon needs a fun boost to keep them up with allies and soviets.
-Adding N. Korea, China, and USSR was brilliant but I would have had Italy instead of Greece. (btw why isnt there a 5th Epsilon country?)
-Tone down the prism tanks range or rate of fire...acually make all the Ally tanks weaker. ((Allies have the best navy, air-force, general defense w/ g cannons, snipers, and gap generator, so their tanks should not be really good IMO))
-Snipers/Virus/Centurion should cost way way more
-Rahn and some other Epsilon infantry units should be stealth maybe Virus.
-btw I cant load a game . I get an error box that says that I might have the wrong mod opened and I get booted.
-I didnt see the Mobile Illusion in the game. Good idea.
-there should be a shroud option. "No shroud" will be a regular game. but "Yes shroud" game would have shroud (not total darkness) covering the remote areas. What about the spy satellite? I think it should be a power for "Yes shroud" games(like the internet in generals), so alles will be able to see the map every minute or 45secs.
-MAKE THE AL SMARTER PLZ!! Program them to actually attack you from the sea with siege weapons. Have them actually build a engineer to repair the bridges. Have them build around outposts...ect. It seems that in MO they just turtle more, and really dont use all their money to there full advantage. Also, make them attack ur attacking force with a force. Make them build hordes maybe have a setting called legendary or something that is almost suicide lol.
-btw does online work? That should be a prime target to prefect.
-I like the infantry smaller but not 70%, I think 80% would be better.
-Epsilon should have a tunnel or teleport nextork to transport units quickly.
-make typhoon attack subs more powerful (they truly should be kings of the deep sea).
-Epsilon should be able to build fake buildings and have a stealth defense trap.
-My friend wanted me to add that harriers should be able to hover for a couple of seconds, and that there should be a power option for buildings (which I disagree with).
-China's special tank should have a greater range
-crazy ivan should be quicker and his bomb should be super powerful. Allies have Navy seals, yet they have a crappy unit that noone uses)
-make Transports have a way higher armor.
-change the Starflare a little bc it looks too much like a MiG lol.
.......thats all I can think of off the top of my head. Overall awesome game! Great ideas like the saboteur as sov spy! I really hope online works so all of my friends and me can play together!

USSR and China is currenty here, Greek, Germany, France, G. Britain are Euro Alliance. I'm a RA2 rookie. And I REALLY hate smart AI.

Edited by General Recon, 08 July 2011 - 05:55 AM.

Boom! I'm back, babies!

#457 Aasgier


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Posted 08 July 2011 - 03:33 PM

AI's should be better offensively but (at least the Noob AI) should be weaker defensively. The AI's offensive capability downright sucks... the AI doesn't search ways for a sneak attack.

Also, the AI shouldn't focus on you if there's another opposing AI which has more units and a larger base (and therefore, is a greater treat).

MO sucks in terms of counter-developments though (though I wouldn't make the most powerful of them standard units but requiring buildings from at LEAST two sides/countries).
A good and powerful allround hover unit would be VERY likely to be developed by either Allies or Soviets - probably even in a very short time - if the Marauder forms too much of a treat, for example. But an unit which sheerly outclasses (most likely in terms of armor only, but it's enough) it, well, shouldn't be easily buildable, because it would break the game if it is.

#458 Zenothist


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Posted 08 July 2011 - 07:45 PM

Trust me, Marauders were game-breaking on maps with large amounts of water. We're focusing a lot of attention on game-play balance.

#459 TheQuackSavior


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Posted 09 July 2011 - 07:08 AM

AI's should be better offensively but (at least the Noob AI) should be weaker defensively. The AI's offensive capability downright sucks... the AI doesn't search ways for a sneak attack.

Also, the AI shouldn't focus on you if there's another opposing AI which has more units and a larger base (and therefore, is a greater treat).

MO sucks in terms of counter-developments though (though I wouldn't make the most powerful of them standard units but requiring buildings from at LEAST two sides/countries).
A good and powerful allround hover unit would be VERY likely to be developed by either Allies or Soviets - probably even in a very short time - if the Marauder forms too much of a treat, for example. But an unit which sheerly outclasses (most likely in terms of armor only, but it's enough) it, well, shouldn't be easily buildable, because it would break the game if it is.

Rookie AI has weaker defense. Veteran AI has medium defense. Elite AI has heavily defense.
Kaamos was going to replaced by Marauder. WHAT THE HECK WERE MARAUDER IS WORTHLESS PILE OF SH14

Boom! I'm back, babies!

#460 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 09 July 2011 - 11:49 AM

Oh, thust me General Recon, Marauders will surprise you in a player vs player 1 vs 1 game on a map with water

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